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Weapon cube


New Member
Hi to all :)

I was so lucky in end to loot me a [A.R.C. Tier 1 Limited Weapon Voucher] and as i had enough token so i went down, just to find out it dont work.. asked kindly in chat and was told it refines with zorn star ingot.. well i then added the voucher and the zorn star.. now my issue came.. it also ask for a weapon cube.. i have many sort imperium cubes but no weapon cube..

so my question is this..

is the cube looted or crafted? and if its crafted.. what do i need to make it?
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Kingu,

Congrats! As for your question:

asked kindly in chat and was told it refines with zorn star ingot.. well i then added the voucher and the zorn star.. now my issue came.. it also ask for a weapon cube.. i have many sort imperium cubes but no weapon cube..

so my question is this..

is the cube looted or crafted? and if its crafted.. what do i need to make it?

Once you have your A.R.C. Tier 1 Limited Weapon Voucher + Zorn Star Ingots, it will refine into a:

A.R.C. Tier 1 Limited Weapon Cube

That is the currency for the Limited Rank 1 Weapon.

Is the game asking for you to combine more things? Feel free to post any screenshots or more information here, or to send me a private message and I'll do what I can to help.



New Member
weapon tull.png

There i have put in the voucher and hopefully enough zorn but it still ask for that cube :)

Hope this wil help you see the issue Kris, if not i will do what else you ask me :)

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New Member
It requires 100 ped of zorn star ingot to refine a level 1 (L) voucher & zorn star ingot into a cube.

Ahh.. Thanks.. first time i hear any amount.. but if you look at the picture he still ask for that cube tho )

bew edit.. Logged in after reading Aryanas post.. added 100ped zorn and the voucher.. still ask me for that weapon cube extra :(

Second edit.. Need 150ped Zorn start ingot.. and need to put the ingot in before voucher to avoid the red text about needing a cube..

So after using 150ped zorn, then add the voucher it finaly wanted to refine for me..
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Just wanted to come back and verify about the required items:

ARC Tier 1 Limited Voucher Refinement.PNG

I don't have any cool items on the live server, so this is from test, I think you just need to add more Zorn Star Ingots.

I hope this clears up any confusion.



New Member
Hey guys,

Just wanted to come back and verify about the required items:

View attachment 3318

I don't have any cool items on the live server, so this is from test, I think you just need to add more Zorn Star Ingots.

I hope this clears up any confusion.


yes, did manage to find it out after Aryanas post.. But it take 150ped zorn ingot and not 100 as she wrote, then i could refine to the cube and go down and pick up my first gun from the vendor.. So now i am a happy noob :)


Active Member
yes, did manage to find it out after Aryanas post.. But it take 150ped zorn ingot and not 100 as she wrote, then i could refine to the cube and go down and pick up my first gun from the vendor.. So now i am a happy noob :)

If you need 150 PED TT Zorn Star Ingot to get a 100 PED TT weapon, that does not seem fair...