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the grand opening

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
The grand opening, I can see it now, mother ships coming and going, space ships flying all around, pvp outside Cyrene space station and I will be there in the middle of the action :cool:

I can actually visualize that. :D

to the forum ... nice to have you here waiting with us! :)

And btw ... I really like your signature text. :thumbup:


DigiDime Founder
Welcome to the forum mate ;)

We are all excited for the new release of this planet. We all can't wait anymore. It is like you are about to get a new car or computer for christmas. You can actually see it in pictures, videos and everything but it is just not there yet.

Well, my fingers are crossed for the launch of this planet as I need my home to be released.

You should know by now -couph couph- that Nor Alien and myself hired the whole cyrene team to make us a new planet. There will be mountains of beer and swimming pools of lime jelly just waiting for us to enjoy.

Anyone else who comes and joins Alien and myself are allowed to enjoy it aslong as you all bring with you vanilla icecream with LOTS of chocolate :yay:

Okay - seriously just kidding, I lost my mind today after my 6th cup of coffee. but we are all waiting with hungry minds to see what the C-Team has for us. But I can tell you one thing. From what I have seen in the magazine and in the wiki on Entropia Planets, my gameplay has just been taken to another level.

Hope to catch you online sometime mate, and once again - welcome to the batch of crazy people just dying to get their quads fueled up and shuttle over to Cyrene :woohoo:


There really isn't going to be any problems getting to Cyrene since you with get message to enter the planet at any altitude from -4000 to +4000. The battles will be for those leaving Caly since you always enter space at the same point in space. Leaving Cyrene will be a battle for the same reasons.

Nor Alien

Whisker Fish
There really isn't going to be any problems getting to Cyrene since you with get message to enter the planet at any altitude from -4000 to +4000. The battles will be for those leaving Caly since you always enter space at the same point in space. Leaving Cyrene will be a battle for the same reasons.
4028 is the best I got.. not sure why??!! ;)


Active Member
We are all excited for the new release of this planet. We all can't wait anymore. It is like you are about to get a new car or computer for christmas. You can actually see it in pictures, videos and everything but it is just not there yet.

'It's like' you say? :headscratch:


'It's like' you say? :headscratch:

It will be, have you seen some the of vehicles being released?:loveshower: I Just bought me an apartment on Calypso to find that within just a little under a month I ran out of item points! I'm needing to buy me a house and I want that house on Cyrene! I need me a Museum and a sign titled 'Museum of OZtwo's junk':wave:


Active Member
Au contraire ... I don't kick the Boss ANYwhere, let alone where you suggest. :eek: :D ... BUT, there are any number of products out there that will take care of your sweating issue. :p

NO! Planet Cyrene is going to have new equipment that will replace the VSE Mk 1!!! :woohoo:

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
NO! Planet Cyrene is going to have new equipment that will replace the VSE Mk 1!!! :woohoo:

My response was a rather tongue-in-cheek offering that wasn't quite related to anything EU. :xxxlaugh:

Guess we both need to get used to each other's humor! :D

Hmmm ... do I need to get better at my cheeky comments?
:HellNo: :nana:

Items on Cyrene are :topsecret:right now, other than what's been revealed, so :secret: ...

And who knows what activities will keep the newbies occupied. :dunno:

Tomorrow is not yet ours to possess, but when it arrives ...


Active Member
My response was a rather tongue-in-cheek offering that wasn't quite related to anything EU. :xxxlaugh:

Nope, sorry, you could say you were referring to real world sweat products, but we know it was a slip of the fingers. You told us all. The rumor will grow now and may even make it to CNN! Planet Cyrene will have new sweating equipment!!!!!:headbang: