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Official Cyrene Event Sharp & Dangerous - A Tideclaw Hunting Event

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Now that the Forum is back up, I wanted to post the winners to this thread as well:

Here are the winners of the Sharp and Dangerous Event.

Congratulations to the following players:

1st - Krasimir krasko Tsvetanov - Provider Tide Claw - 652.622 PED
2nd - Tina Zlobarkata SS - Prowler Tide Claw - 621.9349 PED
3rd - Zarta Maiden Selios - Prowler Tide Claw - 452.744 PED
4th - Ionut xHyper Manuel - Prowler Tide Claw - 421.6016 PED
5th - Penethol Junkman Bloodsteel - Prowler Tide Claw - 385.6837 PED
6th - Natacha Love Natacha - Dominant Tide Claw - 373.9468 PED
7th - Banna tBANNA ARHItARtDES - Alpha Tide Claw - 370.9096 PED
8th - Opeth of Blackwater - Alpha Tide Claw - 369.3823 PED
9th - MORFOC AS SERBAN - Alpha Tide Claw - 349.7466 PED
10th - Inguts Sokolade Spurz - Alpha Tide Claw - 345.7962 PED

The prizes will be spawned in the next few days, for any discrepancies please contact MindArk.



Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Now that the Forum is back up, I wanted to post the winners to this thread as well:

Here are the winners of the Sharp and Dangerous Event.

Congratulations to the following players:

1st - Krasimir krasko Tsvetanov - Provider Tide Claw - 652.622 PED
2nd - Tina Zlobarkata SS - Prowler Tide Claw - 621.9349 PED
3rd - Zarta Maiden Selios - Prowler Tide Claw - 452.744 PED
4th - Ionut xHyper Manuel - Prowler Tide Claw - 421.6016 PED
5th - Penethol Junkman Bloodsteel - Prowler Tide Claw - 385.6837 PED
6th - Natacha Love Natacha - Dominant Tide Claw - 373.9468 PED
7th - Banna tBANNA ARHItARtDES - Alpha Tide Claw - 370.9096 PED
8th - Opeth of Blackwater - Alpha Tide Claw - 369.3823 PED
9th - MORFOC AS SERBAN - Alpha Tide Claw - 349.7466 PED
10th - Inguts Sokolade Spurz - Alpha Tide Claw - 345.7962 PED

The prizes will be spawned in the next few days, for any discrepancies please contact MindArk.


Congratulation to all winners :D