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With Planet to Planet TP gone..what now?

Had a MS once, we put in 5 grand to have it shot down the first 15 mins of flight by a Sleipnir...

I find that hard to believe. What was the SI of your ship and how many repairers did you have on each station? 50k peds would upgrade the ship to a pretty significant level. Of course, sitting still in PVP with insufficient repairers and no gunners, any MS could be taken down by a sleipnir with enough time and ammo.

I'm not putting your ship down here in anyway. yes, 36 SI is a big number and it would cost pirates a lot to take down, but it still can be taken down and due to that a lot of people do not want to go to space due to this and because of this most planets other than Caly will be getting way lot less business now.

I don't agree. Where there are not enough people on planets, it's because of a failure of marketing or design (e.g. the economy doesn't work), not the fault of space. Planets aren't supposed to grow by leeching off other planets' populations. They're supposed to grow by marketing and getting new player registrations. New players don't care about space, they just want to go to the planet that sounds most interesting, and starting out they don't have significant amounts of stackables to transport between planets anyway. The only people who care about taking stackables are traders, crafters, and specialty professions like hair stylists and colorers, whose materials are not easily obtainable on every planet. 100% safe travel would promote more tourism, but that's not the same as planet growth.


Search Womans from your town for night
Had a MS once, we put in 5 grand to have it shot down the first 15 mins of flight by a Sleipnir...

I'm not putting your ship down here in anyway. yes, 36 SI is a big number and it would cost pirates a lot to take down, but it still can be taken down and due to that a lot of people do not want to go to space due to this and because of this most planets other than Caly will be getting way lot less business now.

And sorry, the issue isn't pvp, but lootable space.. my mistype again.

ok with that 5 gran (peds) u get like 7-10k total SI.
ofcorse it can be taken down.. normandie with 80k+ si got taken down. but was it worth it for them? i bet not..
no non-afk hunter with loot will stay online untill they took it down. and they will lose tons of peds.. maybe it did cost them like 2k ped to take it down. i dont realy know how much repaire crew they had at that time.. but with more ppl i think whey culd servive :)


Active Member
I find that hard to believe. What was the SI of your ship and how many repairers did you have on each station? 50k peds would upgrade the ship to a pretty significant level. Of course, sitting still in PVP with insufficient repairers and no gunners, any MS could be taken down by a sleipnir with enough time and ammo.

This was when we first got the MS and didn't upgrade it yet. Just bought it out of the box for a good 5k USD to find it was worthless unless we put way more into it -- and sorry to say, our soc went down hill fast after that. Just that of course putting so much into getting the ship, we thought it would last a bit longer in space. But again, that's another issue when well, isn't really all that much of an issue. The issue is lootable space killing the game? And more, how long can the game be running with lootable space before it's shut down due to it allowing real life stealing?
ok with that 5 gran (peds) u get like 7-10k total SI.
ofcorse it can be taken down.. normandie with 80k+ si got taken down. but was it worth it for them? i bet not..
no non-afk hunter with loot will stay online untill they took it down. and they will lose tons of peds.. maybe it did cost them like 2k ped to take it down. i dont realy know how much repaire crew they had at that time.. but with more ppl i think whey culd servive :)

When the Normandie was taken down, the SI was just over 50k (approx). After that incident, John added more SI to bring it up to over 80k. So, the current "take down cost" is around 3k peds ammo at its current SI, assuming the repair crew is similar to what it was the other day. The repair crew was not particularly numerous at the time; at the end there were only 2 repairers on my section, IIRC, though it was not the section that failed. The fire was mostly concentrated on one section. A heavy repair crew is the only thing that will keep a MS alive under a sustained attack, as everyone can keep on clicking repair for hours and no attacker is going to sit out there for hours wasting ammo. This is also why it's important to have the RK-20 maxed -- one RK-20 does 3x the repair as one RK-5, and population on the ship is limited. A high SI gives several advantages; it gives crew time to react to an attack and run to sections that are undermanned or maneuver, launch quads, get to safe zone, log out, call for backup, etc.

Before auctioning the Motherships, Mindark really should have informed people how much it would cost to upgrade the SI. I think the bids would have been much lower had they known they were not getting a battle-ready ship out of the box. It'll be interesting to see if there's a max SI for these ships.
When the Normandie was taken down, the SI was just over 50k (approx). After that incident, John added more SI to bring it up to over 80k. So, the current "take down cost" is around 3k peds ammo at its current SI, assuming the repair crew is similar to what it was the other day. The repair crew was not particularly numerous at the time; at the end there were only 2 repairers on my section, IIRC, though it was not the section that failed. The fire was mostly concentrated on one section. A heavy repair crew is the only thing that will keep a MS alive under a sustained attack, as everyone can keep on clicking repair for hours and no attacker is going to sit out there for hours wasting ammo. This is also why it's important to have the RK-20 maxed -- one RK-20 does 3x the repair as one RK-5, and population on the ship is limited. A high SI gives several advantages; it gives crew time to react to an attack and run to sections that are undermanned or maneuver, launch quads, get to safe zone, log out, call for backup, etc. It'll be interesting to see if there's a max SI for these ships.

Oztwo, I agree, before selling the Motherships, Mindark should have informed us how much it would cost to upgrade the SI. I think the bids would have been much lower had people known they were not getting a battle-ready ship out of the box.


Active Member
Before auctioning the Motherships, Mindark really should have informed people how much it would cost to upgrade the SI. I think the bids would have been much lower had they known they were not getting a battle-ready ship out of the box. It'll be interesting to see if there's a max SI for these ships.

Cost - Ingot
5355.36 -- Belkar Ingot - 80k
6007.104 -- Copper Ingot - 12k
11739.975 -- Gazzurdite Ingot - 13k
6717.06 -- Glam Ingot - 45k
16324.5 -- Gold Ingot - 5k
18765.432 -- Niksarium Ingot - 7k
6719.22 -- Veda Ingot - 30k

This is current markup, but yes, to upgrade a MS takes a lot of PED. Just to upgrade the ship, one could buy another MS alone. But yes, if people knew of the costs involved when the first MS was release bids for them would have been way lower.

Tony Pendragon

New Member
Cost - Ingot
5355.36 -- Belkar Ingot - 80k
6007.104 -- Copper Ingot - 12k
11739.975 -- Gazzurdite Ingot - 13k
6717.06 -- Glam Ingot - 45k
16324.5 -- Gold Ingot - 5k
18765.432 -- Niksarium Ingot - 7k
6719.22 -- Veda Ingot - 30k

This is current markup, but yes, to upgrade a MS takes a lot of PED. Just to upgrade the ship, one could buy another MS alone. But yes, if people knew of the costs involved when the first MS was release bids for them would have been way lower.

Wow that is a huge amount of peds spent.

MA would have kept the SI mats required very quiet at first so the auctions whent high. Makes more money for MA that way.

Does anyone know if the mats decay?
I have not heard anyone mention any SI decay over time.

I really dislike that materials list that MA published, it's misleading and makes no sense and implies a max SI, which we're only now finding out is not the case. Mindark should not have sold the MSs without revealing their specs and given realistic upgrade scenarios. Now maybe the insanity of the bidding war would have raised all the MS prices up just as high, but at least everyone would be well informed of what they were buying.


Active Member
I have not heard anyone mention any SI decay over time.

I really dislike that materials list that MA published, it's misleading and makes no sense and implies a max SI, which we're only now finding out is not the case. Mindark should not have sold the MSs without revealing their specs and given realistic upgrade scenarios. Now maybe the insanity of the bidding war would have raised all the MS prices up just as high, but at least everyone would be well informed of what they were buying.

Yes, I don't think there is decay.but when getting the above info MA did word it as if there was. But again I don't think so. And then the SI...it's rumored to be 100 max. :) I'm guessing that the list that I shown above is the cost for a max SI.

But then that's also the fun of it. The unknown.

But again, still waiting for Ed on an answer to this thread: did he know that MA was going to release space as it is now?


New Member
ok with that 5 gran (peds) u get like 7-10k total SI.
ofcorse it can be taken down.. normandie with 80k+ si got taken down. but was it worth it for them? i bet not..
no non-afk hunter with loot will stay online untill they took it down. and they will lose tons of peds.. maybe it did cost them like 2k ped to take it down. i dont realy know how much repaire crew they had at that time.. but with more ppl i think whey culd servive :)

This game is not all about money. Mandy been shoot just for fun what other enjoy fight. Like you going to movie and paying money to see interesting action :)
This game is not all about money. Mandy been shoot just for fun what other enjoy fight. Like you going to movie and paying money to see interesting action :)

I'm not so sure that was just about fun. It came out that the pirates only did it that time because they were paid to. One or two individuals funded the operation just to get attention, or out of jealousy, I'm not sure the exact reason, but it wasn't "just to have fun", in fact, the individual in charge wasn't even present at the time. But from the individual pirates' point of view, it was about money. They were paid and they were probably told they'd have a chance of getting big loot. When you're talking about spending more than $200 real dollars for literally two or three minutes of using auto-tool "just for fun", it's not something you'll do again unless it's REALLY fun. Now, it's probably true that they had the most fun while they were waiting and flying around in formation with 15 quads, anticipating the event. That would be fun, but ofc they were getting paid to do it too... and you can have that kind of fun without spending a lot of money, you just need some friends.

Think about the first hussk battle... it gave people a couple hours of wild fun (so I hear) and yet afterward, we had quite a few people angry, even some wanting to rage-quit because they spent a couple hundred ped on a no-looter.

The point of writing all that is this: while I agree with you that not every activity in the game is about money, if your average player is spending significant peds in a very short amount of time, I really do believe they want at least a chance of a big profit.

But back to the original topic, with nearly all of the motherships and privateers active now, even if they have to fly at sub warp the whole way, and with so many owning quads, I don't think there will be any problem at all getting a significant portion of the EU population over to Cyrene on the week of its release. In fact, because the cost of flying is so much less than the 40 ped TP fees, I'd expect more to go than went to the other planets' openings.

Sure, pirates might have a field day with all the inexperienced flyers out there that week. But on the other hand, about half the pirates are in space on any given day. About 5% of the anti-pirate ships are out there on any given day (just a wild guess). If you look at it that way, it's likely the pirates will be vastly outnumbered and it may actually be safer than ever to fly. I guess we'll see.

In any case, there's no reason for anyone to bring lootables to Cyrene, so there are no worries however it turns out.



New Member
I'm not so sure that was just about fun. It came out that the pirates only did it that time because they were paid to. One or two individuals funded the operation just to get attention, or out of jealousy, I'm not sure the exact reason, but it wasn't "just to have fun", in fact, the individual in charge wasn't even present at the time. But from the individual pirates' point of view, it was about money. They were paid and they were probably told they'd have a chance of getting big loot. When you're talking about spending more than $200 real dollars for literally two or three minutes of using auto-tool "just for fun", it's not something you'll do again unless it's REALLY fun. Now, it's probably true that they had the most fun while they were waiting and flying around in formation with 15 quads, anticipating the event. That would be fun, but ofc they were getting paid to do it too... and you can have that kind of fun without spending a lot of money, you just need some friends.

Think about the first hussk battle... it gave people a couple hours of wild fun (so I hear) and yet afterward, we had quite a few people angry, even some wanting to rage-quit because they spent a couple hundred ped on a no-looter.

The point of writing all that is this: while I agree with you that not every activity in the game is about money, if your average player is spending significant peds in a very short amount of time, I really do believe they want at least a chance of a big profit.

But back to the original topic, with nearly all of the motherships and privateers active now, even if they have to fly at sub warp the whole way, and with so many owning quads, I don't think there will be any problem at all getting a significant portion of the EU population over to Cyrene on the week of its release. In fact, because the cost of flying is so much less than the 40 ped TP fees, I'd expect more to go than went to the other planets' openings.

Sure, pirates might have a field day with all the inexperienced flyers out there that week. But on the other hand, about half the pirates are in space on any given day. About 5% of the anti-pirate ships are out there on any given day (just a wild guess). If you look at it that way, it's likely the pirates will be vastly outnumbered and it may actually be safer than ever to fly. I guess we'll see.

In any case, there's no reason for anyone to bring lootables to Cyrene, so there are no worries however it turns out.


I am full time pirate, but i am very liked your reply, just for payment you wrote its not costed 200 usd dollars to take down the ship and yes we get payed to cover our omunition costs, but not get any huge income or something, we had great time and enjoyed it.

What about cyrene so no one out number us in quantity, because we going to close that planet for 2-3 days, just so no one could smugle out any res. All flying in Cyrene will reach that planet freely and width out problems.

Be safe in space :)


New Member
This was when we first got the MS and didn't upgrade it yet. Just bought it out of the box for a good 5k USD to find it was worthless unless we put way more into it -- and sorry to say, our soc went down hill fast after that. Just that of course putting so much into getting the ship, we thought it would last a bit longer in space. But again, that's another issue when well, isn't really all that much of an issue. The issue is lootable space killing the game? And more, how long can the game be running with lootable space before it's shut down due to it allowing real life stealing?

If there will be no lotable space the ms and privateer ovners will get fiasco lol. Its cost around 3-4 peds to fly to any planet so i thing its cheaper than 20 :D

You all yelling lotable space is bad its stealing from peoples and killing game, but its prime this game engine. Width out space will not be any progress motherships will sta at docs and you can use your buggy to travel to other side of map :D

What if the pirates stops pirating just for one month ?
Answer: All will use its own ships to travel across universe.


Active Member
What if the pirates stops pirating just for one month ?
Answer: All will use its own ships to travel across universe.

Not really, other than getting shot at and what not in pvp you also have the time factor. A lot will use an MS just for warp drive. 30 secs compared to 60 mins to over 2 hours travel time will still bring MS big money. Plus since a lot more will be going out in space, well...More money for all.


Active Member
I am full time pirate, but i am very liked your reply, just for payment you wrote its not costed 200 usd dollars to take down the ship and yes we get payed to cover our omunition costs, but not get any huge income or something, we had great time and enjoyed it.

Oh, Ok..no need to read my last post...didn't notice that you are a pirate..so of course you want lootable space.