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Website Blogs (Spam detected)

Nuance Inde


The website supports blogging for players and as such I noticed from yesterday at 9:21 pm until now there were a ton of spam entries. Could we get those deleted? Its musing up the other more important blog entries. - Thank you!

v/r Nuance
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Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
We changed settings for the spam filter 2 days ago - unfortunately spammers, who are 'real people' and get paid to spam sites, are also signing up as 'real people' and not bots - which makes it really hard to 'keep out'.

Nevertheless it looks like the bots for most are being kept out now again, and we are trying to delete 'other spammers' as soon as we see detect them.

Sorry for the inconvenience it causes though ... I know it's quite annoying :banghead:


Yeah, I did it. So what?
We changed settings for the spam filter 2 days ago - unfortunately spammers, who are 'real people' and get paid to spam sites, are also signing up as 'real people' and not bots - which makes it really hard to 'keep out'.

Nevertheless it looks like the bots for most are being kept out now again, and we are trying to delete 'other spammers' as soon as we see detect them.

Sorry for the inconvenience it causes though ... I know it's quite annoying :banghead:

We know it's a never ending battle and we understand. you all are doing a great job keeping most of them out.. no need for apology :p

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Just a quick update:

I am trying another approach - because the flags are set but I see we still have spammers (though not as many as before). I am guessing the ones we have now are not bots, however to be sure I changed the create account 'captcha' to be a question and answer captcha instead - which requires a little more 'brain' =)

Let's see if this helps or even makes it worse .. now you're warned :alcohol:- be sure I will keep an eye though :shoot:
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