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The Planet Cyrene TEN Edition - Hub Encounter

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Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
A four day PvP Event sponsored by MindArk in honor of the Entropia Universe Ten Year Anniversary!

The Planet Cyrene TEN Edition
Hub Encounter
UPDATED 6th of February 2013

This is the very first event done jointly by MindArk and Planet Cyrene, and here's the rundown:

The entirety of this event takes place in The Hub.
  • Day one (February 14th) of the event is entry, everyone who scores at least 1 kill in an Arena in The Hub (Excluding the Proving Ground - it's in the Token Area only) are “entered” into the event.
  • Day two (February 15th), from 4:00 AM UTC+1 to 12:00 PM UTC+1 (8 hours) the top 20 players with the highest kills in the 10 PED Arena in The Hub (Excluding the Proving Ground - it's in the Token Area only) will move on to the tournament round.
  • Day three (February 16th) , at the same time, (4:00 AM=1 TUC to 12:00 PM UTC+1) the top 10 players with the highest kills in the 10 PED Arena in The Hub (Excluding the Proving Ground - it's in the Token Area only) will be the winners.
  • Day four (February 17th) is free for all PvP where kills in any Arena in The Hub (Excluding the Proving Ground - it's in the Token Area only) will be eligible to be randomly selected for additional prizes!
The kills will be calculated per day.

Get ready for some insane tournament action!



Chronicle Armor TEN Edition
Durability: 6200
Stab: 74 | Cut: 65 | Impact: 26 | Penetration: 18 | Shrapnel: 14 | Burn: 18 | Cold: 8 | Acid: 10 | Electric: 8

Paladin Armor TEN Edition
Durability: 2650
Stab: 8 | Cut: 15 | Impact: 16 | Penetration: 9 | Burn: 16

Armor Plating Mark. 10B TEN Edition
Durability: 3160
Cut: 10 | Impact: 14 | Penetration: 4 | Cold: 34

Armor Plating Mark. 10C TEN Edition
Durability: 3160
Impact: 9 | Shrapnel: 39 | Burn: 14

Armor Plating Mark. 10C (L) TEN Edition
Durability: 14320
Impact: 9 | Shrapnel: 39 | Burn: 14

Arsonistic Chip III TEN Edition
Range: 55
Ammo: 60000
Decay: 0.10500 PED
Req Level: 19.5
Delay: 1.3 sec
Cooldown: 11 sec
Damage Burn: 300

The Prizes for the randomly selected participants!

10 x players (who PvP'd at all during the event) – A.R.C. P.I.G.V. Mk.II (L) + 10 PED of oil

Good luck to all players!
Additional Information
  • This event starts on February 14th 2013 (12:00 AM UTC+1) and concludes on February 17th 2013 (11:59 PM UTC+1)
  • This event is open to individuals only, and results will be determined via a report from MindArk.
  • Teams are not eligible for participation in this event. Any team results will be ignored in determining the winners.
  • We cannot check whether people 'unofficially' team up in the Hub BUT we will check the log files for unauthorized and/or mysterious behaviour. If we see such things we are in our rights to disqualify people from the event.
  • An individual may only win one prize.
  • If you are one of the top ten winners on day 3 of the event, you will not be eligible for a random prize.
  • Random prizes will be drawn using a random number generator.
  • The final decision for prizes will be made by Planet Cyrene. Any and all prizes will be given out as soon as possible.
  • If there is a tie in then it will be the player who has the highest number of kills after subtracting total number of deaths for that day.
  • You will have 30 days to claim your prize after the results have been announced.
Good Luck and Have Fun!
How to enter The Hub
Select The Hub in the menu in the Teleporter Navigator:​
Choose Hub in the menu in the Location list and press the teleporter button:​
Be aware, that you WILL be stripped down when you enter the HUB. You cannot carry anything with you. All the armor and tools you need to use in the HUB, needs to be purchased in the HUB. You can, however, bring your HUB armor and tools with you outside the HUB again, but only use it inside the HUB area.
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Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
We apologize - because of the recent 'accident' the replies for this thread is 'lost'. Please, feel free to reply again with your concerns about the event etc.

We are very sorry for the inconvenience this has caused - and I promise you the one responsible will NOT have a great weekend ( :monkey_slap::nunchucks::whip:)


What text shall i put here!?
What weapons are alowed/armor.. will all use same, or could some go of and grab a nice one now or ? :)


New Member
so i see that the times keep changing from 4 hours to 8 hours now 12 hours..

what are the times of the second day? i dotn understand why you are telling us utc+1, why not just tell us what the in-game time (GMT i think it is) will be when they start and end?


New Member
Do you think the bug that some players don't get maxed weapons in the arena will get fixed by then?

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
so i see that the times keep changing from 4 hours to 8 hours now 12 hours..

what are the times of the second day? i dotn understand why you are telling us utc+1, why not just tell us what the in-game time (GMT i think it is) will be when they start and end?

It is 'still' 8 hours both second and third day.

I will ask Monday if the hours are correct also regarding wintertime etc. and if we should change it.

  • Day one (February 14th) of the event is entry, everyone who scores at least 1 kill in an Arena in The Hub (Excluding the Proving Ground - it's in the Token Area only) are “entered” into the event.
  • Day two (February 15th), from 4:00 AM UTC+1 to 12:00 PM UTC+1 (8 hours) the top 20 players with the highest kills in the 10 PED Arena in The Hub (Excluding the Proving Ground - it's in the Token Area only) will move on to the tournament round.
  • Day three (February 16th) , at the same time, (4:00 AM=1 TUC to 12:00 PM UTC+1) the top 10 players with the highest kills in the 10 PED Arena in The Hub (Excluding the Proving Ground - it's in the Token Area only) will be the winners.
Thanks =)


Travelling through time...
A few more things to clarify...

Are you going to check the results after each day so you (and we) know who can participate in next day and somehow forbid the others to join? Because otherwise players that are not even fighting for prizes could just start feeding certain participants in purpose which would lead in unfair advantage and fake results.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys!

You can check out here about the weapon effectiveness.

Master Chief, it is based on kill shots, not damage done =).

TunerS, the Arena scoreboards appear to be working correctly when you are in the Arena, however we can not forbid other players from entering the Arena at this time, those unfortunate souls will ultimately become cannon fodder :shoot:.

non, I do not believe that enhancers are useable (just like armor plates).



Well-Known Member
is there anyway that we can have an official live feed from the arena on the 2nd and 3rd day? that would be pretty awesome.


What text shall i put here!?
So you cant team up, but you can have ppl who just enter and got killed, almost the same thing. With other words: have ppl who enters just to be farmed by one/or few others to win the event a easyer way. So the Legit player actualy needs to be online all the time to reach the score board?.

- But still, very hard to check this behavior.

Maybe just me thinking out loud atm, hehe :)

// Regards Sliver


New Member
So you cant team up, but you can have ppl who just enter and got killed, almost the same thing. With other words: have ppl who enters just to be farmed by one/or few others to win the event a easyer way. So the Legit player actualy needs to be online all the time to reach the score board?.

- But still, very hard to check this behavior.

Maybe just me thinking out loud atm, hehe :)

// Regards Sliver
exactly my thought


Not suffering from insanity, enjoying it very much
"(Excluding the Proving Ground - it's in the Token Area only)"
why add this after every sentence that says "in the 10 ped arena"? how many non-proving ground non-token 10 ped arenas do you have? lol. 10 ped arena is 10 ped arena.
on the first sentence it makes sence, any kill in any arena counts, but after that... well.... ^^
looks goofy... or maybe i am missing something
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