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Recent content by RAZER

  1. RAZER

    Which version of Cryengine?

    The PP's are using a customized CryEngine 2 as does MA. (Kris beat me to it)
  2. RAZER

    Just a test

    Did you see our newest 'work in Progress' Neuromancer, the Creature Cards ?
  3. RAZER

    Just a test

    You are getting way to close to uncover my evil plan. Might have to get rid of you now :wolf:
  4. RAZER

    Just a test

    and it seems to work removed the test so don't fear if you don't see anything that is testing :)
  5. RAZER

    Find the teleporter

    It should be a blue dot on your map and/or radar.
  6. RAZER

    Planet Cyrene October 2014 VU Preview

    A big part of why I say that gathering info is part of the fun is because I love gathering info and putting it in the wiki for others to use. One of the examples is the Cyrene mission page (not info I gathered, that was mostly @Neuromancer the past few weeks). It has a map with popup boxes...
  7. RAZER

    Planet Cyrene October 2014 VU Preview

    But but, that is part of the fun
  8. RAZER

    MECHs not possible???

    Nice info there Ed and you mentioning taming should make a few people pretty happy, but I'm not holding my breath on that one just yet. Funny though that you see Kim as MindArk personnel while he is trying very hard to convince us he isn't :)
  9. RAZER

    10 Event update and a heads up.

    Don't get me wrong I am too, just really don't understand what those 2 lines mean.
  10. RAZER

    10 Event update and a heads up.

    "...Cyrene specific rights will be made available" "...the closing off of soft launch specific content" struggeling to understand what those mean
  11. RAZER

    I Wish sweat could be "planet bound"

    I think that being able to transport stuff from one planet to the other is in some ways hurting the economy of the smaller planets for sure (like the sweat example you gave), but on the other hand it is helping them as well as the stuff created with the sweat is most likely going to another...
  12. RAZER

    Really good, and helpful guide found.

    Yes Alice's guide is still the best one out there and she still updates it once in a while if new stuff come to the game.
  13. RAZER

    Official Cyrene Event ROFL Comic Contest

    here you go
  14. RAZER

    Rare Creature Contest

    typical human, you see rare creature and you kill it :)
  15. RAZER

    Rare Creature Contest

    Of course no idea what is possible, but wouldn't it be nice to just spawn 1 of the creatures anywhere on the planet, this way it would be a bit of a hunt and if it was killed without someone posting an image, well to bad I guess.