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Official Cyrene Event Sharp & Dangerous - A Tideclaw Hunting Event

Ned Wolf Stark

New Member
Hello everyone. Sorry for my clumsiness and the translation of google. Will there be rewards for the different levels? Or will be chosen 10 of each location or something?
Because I do not see it in any post or I have not understood it, and if it is not, it will not make sense to me.

Thanks as always and good luck to all.
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Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. Sorry for my clumsiness and the translation of google. Will there be rewards for the different levels? Or will be chosen 10 of each location or something?
Because I do not see it in any post or I have not understood it, and if it is not, it will not make sense to me.

Thanks as always and good luck to all.

1 set of prizes for all lvls


Active Member
You would've gotten way more participants if you'd limited the tideclaws to only the 250-500 hp ones. The main reward is suited for this hp range. And the ones who actually need that gun are the n00bs.

By allowing all maturities including the top ones, the top players are guaranteed to win the top rewards.

Was this your idea Kris, or was this MA terms in order to allow such event rewards?

I won't participate because of the reasons listed above.

Edit: That being said, I think it's nice to see an event on Cyrene. So kudos for that.

My two pecs.
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Sub-Zero,

You would've gotten way more participants if you'd limited the tideclaws to only the 250-500 hp ones. The main reward is suited for this hp range. And the ones who actually need that gun are the n00bs.

By allowing all maturities including the top ones, the top players are guaranteed to win the top rewards.

Was this your idea Kris, or was this MA terms in order to allow such event rewards?

I won't participate because of the reasons listed above.

This has been a long time coming to try and do any events here on Cyrene, we wanted to leverage knowledge that MindArk has as they have been doing events for sometime now.

This is not the first set of rewards that was proposed, and was compromised between MindArk and Planet Cyrene.

For this event we defaulted to let MindArk dictate the majority of the event rules, again leveraging their experience, and making adjustments to future events in all aspects to custom fit Cyrene based on player participation and feedback.

Edit: That being said, I think it's nice to see an event on Cyrene. So kudos for that.

My two pecs.

200%, slowly but surely getting everything correct for the players.



Well-Known Member
Heya Kris,

you didn't told us, but there 1 price per players ?
What happen if the same player got 3 or 4 or more (it's possible on big tide claw) best loot during the week end ? Imagine if the same player have #3, #6 and other best global, what will happen ?


Active Member
Hey Sub-Zero,

This has been a long time coming to try and do any events here on Cyrene, we wanted to leverage knowledge that MindArk has as they have been doing events for sometime now.

This is not the first set of rewards that was proposed, and was compromised between MindArk and Planet Cyrene.

For this event we defaulted to let MindArk dictate the majority of the event rules, again leveraging their experience, and making adjustments to future events in all aspects to custom fit Cyrene based on player participation and feedback.

200%, slowly but surely getting everything correct for the players.

Hey Kris

Looks like my intuition was spot on. Thanks for the clarity/honesty.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

you didn't told us, but there 1 price per players ?
What happen if the same player got 3 or 4 or more (it's possible on big tide claw) best loot during the week end ? Imagine if the same player have #3, #6 and other best global, what will happen ?

I'll have to ask Mindark about it, we're using whatever their standard event rules are.

Looks like my intuition was spot on. Thanks for the clarity/honesty.

I'm happy to share what I am able.



And results would be posted on .....
And prizes would be awarded on.....
And those cute shared mobs that were supposed to be spawned after event would be on....

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hello Maiden,

And results would be posted on .....
And prizes would be awarded on.....
And those cute shared mobs that were supposed to be spawned after event would be on....

As soon as I have the information from MA about the winners and when the prizes will be going out I'll make sure everyone knows, but we don't have direct access to that information and are waiting to hear all the details from MindArk.



Active Member
no offense kris, i like you

but you should know after all those years that mindark has no clue what they are doing. They dont know their own game.

maybe its an idea to ask the community to make an event and then have a vote on it

After that might see what mindark accepts.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey sostoned,

no offense kris, i like you

Hey thanks!

but you should know after all those years that mindark has no clue what they are doing. They dont know their own game.

maybe its an idea to ask the community to make an event and then have a vote on it

After that might see what mindark accepts.


I actually think that would be a really fun idea, however the voted on ideas would have to be approved by MA.

So maybe some sort of event suggestion poll then take those ideas to MA and refine them, then community voting.

Good suggestion sostoned!



Well-Known Member
I actually think that would be a really fun idea, however the voted on ideas would have to be approved by MA.

So maybe some sort of event suggestion poll then take those ideas to MA and refine them, then community voting.

Good suggestion sostoned!


Actually you don't need MA to do events.
Perhaps you should chat with Monria guys, they do great events on their own.


you can host hunting events like tide claws on u're own. you can just watch tracker and that's all. No need of MA incompetence. You can make any time of events (except gather points based or defence like those on mayhem) all by yourself and with community help. Why you even bother to talk with MA? Do you think is normal to wait over a week to see top 10 globals on a mob .... is a damn select of top 10 lol .... no rules nothing to check was no dps hp etc limit. That take 10 seconds ! Already a week passed. I suppose you got the point about MA. The game is awesome Mindark SUCKS! Simple and fair. You want make community happy and attract new players on the planet (means more income for your investment) start log-in, start comunicate in-game with community and host fun events (basics ones atm) . Hunting for example : next swirl win 1 ped no matter mob. Next swirl on tide get a gun. 1st hof get 1k sweat etc......... After you attract enough ppl on planet you can ask MA for more complicated events. ATM what you wanna accomplish with barely 10 ppl on the planet ? With no damn crystals dropping to finish epic ? With all the bugs that MA realease each version ? Have a nice day.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Actually you don't need MA to do events.
Perhaps you should chat with Monria guys, they do great events on their own.

Sounds good, I'll chat with DME, she's great.

Also using the land area event system, you can do basic events there

It seemed like those sorts of events didn't really live up to the "Official" event title, but I don't mind to try an alternative to being so dependent upon MA.

you can host hunting events like tide claws on u're own. you can just watch tracker and that's all. No need of MA incompetence. You can make any time of events (except gather points based or defence like those on mayhem) all by yourself and with community help.

I'm not sure if players in the community would be more interested in helping me rather than participating in the event itself.

If there are any players who would like to volunteer to help with events please shoot me a PM.

You want make community happy and attract new players on the planet (means more income for your investment) start log-in, start comunicate in-game with community and host fun events (basics ones atm) .

One of the things I really want to start doing is being in game more, but it's part of not only being located in a different time zone then the majority of the players as well as working on fixing issues behind the scenes vs being in game.

Hunting for example : next swirl win 1 ped no matter mob. Next swirl on tide get a gun. 1st hof get 1k sweat etc......... After you attract enough ppl on planet you can ask MA for more complicated events. ATM what you wanna accomplish with barely 10 ppl on the planet ?

Definitely not a bad idea. However, a big part of events is, of course, the prizes.
Prizes which I do not have and must get from MA in advance.

Either way it's something that I'll see if it's something we can take charge about.



Prizes can be PED or you can buy items from other players on cyrene and put them as prizes :)))) that will double boost the economy :))) or just buy some items from auctioneer.... I suppose you have ped :):) Don't be shy to use them. And btw try fix the crystal drop and those vouchers for UL items .... instead put em in loot better give as reward when finish dunno 30 irons or so ... Make ppl grind more .... Or dunno :))) lot's to do.


Well-Known Member
I am starting to have serious doubts we will ever see any prizes.
It takes too long, and all they have to do, is thing like this in their DB: :D



Well-Known Member
MA said they have experience, but seem when they gave to Cyrene rules, they forgot to tell many things like how many prizes will be allowed per players and time before release results and time before release prize like they usually do in Calypso Event.
Sound like they don't know what they do XD