I love that we can keep the community guessing.
Won't it be fun to find out what the
real story is.
While you may not be one to read fan fiction, or storytelling, the current "Secrets and Covert Operations" series with MS9/Senator Calvin Neff and the Zekkonians reveals quite a bit about Planet Cyrene.
All four episodes can be accessed through the Media section at this forum under "
Covert Operations Storytelling" ... and it's best to start at the beginning, because it's a progressive storyline, and it will make better sense. I have numbered the episodes so that you know the correct order in which to read them.
When I finish Part 3 of "Unfinished Business" - that will be the end of the Zekkonian series, and we will move on to something else and create a new series in order to reveal more secrets about Cyrene.
There are mentions of the Turrelions - especially in the first episode entitled "Cyrene - Secrets and Covert Operations" that appears only in the June issue of the EntropiaTimes magazine, which can be accessed through the link I gave.
As an official member of the Cyrene Writing Team, I now have extensive knowledge of the "official" Cyrene storyline, and I can tell you that it will be neverending ... whether in the Chronicles that we're working on, the missions that you will engage in once the planet launches, the iPhone games, the other (not yet announced) special projects, or my storytelling writing that Ed works with me on to develop story arcs and what portion of the "official" Cyrene storyline I can use to reveal more about Cyrene, there will never be a loss of storyline.
Everything we do will be progressive and advance the development of the planet, but ... what's really cool about all of this is ... the inhabitants of Cyrene will have an opportunity to be a part of its expanding history, as well as participate in fun role-playing scenarios that will not only be written in storyline, and appear in video production, but participants will have a chance to win rewards.
We're getting closer to when all this fun starts, so make sure your seat-belt is in good working order!
As a side-note ... I am SO excited that Lykke is on our Cyrene Team and the Community Manager, because she too gets to share a lot of cool stuff with everyone, and ... I also get to have my amazing work partner and VBFF to talk to about all of these awesome things happening with Planet Cyrene.