It's pleasing that some people are pleased - it shows that the scales of balance are at least registering 'weight' on both sides as things stand

Yes, clicking on an item in the list should simply open up the info window - I was wondering about why there is that strange info bot around when the info windows are fine in my opinion.
As far as the token system goes, yes it is nice to get your own gift occassionally from activity you might do anyway.
However, the crucial word is 'might'. Is Merkofen, for example, worth doing compared to other mobs, either with or without being in a daily mission? Yes, I know I would hunt anyway, but would it be a mob involved in tokens? The answer lies in an admittedly difficult job of balancing.
Also, we know that we can also exchange ores etc for tokens on a daily basis. These make up most of the daily missions so far. Is it the tokens that are supposed to help give the ores and crystals a certain mu, or will 'donating' ores really only affect the speed of unlocking certain developments on Cyrene?
As Ed has stated (chat exerpt see above), the idea is that people should want to buy tokens off newbs, not just get their own bonuses 1:1 over time from their own earnt tokens. It is similar to you doing something for yourself some of the time, and doing it as a 'job' for others. You need the 'value' to be higher if it is your 'job'.
In EU we still have sweating, which can be done at any time, limited by the speed of gathering. I would expect limited activities (daily missions) to try and be worth at least the same, probably more, even though they have the added bonus of being more fun. It is this balance I am asking about, not simply being happy to get a nice bonus gun from my own saved token stack (which is very nice, and I am in no way complaining about gifts). It is about the economy including other people and the mu chains that result

On decay, yes I am fully aware that players have researched this and provided the info in the past. That is not a particularly good argument for sticking to a policy of low information, though, in my opinion. It is great that you took it on yourself to do a test and put the information up 'somewhere'. Although I personally like to search for information and get an edge by knowing efficiencies etc, for most people looking up information should quickly help them directly, not from third-party sites, in my opinion. It slows people down, many people don't go to the right places, it's less fun, etc. However, I did also say this was secondary information - knowing the tt you will get before you trade would seem to me to be a very basic piece of information, however.
Also, the improved HK may indeed look good against other Cyrene initial weaps, but if lots of new people come to Cyrene, then so will traders from Caly etc with other weaps. This is good, np, but I think most people will quickly develop a different sense of value and not be buying at even close to 30 peds equivalent, not even 10 actually (my opinion).