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Mining where to find Crystals ?


New Member
for the missions we need yellow, green, blue crystals but I couldnt find any yet and mined for about 200ped allready..

also never saw any kasenite stones yet..

so, WHERE can those things be found?


A pixel guy
They're just rare. Everything but lysterium and crude oil is rare. I'm not a miner but out of curiosity I did over 500 dual (ore+enmat) drops and never got anything but lyst and oil (although these are abundant).


hehe nope, i found mostly Zorn and some lyst tons of oil, but that is not new... anyways, anywhere SW from Aerial base outskirts TP all the way down to Base camp Epsilon TP. using Finder F105 no depth enhancers, 9/10 claims were zorn. Area around the lootable pvp zone is good for Red crystals as well, or at least that is were i found some




New Member
I know where everything is, because I work hard at gathering data and share it with fellow hard working explorers. Blue crystal is rare, yellow and green can be harvested for hundreds of peds every day. Let me know which ones you need and I'll kindly point you in the right direction.


New Member
Area around the lootable pvp zone is good for Red crystals as well, or at least that is were i found some
Red crystals were dropping around the red area, now however the red area is all over the volcano. Simply mine the oils, refine it, dump it in your vehicle and mine again. Should you find the red crystals, get out quickly. Minimal losses should you get attacked.


Travelling through time...
I had a feeling that all the good stuff is in that area. I just have one question about pvp areas - that toxic shot effect lasts until other player kills me in any lootable or normal pvp zone?

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
I had a feeling that all the good stuff is in that area. I just have one question about pvp areas - that toxic shot effect lasts until other player kills me in any lootable or normal pvp zone?

As mrproper already said; the Toxic Zones only. I just wish to add, that if you leave the Toxic Zones safely (without dieing/being shot) - the toxic shot will still work next time you enter a Toxic Zone.


i know on calypso lootable PVP, if you die from falling or a mob kill the shot still works and is not needed to buy another



New Member
Are the crystals The enmater? i was kinda hoping for all the ore 'areas' i found Zorn
AHhhhh i hate lyst!!! and Oil!


New Member
Ok so i am back on cyrene now, trying to figure if its working so i can bring my soc here for vacation...
First thing i figured is that mining seems indeed kinda not good to me. I am by far not the most experienced miner in the game but i would think with a standard low lvl finder and 100 drops i should get something at least. Well i tried to get blue crystals at the spot where i got it before...think it was august that time, anyways - i dont find blue crystals anymore and the return in crude oil was like what? 20% Oo

I tried to find other crystals and everything seems cut down in drops. Now mining here was never really good before right, at least not for me, but now its kinda hardcore.

I would like to craft lvl 1 BPs but the materials are not available and i cant mine them myself, how is that supposed to work in the long term? Pls dont think i am complaining for TT returns or sth like that, i just wonder if all that is just really awesome bad luck on my side and everyone i talked to recently, or if something is indeed wrong and not on purpose and if there is maybe an ETA to fix that.

I dont see a reason to cut the drops of stuff that was rare in the first place, maybe someone can clear that out for me? I really like to give cyrene a good chance, just wonder if it is possible to do right now...

Edit: if this turns out to be a discussion about bugs reasons or screwups pls move to a new thread for not messing with the intel on this thread ;)

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Ok so i am back on cyrene now, trying to figure if its working so i can bring my soc here for vacation...
First thing i figured is that mining seems indeed kinda not good to me. I am by far not the most experienced miner in the game but i would think with a standard low lvl finder and 100 drops i should get something at least. Well i tried to get blue crystals at the spot where i got it before...think it was august that time, anyways - i dont find blue crystals anymore and the return in crude oil was like what? 20% Oo

I tried to find other crystals and everything seems cut down in drops. Now mining here was never really good before right, at least not for me, but now its kinda hardcore.

I would like to craft lvl 1 BPs but the materials are not available and i cant mine them myself, how is that supposed to work in the long term? Pls dont think i am complaining for TT returns or sth like that, i just wonder if all that is just really awesome bad luck on my side and everyone i talked to recently, or if something is indeed wrong and not on purpose and if there is maybe an ETA to fix that.

I dont see a reason to cut the drops of stuff that was rare in the first place, maybe someone can clear that out for me? I really like to give cyrene a good chance, just wonder if it is possible to do right now...

Edit: if this turns out to be a discussion about bugs reasons or screwups pls move to a new thread for not messing with the intel on this thread ;)

Im Well aware of the TD vacation to Cyrene, Add me ingame and i will be happy to point you and the 'TD' in the right direction im very knowledgeable where majority Resources are at and what depth you need to mine to even get it.

The Chief


New Member
Thx for that kind offer chief, will definately take that opportunity once we decide to really move here soon :)

lyst and oil...lyst and oil... :banghead: