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What do you LIKE/LOVE about Cyrene?

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Have to say that jauns place is very nice, kudos to the design team.

Indeed kudos to the design team :thumbup:

I agree the city is stunning. If you noticed there are a lot of details inside the buildings as well (like the roofs). But I have to say when travelling around, that there are a lot of gorgeous places on Cyrene - and I can't wait for the planet to fully develop =)


New Member
To add some stuff (on lunchbreak now lol), the waterfall tp makes me want to buy a new pc to view it in ultra mode. I'm also fond of the ruin city where you can hunt (dont remember name atm), the mobs there are very well textured too, ... I tend to be amazed almost the whole time and I'm still not done discovering :)


New Member
The low level mobs are great. Shame I can't say about the loot. (But that's MA who controls it.. :/)

Have to say I've been pleased with the return, even a small glob.
On the other hand, my bad streak has been taking so long some positive runs were inevitable.


New Member
I have to say my favorite thing on Cyrene at the moment is the land design, it has been my favorite planet to just explore so far. I have never used my land vehicles more to get around on any other planet. This planet did a super job on their road system and how they kind of steer you towards using it. I've found all kinds of cool things exploring that look like they will have more content added in future, really liked the large quarry like place on that one island. also liked that beat up city with the Dusters running around, effects there are pretty cool.

Also enjoying finding all the different mobs while out adventuring, they look awesome, they are not just 4-5 different frames with different textures on the frames, seems every mob is really unique.


Active Member
Guess what Blanche ... I'm doing a video JUST for you girlfriend. ;)

I'll be posting it in a little while. :D

I didn't find it posted, but got a alert on my phone for it. and all I have to say is blah blah blah show off! btw Lonewolf shoots and flys as well as I do LOL!!! And I hope Mac's headache goes away!

And why oh why haven't I been added to you FL yet?????
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MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
I didn't find it posted, but got a alert on my phone for it. and all I have to say is blah blah blah show off! btw Lonewolf shoots and flys as well as I do LOL!!! And I hope Mac's headache goes away!

And why oh why haven't I been added to you FL yet?????

Hey, not showing off, just setting the record straight after all your hot-air about coming after me! :p

Ya, the trick flying was done actually by both Mac and Wolf, but the shooting was all Wolf. o_O

It made for some fun anyway, so it's all good. :thumbup:

Oh, and ... about the FL thingy ... I'll shoot you a request next time I'm in the game. Maybe I can sign in quick now and do it before I head off to get some dinner. Truth be told though ... I wanted to make sure my avatar was safe first before I started connecting with you. :nana:

BTW ... you up for some free-fall adventures? :D


I didn't find it posted, but got a alert on my phone for it. and all I have to say is blah blah blah show off! btw Lonewolf shoots and flys as well as I do LOL!!! And I hope Mac's headache goes away!

Just so Lonewolf dosn't get all the...ummm...credit: :whistle: I was flying while he was shooting so his lack of aim was my fault. :rolleyes: I had just re-mapped my flight controls and was finding out that the lay-out was not--really, really, not--very good. Especially when useing push to talk on TS. :banghead:

I landed on my bowler hat so no head-ache. :D


New Member
I love the immersive feel to the planet, the cominations of light shows and background sounds make the place feel alive. Especially at night.

Up by the Waterfall Perimeter TP

PRINT SCREEN 2012-05-07 12-39-56.jpg

View from underwater by day
PRINT SCREEN 2012-05-07 14-53-43.jpg

and by night

PRINT SCREEN 2012-05-07 12-40-43.jpg

PRINT SCREEN 2012-05-07 15-3-3.jpg


The armor design's look awsome the TT and the imperial L altho i still didnt see the full imperial yet but looks bulky :)
The exploring (when it's not night). Just like on Planet Arkadia it's fun to mine because it just looks stunning, but where Planet Cyrene really takes out her toll is in the sound effects. I may just have missed that on other planets, but it's really amazing to walk in the mountains on Planet Cyrene and hear dusty winds. It's a small step for a miner, but a big step for mine-kind.

EDIT: MindStar, I see you're active in this thread - good, then I don't have to run back to base to ask you a question! Why am I only finding lysterium? I thought it was fixed in the last patch? Of course, I don't complain on a globaled lysterium. ;)


Active Member
What I like about Cyrene:

Im a total sucker for beautifull scenery.....I can just aimlessly wonder around and inventing background stories in my head with all the great stuff I find...like lush forests, astonishing waterfallz, weird alien villages and their inhabitants, a mindblowing beautifull city where you can almost hear charriots dashing by...their drivers rushing of to the arena to combat terrifying alien animals. Whatever vehicle you choose..it's always great...either if you pick your valkyre to drive around leaving a trail of dust at your rear or use the VTOL for low altitude mob recon..it's always fun. saradu and me even traveled the whole planet by boat which gave a complete new player experience and sense of emerging in a new world.
As an explorer I have the time of my life...almost like christmas.....a little or big surprise awaiting you after every corner or hillside.

Cheers, Roni

oh, sometimes I shoot something...just for the fun of it :topsecret:

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
EDIT: MindStar, I see you're active in this thread - good, then I don't have to run back to base to ask you a question! Why am I only finding lysterium? I thought it was fixed in the last patch? Of course, I don't complain on a globaled lysterium. ;)

I believe the mining is in an evolutionary pattern at the moment, and I also believe that others are finding deposits other than Lyst and Oil, so perhaps it has something to do with where you mine? ... or if you use an amp or not? At any rate, the mining should definitely be evolving ... it might just take a bit more time. ;)