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We are under spam bot attack!


Travelling through time...
Just look at all of those threads! What is going on? Can't even see the latest posts anymore (from actual people). :HellNo:

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

This was very strange but it's currently resolved for now.

I've notified Lykke to see what we can do about this in the future.


Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
I'm on it !!

Unfortunately there are people creating spam bots for a living. They try and exploit forum software all the time. Whenever they find a new 'hole' we have to find a way to close it again. Often these attacks appear in steams - and they attack either one type of tool / software or a bunch of different once at a time.

I'll see what I can do asap =)


Yeah, I did it. So what?
You know, im just curious. I know that most people are smart enough to stay away from spam threads.. does it really pay enough for them to create so many ways to say absolutely nothing?? lol

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
You know, im just curious. I know that most people are smart enough to stay away from spam threads.. does it really pay enough for them to create so many ways to say absolutely nothing?? lol

Unfortunately ... yes. There are whole organizations being paid by companies to spread out links to get better google positions. The thing is, not only do we get 'spammed' but the companies also get 'punished' by Google (but the companies often doesn't know better). The spam bots only need to place a link on the site - in one post or a signature. Often you don't detect it before you look closer to the profile - other times they have a bunch of text where the link is hidden in a word.

I have set the spam filter warning flags to be even higher now and adjusted some settings, and I hope this will help - otherwise shout up again =)