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Wish List Weather


Active Member
So.. it's nice to constantly have perfect days of clear skies and clear nights... but one thing as always bothered me. It NEVER rains. No weather of any kind aside from some occasional cloud cover.

The Turrelion Outpost's dust storm is a nice start, but it's a constant effect rather than dynamic weather.

I know something like that can take a toll on performance, but it really adds a whole new level of atmosphere to the game.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Hi Rathius, thanks for the idea :)

I agree having different kinds of weather on Cyrene would be awesome. It's definitely a great idea, but if it's possible - I don't know =)

I am sure the team will note it though.



Kick Ass Elf
I've been asking for this for years. And the day night. We got that in the end thank lootius and the clouds move too which is great cause it means you really can't easily take the same photo (screen shot) twice. Add more clouds, different types and weather effects and I'd be truely one happy bunny.

There is rain in the robot crater on Caly btw. and a sort of storm cloud. but yeh not dynamic... shame really, cause ce2 has "drag and drop" tornadoes and lightning!


Active Member
Yea, it's stuff like that Wistrel that has me scratching my head at times. When engines aren't used to their full potential, especially when so much of the functionality is built in or supported directly with a plugin.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Yes, CryEngine has a lot to offer when it comes to changing weather (too). However at this moment I can image that the Cyrene team is placing their focus on other more important things for hard launch. Personally I also love the snow with the snow storms on "The Thing". It does add more 'real' feeling to a place :)