San, don't forget the multitude of drugs and alcohol I am sure members of EU imbibe in as well. 
I agree on the no political correctness stomach churning puke as well, or political anything for that matter. This is a gun fight going on in here, not a ride on the disney channel in your poofter mobile.
Also, I take GREAT offense at the no exercise comment. We get plenty of exercise screaming, clicking the mouse button, banging on the keyboard and yelling at the computer!! For those really dedicated individuals, they probably get even more exercise throwing stuff as well. Also if you had any clue about weight lifting you would know what 'reps' are. You pick a weight and repetitively lift it for muscle tone. I can pretty much guarantee that many here are veterans at the 12 Oz. Curls, some possibly are up to 16 and 20 Oz. curls. (or 1/2 and 3/4 liter for you euro types) That's hard work too you know! especially if you are a typical ginger and have no friends and have to get up and go get your own beverages.
If being offended was exercise, some folks here would be world welter weight champions.
I agree on the no political correctness stomach churning puke as well, or political anything for that matter. This is a gun fight going on in here, not a ride on the disney channel in your poofter mobile.
Also, I take GREAT offense at the no exercise comment. We get plenty of exercise screaming, clicking the mouse button, banging on the keyboard and yelling at the computer!! For those really dedicated individuals, they probably get even more exercise throwing stuff as well. Also if you had any clue about weight lifting you would know what 'reps' are. You pick a weight and repetitively lift it for muscle tone. I can pretty much guarantee that many here are veterans at the 12 Oz. Curls, some possibly are up to 16 and 20 Oz. curls. (or 1/2 and 3/4 liter for you euro types) That's hard work too you know! especially if you are a typical ginger and have no friends and have to get up and go get your own beverages.
If being offended was exercise, some folks here would be world welter weight champions.