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Should I stay or should I go now...I


Kick Ass Elf
Just that really,

I recently migrated "home" to Caly for the first time in a year or so... thinking of staying around a bit at least till we either get or get an ETA on the next big update. But yeh... felt a bit bad in space looking out at Cyrene sailing by on my way from Arkadia.

I've never been but I haven't heard good rumours... should I visit yet? or should I hold the phone and go for the full whammy when it launches properly?

Incidentally remembering that whole guess the launch data compo I think even my predicted date for the real launch has passed now. I wonder when its going to be? Any ideas?


George Skywalker

Active Member
It all depends what you want. If you want a fulyl working economy i.e. be able to use your loot and not have to keep it in storage for a long time or tt it then it's probably not right for you yet.

If you just want to look around, explore and do a few casual activities then it's a good time to explore.

If you want to go hunting hardcore without the headache of figuring out what mob does what damge and armour requirements etc then it's not a good idea unless your prepared to do some research of your own.