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Platings in the Hub is an exploit

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
We have looked into the issues regarding the use of plates in the Hub, and it gives some players unfair advantages - therefore:

Using plates in the Hub is an exploit.

Any players caught using this exploit from now on and until the issue is fixed will be temporarily banned.

Please warn other players with this information, if you discover anyone exploiting /or talk about exploiting this issue.

However, if you believe you have anything to report, please mail us at support@cyreneforum.com with information and in-game screen shots.

Thank you!


New Member
question: what about teaming? some people were complaining but I find it a natural consequence of free for all pvp :)
no plating is very good news though :D
"Banned"? From the game? I haven't been there, don't even know where it is, but not a chance that I'd known I was supposed to take off my 2a from my armor. It seems a little harsh punishment in my eyes.


Active Member
What about using the TP's then healing and not being able to be attacked due to arrived safe ??
They can fix that easily.. Cooldown time before you can enter the "TP" again after you just entered it. But the Arrival safe is needed. Because campers will otherwise camp the teleporters waiting for players to come there. And then kill them before they even load everything after gotten teleported.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
"Banned"? From the game? I haven't been there, don't even know where it is, but not a chance that I'd known I was supposed to take off my 2a from my armor. It seems a little harsh punishment in my eyes.

In the Hub you won't be able to use your own armour (or weapons) - and that's the point. You have to use the special Hub armour. But the bug is, that you can attach your 'normal' armour plates to this special Hub armour - and that gives you better advantages.

The fact is we now are aware of this and therefore makes the community aware of this too - and will ban people who will exploit this bug despite this information, because it's unfair. And there are rules in EU about exploiting bugs already.


A pixel guy
hehe ... guess we wont be seeying many 'ubers' then anymore
We won't be seen any entropians up there as soon as hardcore/pro players from FPS games with their supernatural reflexes will hear they can earn money playing and close the hub once and for all :D


New Member
We have looked into the issues regarding the use of plates in the Hub, and it gives some players unfair advantages - therefore:

Using plates in the Hub is an exploit.

Any players caught using this exploit from now on and until the issue is fixed will be temporarily banned.

Please warn other players with this information, if you discover anyone exploiting /or talk about exploiting this issue.

However, if you believe you have anything to report, please mail us at support@cyreneforum.com with information and in-game screen shots.

Thank you!

Exploit? It's a bug due to your sole incompetence. As a software developer myself, I would hang my head and fix it ASAP instead of threatening players about banning their hard earned accounts.

(Messy english, I know x3)

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Exploit? It's a bug due to your sole incompetence. As a software developer myself, I would hang my head and fix it ASAP instead of threatening players about banning their hard earned accounts.

(Messy english, I know x3)

We know it's a bug - but if you know about it and are still doing it, it's an exploit. It's not the first time in Entropia that there will be a ban for exploiting a bug.

If we could fix it faster, we would. But since we can't fix it faster, we warn people about it to make it fair for everyone.


New Member
I think it's a bad practice to come up with a buggy planet and threaten customers, but it's not my business so I don't give a damn.


New Member
We won't be seen any entropians up there as soon as hardcore/pro players from FPS games with their supernatural reflexes will hear they can earn money playing and close the hub once and for all :D

Will be a laugh when those hardcore players try out pvp zones on other planets :D

Will you banned from the hub, cyrene or the complete game? And I would like to suggest to put a banner on top or a message in clientloader since not everyone reads the forum or uses facebook.


Vintage Yquem Port
We have looked into the issues regarding the use of plates in the Hub, and it gives some players unfair advantages - therefore:

Using plates in the Hub is an exploit.

Any players caught using this exploit from now on and until the issue is fixed will be temporarily banned.

Please warn other players with this information, if you discover anyone exploiting /or talk about exploiting this issue.

However, if you believe you have anything to report, please mail us at support@cyreneforum.com with information and in-game screen shots.

Thank you!

Any very good reason why this isnt in cliendloader??

Not all ready here and not all read front page on forum - but everybody read CL before entering game....

This is very bad and I would say big stupidity to expect that all that is in the HuB is reading this forum!!!!

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
I believe Lykke posted elsewhere that it is hoped that this info will be in the client loader tomorrow. She only posted this thread 7-1/2 hours ago, and I'm sure it was at the point that Ed gave her the information. Things are being addressed as efficiently and quickly as possible, but it was thought to be important enough to get the word out on the forum immediately with a request to those who do participate in The Hub, to please tell those they see there about this new information. Lykke is now asleep in her time-zone, but I'm sure that she will respond in the morning when she's back at the forum.

Patience in how quickly things can be done would be appreciated. Thank You! :thumbup:


Vintage Yquem Port
I believe Lykke posted elsewhere that it is hoped that this info will be in the client loader tomorrow. She only posted this thread 7-1/2 hours ago, and I'm sure it was at the point that Ed gave her the information. Things are being addressed as efficiently and quickly as possible, but it was thought to be important enough to get the word out on the forum immediately with a request to those who do participate in The Hub, to please tell those they see there about this new information. Lykke is now asleep in her time-zone, but I'm sure that she will respond in the morning when she's back at the forum.

Patience in how quickly things can be done would be appreciated. Thank You! :thumbup:

What I say is that you should be very careful to use the ban word when its not told in public so that all ppl that log in will risk a ban as they havnt seen it here on the forum.

What you should have told is - "When this info has been told in CL you will risk a ban if you do use this exploit" For crying out loud you have played this game too and everybody is shouting ban me here ban me there - and nothing is an exploit before it has been told to all players - and there is only one place that can be told that the CL ...


New Member
I've not been to the hub yet, but if there is anywhere you can place a big sign with this information then I would suggest doing it ASAP to avoid banning anyone who genuinely wasn't aware of this.

I think it's a bad practice to come up with a buggy planet and threaten customers, but it's not my business so I don't give a damn.

Saying there is a bug and that using it to gain an advantage will result in a ban is not a bad practice. It's exactly what they should be doing.

It's not threatening customers, it's protecting them from exploiters.

You either haven't played EU long enough or you have a short memory of what can happen when those responsible stick their head in the sand and quietly let people carry on until they can be bothered to fix things.

Spider ATH ring any bells?

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
What I say is that you should be very careful to use the ban word when its not told in public so that all ppl that log in will risk a ban as they havnt seen it here on the forum.

What you should have told is - "When this info has been told in CL you will risk a ban if you do use this exploit" For crying out loud you have played this game too and everybody is shouting ban me here ban me there - and nothing is an exploit before it has been told to all players - and there is only one place that can be told that the CL ...

Yes, I perfectly understand your thinking in this respect, and I thank you and appreciate your input, so I will leave Lykke to respond to your concerns when she comes back into the forum in (her) morning. Perhaps then she might be able to shed a little more light on the situation.

Thank you. :)


New Member
Well I was there at the hub 2 days ago and discovered some people were wearing plates. This because of the way-to-low damage I did on them.

The guy I caught responded to my PM request and I had the impression he knew this was wrong. He then took them off and even hunted naked to proof it.

There was another guy, someone who appearantly just started playing entropia and had chipped in all his skills, who was giving me a big mouth, telling me I just didn't understand game mechanics etc when I told him he should stop exploiting. Then claimed he was going to take the plates off yet he still hadn't done so etc, a real pain in the ass. The guy was full of it. Yet it just simply wasn't possible to honestly believe using those plates was not an exploit as all damage protection on the hub armor was 1.0 for all types, clearly to offer least protection whilst still having a bit of decay when getting shot. Next thing is this guy is starting to compliment another on his intelligence for backing up his ridiculous claimed beliefs lol.

One person on PCF wrote he had to go back to Cyrene to put the plates on because he couldn't do it on the hub. Then he went back to abuse the bug the same way.

Yet another guy told me he was doing it because he had to as some other ppl were doing it too.

The club was getting bigger and bigger so I made a supcase about this.

I do sincerely hope enhancers etc will not work in there at all. I have seen a tiering hof by someone and I assume all the exploiters have tiered weapons atm already, paid for by killing exploited players that way. Same as they have bought the improved weaponry paid with the *kinda* stolen tokens.

Anyways I'm really glad they have responded so fast to this issue.

Afaik only male avatars can exploit this bug.