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The HuB is rocking so hard

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
The Hub is awesome, I agree :)

Here's a short intro:

Chose the Hub in the upper right drop down in the teleporter to get to the Hub. You will be warned, that you will loose all your clothes (except underwear) when tp'ing to the Hub:


When you arrive you can choose your arena among different types/prices:


As you can see above, there are arenas from 25 Pec to 10 Ped - so a little for everyone :)

When you earn reward tokens in an arena, you can afterwards visit these handsome guys (and Kris told me he wasn't a superhero :p ):


Depending on how many and what color reward tokens you earned, you can exchange them for different weapons to use in your next fight:


Read more about the Hub and the unique Token system here:


Hope you will have great fun in there - but be careful ... the fun in the Hub is addictive! :ping:


The Notorious Daisy ColdFinger
Ahhh poor baby, no one to shoot? LOL!

Lol...nah the lower entry rooms are nice and full.....Im talking mainly about it being issue in the 5ped + rooms where fewer ppl go in. Defo needs to be a notification of some sort...not a pos, not radar, just a "Green Flag" or something above the gate at the main HUB lobby.


Kick Ass Elf
I just had to discover 1st person + aim modes, always played in 3rd person mode before.

Didn't helped me much though, died 100+ times and hadn't killed anyone, apparently should have played more FPS games and less turn-based strategies :D

hahaha! Ahhhh I see. Wow. I switch between them all the time. Wow you must have discovered a whole new entropia! I just discovered "over the shoulder" mode the other day. A nice addition I thought. Kinda amazed me they would add that and not put in sitting though...



The Notorious Daisy ColdFinger
Are the top level PVP token weapons bugged or are those the correct stats ? Cause if it is correct then they saaaawk 4 sure :/ Pls say its a mistake :)


The Notorious Daisy ColdFinger
K nvm the above post...Ed explained :) Satisfied for now.....just make sure ppl wanna keep coming :)

Ed did also mention there will be additional portals in the hub which will lead to area's with special mob and mining. Not sure the loot from these mob will be lootable or if the special guns we get in there will also be usable on those mob...Prolly for obvious reasons :) Guess ill hang onto my red token baby :)


New Member
The hub is awesome, most fun I've had in EU so far. Even from dying in streaks but oh well, plates are now banned. A separate room for teams would be great though, nothing fun being lured into a room where 2-3 people are waiting.