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Why Cyrene women rule!


Kick Ass Elf
Really like this picture. The armor looks good. Somehow, whereas the male version looks chunkier, I can imagine the female counterpart warrior is more nimble/agile.

Did anyone else notice the vehicle appears to be being towed? Looks good too, reminds me of the old concept VTOL's we had next to the spaceship at PA back in the day. Somehow this looks static though and not an interactive vehicle like the ones we have elsewhere.

Maybe its a backdrop to a mission?

oh and HELLO btw! :D



DigiDime Founder
Somehow the woman are becoming EXTREMELY dangerous looking and sexy in a cyberpunk way. It seems that that the female race will be at hands with the best guns, the best cars and the best armors... All we can do now is just...

- :bowdown: Yes my lady, what would you like from your slave? :bowdown: -

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Somehow the woman are becoming EXTREMELY dangerous looking and sexy in a cyberpunk way. It seems that that the female race will be at hands with the best guns, the best cars and the best armors... All we can do now is just...

- :bowdown: Yes my lady, what would you like from your slave? :bowdown: -

LoL, not a problem ... :whip:

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Somehow the woman are becoming EXTREMELY dangerous looking and sexy in a cyberpunk way. It seems that that the female race will be at hands with the best guns, the best cars and the best armors... All we can do now is just...

- :bowdown: Yes my lady, what would you like from your slave? :bowdown: -

I have a feeling you're going to be QUITE popular! :wise:


New Member
:D ... hey, she's just giving you fair warning that the Cyrene female creatures are not to be taken lightly. The female Terranix Boss mob is a perfect example, because she does not reveal herself until after the male Terranix Boss mob in the quest line is killed, and it's difficult enough getting to him.

Ok, Ok, BUT, will she loot well lol :boxer::shoot::badbee:

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Ok, Ok, BUT, will she loot well lol :boxer::shoot::badbee:

I guess maybe you'll have to give the quest line a go to see if you can get that far to even lure her out into the open to find out whether she loots well or not. :D Then YOU can report back to us with the results. ;)

Treat her right though, or you might find yourself a cave-dwelling slave! :wise:


New Member
Cyrene women RULE and the Cyrene female armor certainly rules too... so think twice next time you approach one of these dangerous beauties...

... but do you really have to make it more difficult for a man to approach a woman? You give her shades ... can't see her eyes, her reaction ... you added a blaster that will scare the meanest guy in the ally ... you threw a vehicle behind her the size of a tank, as backup? ... and you top it off with armour so i can't touch her, not with a sonnet, not with a kiss, ... that's just cold, so cold ;P​
At this moment i'm still confused about whether i can be friends with the Zik and what that will mean (are the enemies of my friends my enemies? does it exclude me from certain armours and amazing blasters and vehicles? and what happens if i touch her car?). BzzzZik. Bye beautiful people. ;P​