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Cyrene Upcoming Token Changes

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I wanted to announce an upcoming change for Planet Cyrene as early as possible. I'm sure many players are familiar with the tokens that we have here: Imperium Tokens and Zyn'Kimbro Tokens. These tokens are rewards from missions and can be used to purchase certain items as well as in some crafting recipes.

In the next VU, both Imperium and Zyn'Kimbro Tokens will be combined into one, new token: Cyrene Mission Token. This token will have DOUBLE the Trade Terminal value of these current tokens so for every two tokens a player currently has now, they will have one Cyrene Mission Token.

As an example, Cyrene Pioneer John has 22x Imperium Tokens and 44x Zyn'Kimbro Tokens, after the VU he will have 33x Cyrene Mission Tokens. Cyrene Pioneer John will still have the SAME PED value that he had before.

IF you have an odd number of tokens, you will be given a 1/2 token that cannot be used for anything .You can either keep it as a souvenir or trade it in the TT at a value of 0.5 PEC.

I would like to stress that there will be no PED Value lost during this transition.

This change will allow us at Planet Cyrene together with MindArk to offer more competitive token rewards to be purchased with these tokens.

Once this change goes into effect, any tokens that are used in crafting recipes will only take half the current amount of Imperium Tokens. All the current items from the token vendors will still be available at half the current number of Imperium Tokens required (which, with the new token value, will be the same as it is now).

As an example:

Current Cost - Cyrene Armor Mold = 10x Imperium Tokens
After VU Cost - Cyrene Armor Mold = 5x Cyrene Mission Tokens

Current Cost - Zyn Campfire = 100x Zyn'Kimbro Tokens
After VU Cost - Zyn Campfire = 50x Cyrene Mission Tokens

All of the missions that reward Imperium or Zyn'Kimbro Tokens have been re-balanced to make sure that the cost of the mission is in line with the new token PED value. There will also be new missions that reward Cyrene Mission Tokens, not to mention that the M.A.R.I.O.V.R. instance now also will reward the new Cyrene Mission Tokens for both Basic and Advanced runs.


I hope this explains what will be happening to the mission tokens in the next VU.



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Yeah, I did it. So what?
Don't look to closely at my current tokens when you go to trade them.... They aren't counterfeit or anything,,, I swear,,,


Now i have to make sure i have an odd amount of tokens! I did kind of like the concept of having different tokens for different paths but this will be a lot simpler.

What about the key cubes though? Recipe change again?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Karmic,

Now i have to make sure i have an odd amount of tokens! I did kind of like the concept of having different tokens for different paths but this will be a lot simpler.

You would want an EVEN number of tokens, so that way you don't end up with the half token.

IF you have an odd number of tokens, you will be given a 1/2 token that cannot be used for anything .You can either keep it as a souvenir or trade it in the TT at a value of 0.5 PEC.

What about the key cubes though? Recipe change again?

Yes =) Again, half of what is currently required.


George Skywalker

Active Member
I for sure will want half tokens...

Are they actually cut into half?

Novelty, mystery and other such factor will be sky high. Especially in 10 years from now. When we are old can tell the next generation back in the day Kris got angry and chopped our tokens into halves. Eh with time truth always get distorted;) moral of story will be don't mess with THE MAN :)


Yeah, I did it. So what?
<== humbly begs "The Man"'s forgivness for having a laugh at "The Man"'s expense. :p


Well-Known Member
Just a thought but if I would have different stacks of one token on each planet's storage would i get a lot of half tokens then, or would they get added up?

Same question if i had 500 'stacks' of 1 token in my storage. Would that become 500 half tokens?
10 Years from now i'd like to tell people Kris had a special grudge against me for pointing out spelling mistakes :)

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Just a thought but if I would have different stacks of one token on each planet's storage would i get a lot of half tokens then, or would they get added up?

Same question if i had 500 'stacks' of 1 token in my storage. Would that become 500 half tokens?
10 Years from now i'd like to tell people Kris had a special grudge against me for pointing out spelling mistakes :)

Trick question ... so a trick reply and just an assumption :shots:

But since the storages on each planet are not connected, my guess is each storage will be counted up (so, if you have 501 stacked on one planet, you will have 1/2 there - if you have 501 in another - that leaves you with 1/2).

My guess (and only a guess, as said) is, that all your 5oo times stacked tokens will be stacked in one single stack when the system does the merging.

What happens if you transfer all the tokens from one planet to another and stack them and you have 2 times 1/2 tokens? :dunno: Have to admit, I don't know ...

And please, Kris - correct me if I'm wrong :headbang:


Fate Thanatos Themis
this token transfer should be made via <Trade to NPC> action, so players would manage its quiantities not to lose in transfer.
But this would not remove Zyna and Impreium tokens form the game tho

George Skywalker

Active Member
this token transfer should be made via <Trade to NPC> action, so players would manage its quiantities not to lose in transfer.
But this would not remove Zyna and Impreium tokens form the game tho

That will produce more headaches. For example what if someone doesn't convert the tokens? how long do you give people to change over?

In the end will still have to be done auto for non cooperators. So could be more problems and take time to set up which could be spent doing better things...


Fate Thanatos Themis
if some1 dont change tokens into new type, he wont have any use for those old, simple as that :) same was for mission tokens transfered into combat tokens on calypso


Well-Known Member
if some1 dont change tokens into new type, he wont have any use for those old, simple as that :) same was for mission tokens transfered into combat tokens on calypso

Yes but for the newer players there is a NPC in the game that converts tokens that they can't get. Wouldn't look good if you ask me.

George Skywalker

Active Member
if some1 dont change tokens into new type, he wont have any use for those old, simple as that :) same was for mission tokens transfered into combat tokens on calypso

doesn't really matter about use or if it makes sense some will will just not do it. Some casuall players may even not log on much e.g. once a month and genuinely miss or will not know about it etc etc

The point is when you give people a choice then you have to take into account all possibilities...