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Can we please have a reduction on the 24h timers?
I did some testings and every single daily mission that uses 24h cooldown are taking much more than that;
Also a dialog talking how much time for the end of cooldown would be nice.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Murkalael,

I talked in another post about how we'd be re-balancing all the timed missions to have the same cool down (which I believe is slated to be 21 hours, but it's not 100% yet), however, the mission timers aren't based off of server time in a sense they reset at X time, but the timer for you to do the mission again starts once that mission is completed, does that make sense?

A dialog from the NPC that tells you come back in X time is something we've been wanting as well, although I don't know if that is possible.

I hope this helps,



Well, is a simple matter of adding one subroutine that conver them all, is acutally pretty simple and can be done in any language..

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Murkalael,

Well, is a simple matter of adding one subroutine that conver them all, is acutally pretty simple and can be done in any language..

It has to be possible within the capabilities of the sandbox as well, and it's something that MindArk would have to add in as well.



well I thought PP have control of npcs. I was thinking something like this
getvar (timer)
          if (getvar(timer)<21) goto notready
          if (getvar(timer)>=21) goto ready

          display "Get back in" + 21-(getvar(timer)) + "hours"
          return (function label that don't allow doing that time)

          return (function label that allow doing that time)
Of course this is just a simple example, I don't have any idea wich language you guys use to make the scripts and the function above could have a little polishment, but is just to have a general idea. On the end of every daily mission script, you could add just a line to call this function of check up, only needing to write it once. Please let me know what you think.