Neil Stockton
Yes a huge problem for me as miner are the hills everywhere, blocks access to a lot areas, always have to turn around.
Get yourself a hoverpod and go straight up cliffs.
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Yes a huge problem for me as miner are the hills everywhere, blocks access to a lot areas, always have to turn around.
Some good things too:
-nice music on mindstarradio, and some occasional nice information in the beginning (you sound as if it's way past your bedtime though mindstar)
It's not about content - it's about the emotion. We knew it would not be full content so I would be surprised if anyone expected your ideal Cyrene to become live, but what I personally did expect was you showing off the visuals and the feeling that the planet would bloom into. You did not. It was a failure beyond reproach and I honestly don't understand why it went live May 1th, 2012. You might as well have showed us the initial sketchings of Planet Cyrene; at least that showing would've been free of charge (plus it would've been black on white rather than black on black, because I can hardly see anything on the planet in question).Hello Divide,
You are correct that we still need to add content, but it's also something that will change with time. Janus is still not going to be revealed fully until the Hard Launch, as are most of the other areas and servers.
The Story of Cyrene is that it's a little known backwater Planet. All of the Missions on the planet are meant to produce effects. If the players concentrate in one area, that area will be quickly changed and improved depending on what is done, or if some other areas are not taken care of, they will change for the worse.
For instance, the Duster area is a high level zone that requires a lot of fire power, but if enough people work at it, it will eventually become a new city, with shops apartments etc. This is already set up and ready to go but will need the players to change and do the daily missions.
We know it's not everyone's cup of tea and we appreciate the feedback. It's not done to upset, but rather to feel like the pioneers have truly accomplished something worthwhile that serves the community.
There are many building effects, etc. that need to be added, but will not be seen until the Hard Launch, or the players unlock them. We have stats for all missions done, and until they are unlocked, some areas will not change. If this is a good, or bad thing, we will wait and see, but for now, it's the decision made.
Ed Robles 3
Hello Divide,
You are correct that we still need to add content, but it's also something that will change with time. Janus is still not going to be revealed fully until the Hard Launch, as are most of the other areas and servers.
The Story of Cyrene is that it's a little known backwater Planet. All of the Missions on the planet are meant to produce effects. If the players concentrate in one area, that area will be quickly changed and improved depending on what is done, or if some other areas are not taken care of, they will change for the worse.
For instance, the Duster area is a high level zone that requires a lot of fire power, but if enough people work at it, it will eventually become a new city, with shops apartments etc. This is already set up and ready to go but will need the players to change and do the daily missions.
We know it's not everyone's cup of tea and we appreciate the feedback. It's not done to upset, but rather to feel like the pioneers have truly accomplished something worthwhile that serves the community.
There are many building effects, etc. that need to be added, but will not be seen until the Hard Launch, or the players unlock them. We have stats for all missions done, and until they are unlocked, some areas will not change. If this is a good, or bad thing, we will wait and see, but for now, it's the decision made.
Ed Robles 3
- Lyst and Oil mostly at the moment (Effect go Mine out there your Lyst and Oil for now , as you mine the area will change and spawn new ores in the areas over time)
I don't think the generic loot will magically improve as players play more. Right now it seems as if they're just using the most generic, universal loots possible. I don't believe this is intentional or the implementation of any kind of storyline, it's just what was easiest for someone to implement to get the planet pre-released on time because there are no limits on lyst, oil, etc, so they had the minimum of balancing issues to address. I would NOT expect the loot composition to change until Cyrene and/or Mindark actually sit down and fix it. I'm sure they'll announce it when it's been altered. In the mean time, I wouldn't recommend trying to improve loot by hunting or mining like crazy... it's not going to change anything.
Did you realise that Lyst and Oil and Cyrene ores and enmatters have exactly the same TT, could this be a effect change that the ores are slowly changing from Lyst/Oil to Cyrene ores/enmatter hmm..
I could be wrong of course..but co-incidence ? or does Ed Robles and his team have Mindark to place unlock loot protocols in place due to activity logs cause the TT value of the item is uneffected just the resource name and art
We always knew it would be a "soft launch", nevertheless, we did have relatively high expectations.
I personally can't remember ever being this disappointed,