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Unstable Turrelion Assassinator


Well-Known Member
Here the screenshot of the reward from Ryvoxx mission chain

Sans titre.png


Lifetime Platinum Elite Member
Well in the other thread about the final reward I had the impression that there was kind of a mutual tacit agreement to not reveal too much about the reward and the necessary requirements, as some people prefer to discover things on their own.

Now that the cat is obviously out of the bag, here is the summary of the

Epic Mission Chain: Ryvox

  • Go to the Hub:
    Access any planetary TP and choose "The Hub" from the Navigator drop down menu
  • Gather 550,000 Lime Green Tokens:
    Either by killing Turrelia Lurkers in the Pit (also called Home of the Beast) or by picking them up from the floor in the Proving Grounds
  • Purchase a Coat of the Proving Grounds from Item Quarter Bot J.O.N.A.S.
    He is in the entrance hall of the Proving Grounds.
  • Go back to the planet, wear your Coat of the Proving Grounds and speak to Ryvox the Cypher.

    He is located at:
    [Planet Cyrene, 135684, 79541, 108, Waypoint]
  • Pass Ryvox' Test by killing a small mob (Crystal Pede) that spawns in the northern part of the Inner Turrelion Outpost
  • Talk to Ryvox and successfully answer his question
  • You will receive a rare item called Turrelia Rift Beacon
  • With your Turrelia Rift Beacon in your inventory check around the planet and find seven areas "that could be potentially dangerous"
  • Talk to Ryvox again and he will give you some hints
  • Sate Ryvox' bloodlust by killing 5,000 other players
    Any PVP area either on Planet Cyrene or in the Hub counts.
  • Hand over 60,000 bottles of Vibrant Sweat to Ryvox
  • Collect the following virtual items (they don't actually drop) by killing other players in the Volcano PVP area and by killing mobs on Planet Cyrene:
    • 2,500 Infected Lungs (PVP in Toxic Zone, ratio 1:1)
    • 5,000 Molten Heart Shards (Molten Golems in Toxic Zone, ratio ~1:5?)
    • 25,000 Tide Claw Pincher Sinew (Tide Claws, variable ratio depending on maturity)
    • 25,000 Duster Ears (Dusters, variable ratio depending on maturity)
    • 25,000 Fenris Soulchips (Fenris, ratio ~1:5?)
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Well-Known Member
Update :
After 5 000 pvp kill, Ryvoxx need to see ARC badges. I don't know exactly how many you need. A friend got 650 and not work. If anyone know, tell us.

Stay tuned for more news !


Sandal San Tolk
I like it. Not anywhere near the skill threshold myself, I think it's the right idea. That it's planet bound is probably a way of risk management induced by past experience. We'll see what may become of it but for the time being it has the effect of discouraging certain developments which we've seen backfiring before.

The only issue I see is the pvp parts. I foresee people collaborating, which is not bad in itself, but in ways which can't be the meaning of the game, namely just by dumb-killing each other the required number of times, likely while keeping minimal health. Or otherwise making life impossible for regular Golem hunters. The idea may be that the two activities go hand in hand contributing toward the goal, but this is not what will happen given human nature. Then the sheer cost of it, beginning with the enormous number of toxic shots needed as pure TT expense - or do these come back in loot? Whichever way, pvp as a whole is such a polarizing thing and part of the playerbase prefers to avoid it altogether. Yeah, I'm one.

Question: Any chance of doing something else instead? Imperium Officers? Ice Golems? Purslane Weed? Big Vortex? Or better even, mining and crafting - like, craft a limited version of the same gun (with stats adapted for lower skills, or a series of them increasing, analog to ArMatrix) requiring local materials x000 times, which you can use for the hunting and skilling up on the same mission, or sell?


Sandal San Tolk
...enormous number of toxic shots...
When will I ever learn: Thou shalt not assume, try before you post. No toxic shot needed...? This is not a bug, or was I supposed to keep this hush? Because the toxic area icon is red.
Edit: I had all but forgotten that I had a toxic shot active from years ago which never got used up. Tested now after the terrain change on Kingka Island, of course you need the shot.
Entropia 2021-09-29 22.15.20.jpg
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Sandal San Tolk
I probably should have despawned the pet for the photo, so used to keeping him around that I didn't think of it. It's just nuts, kids, don't waste your pocket money like that. ;)

There is a discussion going on right now about high-end items and how their efficiency relates to market value. To those who see the stats above as a problem, there may be some hints here:


Or maybe I shouldn't cast a spotlight on that, either... :secret:
Update :
After 5 000 pvp kill, Ryvoxx need to see ARC badges. I don't know exactly how many you need. A friend got 650 and not work. If anyone know, tell us.

Stay tuned for more news !
I think its 900 badges he needs to see.. I went with 850 and he didnt work but 900 and he worked


Sandal San Tolk
Revisiting this as I was seriously contemplating whether to embark on this mission as a long-term project. First it turns out that I was wrong in post #7 above, of course you need a toxic shot. I totally forgot that I had one active from long ago and had the thought in my mind that, maybe, the cost for 5000+2500 toxic shots at 5.1 ped each (that is, only if you get killed an equal number of times as the kills you score) was considered outlandish and the vax requirement got turned off, by some black magic in getting official blessing for such a measure. That was wishful thinking, obviously.

Secondly, at the time this mission was created it was probably not known what the TWEN event would bring. Isn't this weapon rather outmoded in the current context? Maybe for special purposes, i.e. pvp where efficiency doesn't matter much, only sheer damage. If this was the intention all along, and if the location restriction could be removed in the future, it may have its place in this specialised field. Including the seemingly insane cost, since obtaining top-level pvp equipment on the market sets you back by that much in markup, at least. Making it any cheaper would cause undesired interference with the market (cf. e.g. Ethereal armour which also seems to have been set at its price point for the same reason). If this was the case, I'd call it a really smart concept but would appreciate if the intended audience was made clear at the start. I think players with deeper pockets have blindly embarked on collecting most of what is required in the meantime, but got stuck on this point as well.

If the idea (which I had in my head) was to offer a project for hunters to work their way up to a high-level tool while side-stepping the hurdle of either having to win something in the usual competitive events or cough up market prices, then my conclusion is, this is not it. I just can't quite figure out yet what exactly the plan was at the point of development and wondered if officials were at liberty to open up about that, if the project is to have a future other than obsolescence.

Edit: Or maybe I'm just naive. Somewhere along the storyline does appear the wording "...your dedication to pvp..." and then already the name, Assassinator If I have a different focus but might accept this as a price to pay, I still get the wrong idea. But so do others and get disappointed after already having spent much more while I'm not inclined to begin such a journey without knowing where it ends. That would make them the naive ones... but with that comes always a risk for negative feedback. Was this considered?

Edit 2: Dammit, and wrong again. The first 5000 pvp kills don't have to be in the toxic zone, only the last 2500. I remember I've forgotten this before... what is the medical term for a combination of dejavu and amnesia? :D
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey San,

I can speak to some of these points:

Revisiting this as I was seriously contemplating whether to embark on this mission as a long-term project. First it turns out that I was wrong in post #7 above, of course you need a toxic shot. I totally forgot that I had one active from long ago and had the thought in my mind that, maybe, the cost for 5000+2500 toxic shots at 5.1 ped each (that is, only if you get killed an equal number of times as the kills you score) was considered outlandish and the vax requirement got turned off, by some black magic in getting official blessing for such a measure. That was wishful thinking, obviously.

It was good to test and check, I think prudence can be important.

Secondly, at the time this mission was created it was probably not known what the TWEN event would bring. Isn't this weapon rather outmoded in the current context? Maybe for special purposes, i.e. pvp where efficiency doesn't matter much, only sheer damage. If this was the intention all along, and if the location restriction could be removed in the future, it may have its place in this specialised field. Including the seemingly insane cost, since obtaining top-level pvp equipment on the market sets you back by that much in markup, at least. Making it any cheaper would cause undesired interference with the market (cf. e.g. Ethereal armour which also seems to have been set at its price point for the same reason). If this was the case, I'd call it a really smart concept but would appreciate if the intended audience was made clear at the start. I think players with deeper pockets have blindly embarked on collecting most of what is required in the meantime, but got stuck on this point as well.

Of course, we don't know exactly what is coming and what sort of items will come out from another part of the Universe.

As far as the weapon being outmodded, it's been something that we've been following from an item usage POV but also from an engagement POV. Shawna has been in contact with almost every player who attempts to peruse this mission chain and we're gathering data and feedback from all the players who have put in the time and effort on this chain.

There's been a lot of feedback and I think that most of it aligns with our vision of what to happen with this weapon and mission chain. There's more in store coming, in an attempt to try and add additional value to the players who do put in this effort. But we have to be careful and make sure that everything is monitored and balanced as best we can.

I do hope that everything was clear, and we're grateful for sites like https://cyrenedream.org/uta-epic who can provide more dedicated information to the players who are interested in this pursuit.

If the idea (which I had in my head) was to offer a project for hunters to work their way up to a high-level tool while side-stepping the hurdle of either having to win something in the usual competitive events or cough up market prices, then my conclusion is, this is not it. I just can't quite figure out yet what exactly the plan was at the point of development and wondered if officials were at liberty to open up about that, if the project is to have a future other than obsolescence.

We want to give players as much agency as we can in perusing items, and while we can't do this in as many instances as we like, this was something similar to the other epic mission chains with targeted rewards, or the A.R.C. Faction vendors.

Giving this opportunity cost does come with it's own caveats that we've had some growing pains with, but it's something that we're continually working to pursue and improve on because ultimately it's something we've been told by players that they want, and something that we want as well.

Edit: Or maybe I'm just naive. Somewhere along the storyline does appear the wording "...your dedication to pvp..." and then already the name, Assassinator If I have a different focus but might accept this as a price to pay, I still get the wrong idea. But so do others and get disappointed after already having spent much more while I'm not inclined to begin such a journey without knowing where it ends. That would make them the naive ones... but with that comes always a risk for negative feedback. Was this considered?

I'm not sure that I understand the question, do you mean to ask if we considered that players would blindly follow a mission or if the mission text/dialogue and item name played a role in how it was perceived?

Since the mission was started in the Hub, and focused around PvPing, specifically on Cyrene, to me it seemed inherently PvP based. The weapon was designed with PvP in mind, which is why it doesn't follow some of the more conventional hunting weapon stats, but that doesn't mean that it's something that can be worked towards in the future.

With all that being said, we are certainly interested in the dialogue and perception around this mission and weapon and welcome this discussion.

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Sandal San Tolk
I'm not sure that I understand the question, do you mean to ask if we considered that players would blindly follow a mission or if the mission text/dialogue and item name played a role in how it was perceived?

Since the mission was started in the Hub, and focused around PvPing, specifically on Cyrene, to me it seemed inherently PvP based. The weapon was designed with PvP in mind, which is why it doesn't follow some of the more conventional hunting weapon stats, but that doesn't mean that it's something that can be worked towards in the future.
Thank you for the reply!

I have certainly only my wishful thinking to blame for not making the connection at first that, with the mission built around pvp, also the reward must be designed squarely with pvp in mind. Of course I don't have the amount of your insight but from what I could gather, there must be more players who, after the first excitement waned, had to rethink what they were hoping to get out of it. Of course some are in it for getting their name recorded to the discovery and may or may not care whether they would use the reward for themselves at all. With TWEN now fulfilling so much of what the top tier wants, all who were invested here already must feel themselves left in the dust. While there is always a risk of getting rolled over by the train moving on, I find little meaning in pursuing something I can hardly expect to keep its appeal even for the time it takes to acquire. I don't mean to fault the designers for this, whatever you create is always the coolest thing in town at inception until the next one comes around the corner.

What I meant is, was it considered that this is quite a serious investment for a game(r) and that any misunderstanding or misgiving may lead to bad publicity. This may be inevitable to a certain degree as there always are some who would jump in with both feet without any thought of consequences, or blame others for anything not going as expected. The stakes are just getting higher every time and I find it a bit scary seeing how things escalate. Like, as if there is no value in money anymore. I may have an idea how to defuse this by catering to different expectations and also offering more resilience against deprecation, since this mission takes more time to complete than one can foresee what the rest of the world does. If I may come back to you by PM, need to think about it for a couple days.
