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Wish List Storage terminal at arc hq

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
one of the most things annoying about crafting is alot of people are weighed down 4500+ kgs and the one thing that annoys me the most is the storage terminal is way on the other side end of the terminal this is pure evil cause u have to walk. Im not saying im lazy jsut its cutting into my crafting time if i ever need to do something. could you please move it closer to the crafting terminal.

The Chief

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Thank you for your input about the terminals. I do not know if the terminals are placed in a special order for a reason, but will point the Cyrene Team to your request :)

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
one of the most things annoying about crafting is alot of people are weighed down 4500+ kgs and the one thing that annoys me the most is the storage terminal is way on the other side end of the terminal this is pure evil cause u have to walk. Im not saying im lazy jsut its cutting into my crafting time if i ever need to do something. could you please move it closer to the crafting terminal.

The Chief

Hi again :) The placement of the terminals will be looked into. Thank you again for pointing us to this issue. The terminals should indeed be placed in a way which makes it more logical for the individual professions (whether it's crafting or the use of terminals from revival, when you're out mining or hunting).


Travelling through time...
You shall spawn around terminals all your vehicles and jump into them whenever you need to get to other terminals :wave: :whistle: