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The Imperium C.L.A.W. Mech


Fate Thanatos Themis
i want this one ;)


New Member
Bring it On! I want one bad!!!
I'd like to make a suggestion, Maybe Power them by Mob Sweat, that would make Sweat a more valuable Commodity, or maybe powered by something that is a refined product from sweat, just a suggestion to up the economy a bit and help the noob sweaters to earn better peds.. 7:cool:


Active Member
I could see sweat being a good resource to fit within Cyrene's story. Since this 'mystical' power of ours is something new to the natives, yet they also have this cool tech incorporating crystals.. I could see a combination of crystal+sweat powered vehicles, or at the very least, needed to make some of the engine parts. Kinda like a battery or nuclear power cell.


Active Member
...but then we'd be running them on Mind Essence.
No point in reinventing the wheel. =}
Yes.. just like the other many different recipes out there that just swap out one fictional material for another that provide for similar results used in different ways..

It's a cyrene specific resource, for a cyrene specific piece of equipment. It would provide for it to be more common on Cyrene than on other planets due to the crystals ONLY being found on Cyrene. It would also provide for a meaningful trade market to off-world locations if they wanted to manufacture it elsewhere.

Sweat and Crystals are already used in various blueprints, this could be a higher tiered blueprint that uses multiple crystals and components for the end result. It's not 'reinventing' anything.
Yes.. just like the other many different recipes out there that just swap out one fictional material for another that provide for similar results used in different ways..

It's a cyrene specific resource, for a cyrene specific piece of equipment. It would provide for it to be more common on Cyrene than on other planets due to the crystals ONLY being found on Cyrene. It would also provide for a meaningful trade market to off-world locations if they wanted to manufacture it elsewhere.

Sweat and Crystals are already used in various blueprints, this could be a higher tiered blueprint that uses multiple crystals and components for the end result. It's not 'reinventing' anything.

Hadn't thought in those terms.
Makes for a more diverse economy (IE: "Spending more time, effort, and resources to achieve the same results with different skills, spreading the time/benefit and cost/benefit results lower & thinner").
Do I have that accurately?
....or is that one of the "Secret Teachings"? ;)

Few Scars

Please please allow UL Mechs to drop in the loot pool! Crafting them will be an important industry, but cater for those of us who prefer UL models!
I assume we see these next week since the Aug 21 was postponed?