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Recent content by Hec

  1. Hec

    test post here vs PCF confirm account.

    Just seeing if I can post without the hassles. Or if I need to confirm account like at PCF which is broken, no worries PCF is comme ci comme ça / meh. I logged in game, still on cyrene but that new ui just made me go FFFFFFFFFFFFFF! Maybe some day I'll log in and try wrestling its ugliness into...
  2. Hec

    Bug Report Paneleon pet

    LMAO! :D :D :D
  3. Hec

    The Maze roof is kinda boring.

    Haven't been active but when I do log into EU I try to hope on Maze roof and did it today. Seriously doubt I'm the first to do it but now I can scratch it from my bucket list. I can confirm Maze roof is solid and flat. Sadly birds in maze ignore me. (So no way to get a mob train at the...
  4. Hec

    Bug Report Paneleon pet

    Hey I'm necroing this old bug report from 2017 since Paneleon pets still run backwards behind avatar. I know its minor unimportant issue but hopefully it'll be fixed someday? Thank you.
  5. Hec

    Bug Report A.R.C. HK Mold

    Searches give old posts that are pre-server reduction/BP-changes: ie. hk scout and scorpion ap1 (200x A.R.C. HK Mold , 200x A.R.C. HK Mold) https://www.cyreneforum.com/threads/material-requirements-for-blueprints-and-drop-rates.1755/#post-12816 Another example they say it used to be a rare...
  6. Hec

    Cyrene Water's Edge often greater then 60 degrees.

    Thanks Kris for the info. Seems like a lot of work for what appears to be an unwanted change by the customers. Well best of luck.
  7. Hec

    Cyrene Water's Edge often greater then 60 degrees.

    Just curious if Cyrene's Planet Partners (or any PP) were kept in the loop about MindArks planned new Camera & Control System Preview and Guides??? http://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/forums/showthread.php?308539-Camera-amp-Control-System-Preview-and-Guides That discussion there has a lot of good...
  8. Hec

    Official Cyrene Event Planet Cyrene Creature Spawn - February 1st 2019

    Sorry its still early morning here, but what's CL? A previous event explains Imps screenshots of the Terranix! http://cyreneforum.com/threads/omg-its-a-beauty.7975/ Wish everyone best of luck and lots of fun with event next Friday afternoon.
  9. Hec

    OMG its a Beauty!!!!

    Hey Terranix is back, nice! And that 0.55 pec is because its shared loot mob. :D 2017 screenshot (sorry I forgot to scan it back then) Terranix caught my eye back when lilmc did some event testing in 2017 and it was first mob pic I posted...
  10. Hec

    Cyrene Special Mission Locations of Armor Parts

    Guess this now makes arms location public knowledge. :D I'll update op, thanks Justine. And later I'll post the screenies after I go back and retake screenie for head.
  11. Hec

    Cyrene Special Mission Locations of Armor Parts

    Yesterday I stumbled across "Hidden Item: Ice Plateau"... and didn't realize I had that mission! So that helps me leave the ice and narrows down search area to about 50% of Cyrene. Thanks Kris.
  12. Hec

    Cyrene Special Mission Locations of Armor Parts

    Thanks John I saw it posted to Cyrene chat a moment ago too. I went back earlier pressed screenshot and its mia. (shrug) Also updated OP with those coords.
  13. Hec

    how we treat people

    The "compensation" makes MA look really really bad. :/ But they do say its all about who you know and who you blow.
  14. Hec

    Cyrene Special Mission Locations of Armor Parts

    The above are publically known positions/coordinates/locations to find armor parts. Not sure when the mission for armor parts finally became active?? I only discovered it after the Battle Ready NPC was activated last week. http://cyreneforum.com/threads/getting-battle-ready.7130/ Judging by...
  15. Hec

    Cyrene Special Mission Locations of Armor Parts

    Special Mission: Armor Parts Armor Shin Guards .... 132006, 77762, 168 Armor Foot Guards ... 136140, 79236, 110 Armor Hand Guards ... 133158, 78432, 124 Armor Head Guards ... 137045, 74571, 100 Armor Thigh Guards .. 138095, 76646, 100 Armor Chest Guards .. 135798, 79535, 111 Armor...