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What to Expect for the next Cyrene Planet Partner VU

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I wanted to touch base and let you all know about the next Cyrene Update.

The majority of this update has been two pronged, the first prong was to fix the issues with the mining that happened around the time of loot 2.0, the 2nd prong was the long list of bug fixes that players had posted up on our forums.

Sometimes you have to take time to correct your mistakes before you can move on to creating more things, this is one of those times. Not to mention that it's after the Swedish summer holiday and the update wasn't allowed to be packed to the brim as it usually is. On the forum you can see the Technical - Suggestions and Bug Reports that we've been correcting a lot of issues as well as posting up the issues that have been corrected.

While I'm sure that some players will be upset that there isn't any new content coming with this update, rest assured there is new content on the horizon. While I can't go into too much detail yet about what updates are coming I can provide a small breakdown:

- A big update to the Cyrene Dynamic Upgrade Map

- Hub progression - Cypher of Ryvox Chain Finale

- Continued Improvements and Quality of Life Updates

- More recipes in the Cyrene Blueprints Book

- Mission continuation for: S.I. Heart, Neff's Stim Pack

I hope that this outlines our roadmap a bit more for the rest of this year and I'll do my best to answer any questions that I can in this thread.



Well-Known Member
- Hub progression - Cypher of Ryvox Chain Finale

Great :) !!

Do you plan to give a compensation for all players who still finished the stage 2 and didn't get any rewards ? Stage 2 is repeatable now but nobody get anythings at this moment.
Maybe if we relaunch the mission and you set the counter to 4999 point, it should be ok for players.

- Mission continuation for: S.I. Heart, Neff's Stim Pack

By S.I Heart, you mean Refurbished fap ? Or is it another fap ?
The majority of this update has been two pronged, the first prong was to fix the issues with the mining that happened around the time of loot 2.0, the 2nd prong was the long list of bug fixes that players had posted up on our forums.
While I'm sure that some players will be upset that there isn't any new content coming with this update,

Awesome! Bugfixing is way more important than new stuff IMO.

I must admit the Mining issues sendt me away to Caly for a while, not a big miner, but some stuff is needed, looking forward to return "home"!


Well-Known Member
Back to the main thread :

Fixing bugs mean :
  • Vendor 3 will be stocked ?
  • Greater power Crystal availble in loot ?
  • Last part from Lazidol available ?
  • Oil rig will work ?


I hope to fixing the mining on Cyrene...miss me alot and also need to restock the Vendor 2 ARC Patrol armor parts like Chest and Cap i thing...


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I'll try and answer these as I can.

Great :) !!
Do you plan to give a compensation for all players who still finished the stage 2 and didn't get any rewards ? Stage 2 is repeatable now but nobody get anythings at this moment.
Maybe if we relaunch the mission and you set the counter to 4999 point, it should be ok for players.

What was the missing reward from stage 2? The culmination of stage 2 is the repeatable pvp player killer mission to kill 5000 players and be awarded skills.

By S.I Heart, you mean Refurbished fap ? Or is it another fap ?

Yes, the Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. | Current top level is VI I think.

Sounds like a good job. I hope you stop feeding our most elite "VICTIM" with internal information ;)

I don't know who that is, but if anyone is claiming to have inside information I'd like to know what they know. Feel free to PM me any available info.

Fixing bugs mean :
  • 1) Vendor 3 will be stocked ?
  • 2) Greater power Crystal availble in loot ?
  • 3) Last part from Lazidol available ?
  • 4) Oil rig will work ?

1) The vendors and their stock is again, not determined by Planet Cyrene, but by Mindark. I do push for all vendor stocks to be pushed out / updated especially around VU times.

2) I don't think the greater power crystal will be directly available, however the 2 crystals that make it should have a higher drop rate after the VU.

3) I'm attempting to rework the final combine for this mission to come to fruition potentially without the last elusive piece (which as I understand is in the pool just extremely rare).

4) The oil rig is working no problem now in test so I'm hopeful that it'll be resolved for the VU.



Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I'll try and answer these as I can.

What was the missing reward from stage 2? The culmination of stage 2 is the repeatable pvp player killer mission to kill 5000 players and be awarded skills.

Yes, the Refurbished H.E.A.R.T. | Current top level is VI I think.

Awesome ! This is a great fap and alot players will be happy to see some more rank on it :D

1) The vendors and their stock is again, not determined by Planet Cyrene, but by Mindark. I do push for all vendor stocks to be pushed out / updated especially around VU times.

Alright, crossing fingers for a good mood from Mindark :D

2) I don't think the greater power crystal will be directly available, however the 2 crystals that make it should have a higher drop rate after the VU.

Yes i meant both crystals. Actual drop rate for lesser one is 1 or 2 per year and 0 from the other one :s
But if drop rate increase, this is an excellent news !

3) I'm attempting to rework the final combine for this mission to come to fruition potentially without the last elusive piece (which as I understand is in the pool just extremely rare).

Very nice if you rework the final combine for this mission without the last part. Extremely rare, why not, but there was in total around 75/100 Lazidol parts and still 0 for the missins one ;)

4) The oil rig is working no problem now in test so I'm hopeful that it'll be resolved for the VU.



What was the missing reward from stage 2? The culmination of stage 2 is the repeatable pvp player killer mission to kill 5000 players and be awarded skills.

I asked to other players who finished the stage 2. Nobody received any skills in reward for the stage 2.


Hey these are great news :)
Can't wait to finally see all the improvements and fixes in effect :clap:

However what about the Hub Vendors and the UL weapons, it became really overstocked there :p

If these vouchers are tradable and a common drop from the mentioned mobs, the weapon will be too easy to obtain.
In my opinion the weapon vouchers and/or weapon cubes should be non-tradable or it could bring back the campers.
Also i think the L version should be sold using different currency.

Last edited:


Hey guys,

I'll try and answer these as I can.

What was the missing reward from stage 2? The culmination of stage 2 is the repeatable pvp player killer mission to kill 5000 players and be awarded skills.


Hey Kris, awesome news :)

About 5k kills i can confirm what Justine said and there was no skill reward at the end.


Well-Known Member
Aye I will chit-chat you about that! ;)

Don't forget to tell him how you exploit the game and try to sell stolen armor for 2kped. How you abuse the system with multiple account avatar etc ;)
Hey these are great news :)
Can't wait to finally see all the improvements and fixes in effect :clap:

However what about the Hub Vendors and the UL weapons, it became really overstocked there :p

If these vouchers are tradable and a common drop from the mentioned mobs, the weapon will be too easy to obtain.
In my opinion the weapon vouchers and/or weapon cubes should be non-tradable or it could bring back the campers.
Also i think the L version should be sold using different currency.


This is a fact. Campers/Alt avatar was a problem before. If Voucher and weapon cubes are non-tradable, that mean only players who hunt on Planet have chance to claim Ecotron. If they are tradable, some players have just to buy them (like shrapnel) and can still camp without play on the planet. I don't see any gain for planet owner.
Non-tradable items mean less complain in forum and only Cyrene players available to obtain the weapons. That will maybe help some players to stay on the planet a little bit more with another goal to reach ;)

Keep going Devs, you are on a very good way ! When i read your objectives for this year, this is awesome :D
Epic mission chain will have more interest + hub improvement (don't forget to replace lime green tokens on Turrelia lurkers loot) + ARC faction, youhouhou :yay:, i'm still so excited !


Fate Thanatos Themis
How to sell stolen armor set? :D

I think voucher should be non-tradable, but the gun itself should be albe to sale - let those who spent the time to get the vouchers, make a profit.

Idc about ppl complaining about Cyrene's items, Calypso have stolen idea of item upgrade, many items with passive effects, etc, Ark got uber weapons and armor, and also armor upgrade (...) i cant make them shut up, so i just ignore some morons.


Well-Known Member
How to sell stolen armor set? :D

Someone, who complain alot about special link with Cyrene dev and some players, tryed to sell me one Stolen armor for 2kped some month ago. You should ask him how he can exploit this ;)

I think voucher should be non-tradable, but the gun itself should be albe to sale - let those who spent the time to get the vouchers, make a profit.

I agree with you, guns should stay tradable and let item to players not to campers. It make sense and it's better for Planet Cyrene i think

Idc about ppl complaining about Cyrene's items, Calypso have stolen idea of item upgrade, many items with passive effects, etc, Ark got uber weapons and armor, and also armor upgrade (...) i cant make them shut up, so i just ignore some morons.

Cyrene is great for mission with items in reward (the only one planet maybe ?). I see only one problem :D They do not release items fast :p
But as i saw in Kris's post, they plan to fix that for this year :cheer:
With loot 2.0, all is permit now, because DPP do not count like before now, loot is based on your cost to kill. So all weapons with any DPS or any DPP (almost equal, only 7% between 0% and 100% efficiency) are equal for loot calculation :beerchug:

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I asked to other players who finished the stage 2. Nobody received any skills in reward for the stage 2.


About 5k kills i can confirm what Justine said and there was no skill reward at the end.

Alright, I'll see what could keep this from triggering, thanks for the information.

Aye I will chit-chat you about that! ;)

Looking forward to getting to the bottom of this.

If these vouchers are tradable and a common drop from the mentioned mobs, the weapon will be too easy to obtain.
In my opinion the weapon vouchers and/or weapon cubes should be non-tradable or it could bring back the campers.
Also i think the L version should be sold using different currency.

It's some that we're fine tuning, although I don't anticipate that the vouchers will be a common drop. I do sort of like the idea of making them avatar bound.

If Voucher and weapon cubes are non-tradable, that mean only players who hunt on Planet have chance to claim Ecotron. If they are tradable, some players have just to buy them (like shrapnel) and can still camp without play on the planet. I don't see any gain for planet owner.
Non-tradable items mean less complain in forum and only Cyrene players available to obtain the weapons. That will maybe help some players to stay on the planet a little bit more with another goal to reach ;)


I think voucher should be non-tradable, but the gun itself should be albe to sale - let those who spent the time to get the vouchers, make a profit.

Idc about ppl complaining about Cyrene's items, Calypso have stolen idea of item upgrade, many items with passive effects, etc, Ark got uber weapons and armor, and also armor upgrade (...) i cant make them shut up, so i just ignore some morons.

Seems like I'm not the only one.



Active Member
Hi folks - I'm still around but not on Cyrene at the moment.
Can we have some kind of update somewhere on the issues/bugs and what is now genuinely solved, i.e proven in practice?
(dire weed chain bug, oil rig, tameable arret, mining, NPC stocks, etc.)

I'm assuming the bound nature (planned for patch) of vouchers means that the relevant rewards can be made 100% available to those who get enough vouchers. It would be super super annoying to get enough and THEN have to start camping or so!

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I don't want to turn this into a bug report thread, but I did check on the Stage Two of the Ryvox mission chain. I didn't have any issues with it triggering but I did adjust it a bit on test for the Mini Patch to run in a more traditional way, I've also increased the skill rewards.

I had a fresh avatar that I completed it on and I wanted to show the skill gains for Dexterity to show it's triggering correctly, here's the image:

Ryvox Quest Rewards.jpg

So as you can see, a big jump in Dexterity from this mission, along with 4 other skills.

This will be part of the Mini Patch, I've also added an achievement for completing this (part 2) of the Cypher of Ryvox.



Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I don't want to turn this into a bug report thread, but I did check on the Stage Two of the Ryvox mission chain. I didn't have any issues with it triggering but I did adjust it a bit on test for the Mini Patch to run in a more traditional way, I've also increased the skill rewards.

I had a fresh avatar that I completed it on and I wanted to show the skill gains for Dexterity to show it's triggering correctly, here's the image:

View attachment 3090

So as you can see, a big jump in Dexterity from this mission, along with 4 other skills.

This will be part of the Mini Patch, I've also added an achievement for completing this (part 2) of the Cypher of Ryvox.


Well, can you put our mission at 4999 point ? With this, we can retry to get the reward when the mini patch is there. I can proof with a screenshot that i have still done the mission.

To hear ...jpg

I receive this dialog box, but when i came back to ryvox, nothing happened.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Justine,

Well, can you put our mission at 4999 point ? With this, we can retry to get the reward when the mini patch is there. I can proof with a screenshot that i have still done the mission.

View attachment 3091

I receive this dialog box, but when i came back to ryvox, nothing happened.

Before it was set to complete before you to back to Ryvox, as soon as you get the the 5000th kill, all skill rewards should have been delivered at that time the dialog box popped up and nothing would happen when you go talk to Ryvox.

Also: I don't have any power to set players mission counters, I can talk to support and see what options we have though.
