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So, what are your thoughts of Cyrene?


New Member
Visual wise the planet is stunning. I notice when Graphics set @ Medium, the whole planet is super dark and gloomy but if you set it to High>Very High, you will get to appreciate the beauty. Light stream filtering thru leaves, etc.


Folks understand this im sure Ed has said what he can say, but from my research on the formula of Cyrene is this

- Lyst and Oil mostly at the moment (Effect go Mine out there your Lyst and Oil for now , as you mine the area will change and spawn new ores in the areas over time)

- Noob Mobs and Gloomy Landscape (Effect , as we are sort off refugees to a dying world, We need to work , do the daily missions as time goes on those mobs most likely will elove as well and get harder in turn the enivornment around will change from the dark and gloomy environment now to a prospered green paradise over time)

- Basic Loots on Cyrene (Oils and stuff) - (Effect as time goes on and you keep hunting new resources will sprout therefore the start of a player economy here)

Evolution is everything in Cyrene and only way to make this Planet prosper and evolve if we work on it United as Colonists of A New World.

Everything is easy now , but as time goes on and we work on giving life to this planet we as a whole will unlock the many things Cyrene has to offer and maybe the force feilds on those Sky Cities will get lifted if we work, If we do nothing then Evolution will not happen, This planet will be a hard life at the beginning - but we are building our own future, this is a unique turn for the Entropia Universe where we the players shape the future not the developers.


NB : This is my interpretation and not necessarily fact

Agis Mckracken

Interesting concept....lets hope it is similar to the idea Cyrene developers have.....never has a planet tried to get everyone involved in this way. It keeps you involved to see what comes next.


Second day in Cyrene and so many sights to see. Janus is the jewel of Cyrene. Anyone who takes that much time to do such a thoroughly designed city makes your mouth water to see what will be in the full launch later this year. Here are a few screenshots of Cherries and I exploring.


Kick Ass Elf
Please, help the Cyrene team by posting all your bug issues in the correct forum section with the bug prefix.

You find the forum section here:


This way we don't get off topics in threads and the team can find and fix the bugs faster :)

Thank you

Can I get some official feedback on this one please Lykke. The question is, what is best? The in game support/bug report system or posting on forums?

I ask cause obviously I want to do what ever is best/most convenient for the Dev's (on all planets). The in game support system is very good now (at least from my perspective) but I don't see what happens with my ticket behind the scenes.

Some insight as to what goes on or why posting on forum's is better would be good.



Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Can I get some official feedback on this one please Lykke. The question is, what is best? The in game support/bug report system or posting on forums?

I ask cause obviously I want to do what ever is best/most convenient for the Dev's (on all planets). The in game support system is very good now (at least from my perspective) but I don't see what happens with my ticket behind the scenes.

Some insight as to what goes on or why posting on forum's is better would be good.



You can use both, of course. But we are collecting everything we can here as well - so see it as an extra service ;)

Also, sometimes it's good to share the bugs here, so people are aware of what issues they might find in game. That will help other players.

Last, but not least, the C-team is looking through the forum all the time, and if something seems very urgent we'll see there's something we can do on our part =)

When we are aware of the issues and bugs, it's also easier for us to go into game and find out if they are fixed or eventual if there are other things connected to them.

I do not sit with the in-game systems myself - so having people to post here is a great help.

Thank you


I just joined for the pk aspects of the game...I think you've managed to create something truly great here with The Hub! ...part from that, can do w/o all the constant ctd, but afterall it's a soft launch...so all good in my book! looking forward to the hard launch...any date set for it btw?

George Skywalker

Active Member
@Agis and Neil

I think you are both right. My guess is areas would improve as Agis suggests but in order not to favour us existing players too much they have nerfed spawns and loot to such an extent that to get improvements would take us a lot of time and effort.

This allows us to see what's on offer but not benefit too much from it. If they had not nerfed it like this we would be far ahead and would have progressed the world to such an extent that a true new player on full launch would have had zero chance in influencing the planets progression to that point. We may also have been ahead in rewards in tokens and hence equipment as well...So this begs the question if after full launch new players would get better rewards than us for doign the same missions? Food for thought ...


Well-Known Member
My thoughts on cyrene after a few days

I've been on cyrene for a few days now, I thought i'd see if i can come to some conclusion about the planer.

Let's start with the good part:
  • A lot of new mobs, that look interesting and have new ways (graphically) of attacking
  • A lot of new missions to do, including mining ones (although kinda bugged)
  • I like the idea of being able to collect 7 armor plates through the missions
  • Getting tokens is nice too, as it can provide the non/low-depositing players with some starting peds
  • the concept of the HUB is unique to entropia, and although i dislike pvp myself, i can see a huge crowd for it
  • i like missions that are repeatable, although these might be a bit too easy (don't really know how good/bad the prices are yet)
  • I like that it is geared towards the newer players (although i hope they go through a part that explains a bit more about the game).
  • I like the implementation of boss mobs in the game

Then the parts that could use some improving
  • the amount of lyst/oil that is found, but i guess that has solved itself by the time of the real launch
  • Servers can't handle a huge amount of red/green dots, this doesn't seem to be a problem on calypso atm.
  • For a lot of miners the terrain has too many hills
  • the spawning of mobs is annoying (you kill one and another one spawns aggroing on you, making it very hard to walk away or extract a claim)
  • The written text in the missions contains even more spelling mistakes then the ones on rocktropia, i care to bet that there is no mission without a spelling mistake
  • Some of the mobs seem to be too hard for the newer players (funnily enough not the boss mobs)
  • Some missions that can't be completed
  • I thought the game was a lot about missions/stories. What i've seen now is rather disappointing (ok the beginning one was nice till it stopped at 'getting battle ready') the quality of the missions (story-wise) is very low.

All in all it wasn't what it was hyped up to be, a soft launch is ok, but the amount of bugs is just way too high, there has to be a lot of bugfixing before you should consider releasing this to a bigger audience.

I must say that i enjoyed my stay so far, but there isn't much left to do (wasn't planning on extracting all lysterium and animal oil residue from the planet). So i will probably return to either arkadia or calypso in a day or two. I'll definately be back when new content gets added though :)
All i hear is:

items/scenery is pretty, loot sucks, bugs, and the Devs telling us it will get better if we play more.

It seems to me that the way Cyrene will "work" is the development team will tailor the material of the planet around what the population is doing. In other words, if you fund the projects, they will happen.

Don't get me wrong, I do have high hopes for Cyrene as I do for all of EU... but this is not a good start in my opinion :\


I think Cyrene is a beautiful planet, granted it has its bugs, it is very dark( I don't like dark and wish we could set settings to keep daylight if so wished), and mobs regenerate from the same place and you can get enclosed and stuck, ugh, sort of been there. But this is a soft launch and give it some time. It will also be a special place for Roni and I coming the end of this month..

Enjoy the planet, explore, enjoy the scenery, it's the best so far........ the rest will come I am sure.
The planet is really a bit too dark at night, even if I not dislike it completely, because it makes things more realistic..

The levels on mobs got a bit of confusion and need to be fixed, because they aren't really related to their potential and/or real threaten.. although the new TT armor is really nice imo ..I've been able to compete with it against almost all of mobs, regardless of their declared level, at this is somewhat wrong imo..

Janus looks good at high quality only, to me, otherwise it seems a bit "cold" as Divide said, even though we should think how an ancient imperial city was like (I mean, plenty of white statues and marble everywhere) and probably it isn't so wrong .. said that, I bit more "dirt and dust" wouldn't be bad..

I liked the vegetation detail and the landscape in general, but I would lower some hills if possible because they are too many.

I don't mention the loot, because I didn't get a real hunting or mining run, and I think that is unfair to expect a loot balance at the planet launch (soft or hard) but I understand the overall concerns when you talk about a real economy MMO like this..

Personally I agree that it's more a beta than a soft launch, good to see and explore but nothing more.. but I had not great expectation like many of you then I wasn't so disappointed as consequence.

My personal "keep working" at the dev team.. I think they WANT our feedback.. and I hope that all the community will get the correct communication on that from the team.. in order to maintain the correct expectations about the hard launch.



New Member
Hi! my two cents worth! i really do like cyrene! something about it that just works for me! yeah! and i was one of those unfortunate people to get the crap beat out of my avatar for half a day!! at the Turrelion Outpost :( though by some sheer miracle i managed to escape :D had a good look around! and i dont really have anything bad to say about the world maps! only that the planet feels a little small* i really like how the TT items are UL!! though the only thing that made me frown in regards to the TT items is that there was no cyrene specific mining equipment! :headscratch: was looking forward to getting my hands on a sexy cyrene UL finder and extractor!! though i had to make do with the same old crappy calypso models! that im so over looking at :( (hopefully cyrene TT mining items will be available in the hard launch) and that brings me to the art design!! love the look of just about everything i have seen! and danm the armor\weapons ect* look cool!...

Final thoughts - i really have my fingers crossed that there will be more UL items\armor ect! i personally dislike limited items! :mad: total waste of money\ped!! also not everyone is into playing pvp!! so would be nice to have more energy on those that dont partake in pvp! (really if i want to get trigger happy and shoot friends and other gamers) i will just load up unreal tournament 3 and rack up some frags! having joyous fun and not paying\losing a cent do so and UT3 and games like it do pvp better then EU could ever hope to! (sad but true) ... mining! a EU career thats been neglected for years by MA! :mad: so with each new planet launch i stupidly think that something will be done for us miners! but its never the case! :( maybe cyrene can solve this............MECHS!! FINALLY!! im a huge battletech\ mechwarrior fan boy!! OH! MY! GOD! did i have a backflip when i found out cyrene was going to have mechs! again i just sooooooooooooooooooooo! hope the concept is not wasted on pvp and UL would be awesome!

Anyway! thanks for having the courage to release cyrene super duper early! been nice to experience its potential..


New Member
Well, some posts before Divide made some comments about Janus, Ancient Rome.

I think the main problem with MA (not Cyrene) is that cities are mostly empty. I think MA should work on the concept how they build cities and how they are used.

The HUB: This could be in the middle of a city, or close by
PvP Zones: Could be in a city (like the Coloseum)
Auctions: This could be in a city, and just in a city. Nowhere else
Shops: Are in a city, and just in a city or bigger community. Nowhere else
Shop Desigs: Must be completely different as what we know now. I WANT to see from the outside what is inside the shop. Like in real life. I NOT want to walk around walls to finaly see the shop has merchandise (is open for business) or not.
Landing zones/ Runways/ Space Ports: Can be in larger cities to draw more attention and so people can have a general hangout. Like it is in TwinPeaks. But the problem there is the Mall is up the hill and not realy close where people gather. But take it as an example. Where the bank is in Twin Peaks, a mall should be (or shops/ market)

Make cities in the game more attractive.

Just my few pec´s

PS: About the dark nights... I made a comment about that too before. Some places have some moon light, others dont. I think the dark landscape is a show stopper. I do not play where it is dark, I do not spend PED in the game when it is too dark cause I do not hunt or mine. I hide :ninja:


Active Member
Well, some posts before Divide made some comments about Janus, Ancient Rome.

I think the main problem with MA (not Cyrene) is that cities are mostly empty. I think MA should work on the concept how they build cities and how they are used.

The HUB: This could be in the middle of a city, or close by
PvP Zones: Could be in a city (like the Coloseum)
Auctions: This could be in a city, and just in a city. Nowhere else
Shops: Are in a city, and just in a city or bigger community. Nowhere else
Shop Desigs: Must be completely different as what we know now. I WANT to see from the outside what is inside the shop. Like in real life. I NOT want to walk around walls to finaly see the shop has merchandise (is open for business) or not.
Landing zones/ Runways/ Space Ports: Can be in larger cities to draw more attention and so people can have a general hangout. Like it is in TwinPeaks. But the problem there is the Mall is up the hill and not realy close where people gather. But take it as an example. Where the bank is in Twin Peaks, a mall should be (or shops/ market)

Make cities in the game more attractive.

Just my few pec´s

PS: About the dark nights... I made a comment about that too before. Some places have some moon light, others dont. I think the dark landscape is a show stopper. I do not play where it is dark, I do not spend PED in the game when it is too dark cause I do not hunt or mine. I hide :ninja:

I agree here Fred.

One word about the (dark) night time. Arkadia had exactly the same problem when launched. They tweaked it until the majority of the residents were happy with the situation. I have a little theory why it feels *dark* for so many players. I suspect that the dev team is working with high end machines to develop the content. With setting on high the darkness isnt that *dark* as we players experience who use less powerfull computers and play in medium or medium/high settings. my experience is that having shaders in high settings the scenery is still dark but you still can see everything...but in medium settings you are staring at a pitch black screen. A lot of high graphic settings are very taxing on graphic cards and not everyone has money to own these. let's not forget that the Cryengine2 game engine is still one of the most taxing engines available. I see enough possibilties for the dev team to do some fine tuning here..but all in due time. In the mean time: just turn up the gamma in the options menu in the nighttime.

regards, Roni


New Member
Roni, mabye you are right about the high end settings and how the game is developed. I play in high graphics mode and I have a $580 Nvidia graphics card. Should somehow turn out better :)


New Member
I was very excited to have an opportunity to be one of the first explorers of this new world, but after the initial excitement wore off I have to admit to be a little disappointed (especially after the update). There are way to many hill/mountains to make exploration fun and it also makes it harder to mine. It still gets too dark during the night and the vegetation in a lot of places is so out of control that you cant see anything (I fell off a mountain because of this). My first thoughts were that Cyrene would be a good place for a new player to start out, but after the mob upgrades I have to change that. I don't see how Cyrene is going to attract and keep new players as it now is. The only mob a new player can kill efficiently is the little level 6 bots around HQ. I just dont see how a new player can develope w/o getting extremely frustrated. Hopefully this will change with the hard release.
On the positive side I do like the missions that are offered. There is a nice mix of hunting and mining with a good storyline. I like the way Janus looks (the architectural style) and see a lot of potential there for a thriving commercial center. I also like the looks of the creatures and robots on Cyrene, I have noticed some very nice details. The Spear is a great (and fun) little vehicle and I hope to see others come out in the near future.
I really like the idea that Ed Robles mentioned that the actions we take on Cyrene affects the "evolution" of the planet. This adds a lot of realism that is sorely missing from the other planets. All things considered, I think Cyrene has the potential to be the best planet in the universe and I am proud to be one of the initial pioneers!
I just got here Havent checked it all out yet but I did find my way to the logical entry point for a newb, I like very much how attainable crafting is here. it and hunting seem to fit so much more hand and hand on this planet. the Dev's seemed to have found a way to make it much more i dunno ..."organic" i suppose


Crazy Fish
I have been on Cyrene for two weeks now. My initial impression was not good. The landing spot from space has lots of buildings and statues nearby. These killed my graphics display - jumping, lagging, frozen. I contacted support and they suggested using Low Res (I was already doing that). Even in Safe Mode graphics the areas with statues are unusable by me. Most of the rest of the planet is fine. Normally I use Medium Res when mining (to enjoy the scenery), and Low Res when hunting (for fast responses). There are still things missing - already mentioned in other threads abot loot items not having been discovered yet. Creatures seem to have been made stronger since they were first recorded on entropedia.info, and I have spent time updating their stats on that site.

It is a pity about the scanning not working on some creatures. Weird bug - you'd wonder how the dev team managed that! I mean, it works for most things, so why not all.

I like the range of mobs - good for different skill levels. I'd like to see some weapon or armor drops from creatures. I don't think any have been recorded on entropedia.

Well. That is it for now. Say hi to me when you seen me running around.