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10 Event update and a heads up.

Ed Robles 3

Active Member
Hello everyone.

We are currently waiting for a response from MA from a post we made earlier in the month regarding the 10 event. Things have been busy for MA for the next patch but we are sure this will be taken care of soon. I will be scheduling a meeting with MA as soon as both parties have time and personally bring this up.

We are also working on the other issues regarding the Ten Event mix up and we will try and make things right as best we can as soon as we can.

Cyrenes soft launch is coming to an end in 2014, with some changes that will be coming but we need to further sort some things out with our partners at MA to get the full green light.

What does that mean? Well for now I can share that Cyrene advertising and marketing will be a big part of it. Our web pressence will be updated. Shops, appartments and Cyrene specific rights will be made available. More events, more information and story revealed and the closing off of soft launch specific content (which was our thank you to the pioneers).

Thats it for now and I hope this information has been useful.


again, I have no idea...
"...Cyrene specific rights will be made available"
"...the closing off of soft launch specific content"

struggeling to understand what those mean
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Thanks for the update.
I would appreciate if we get some information on why the event was not approved the last 2 times, is there any way we can help to prevent this happen again?

George Skywalker

Active Member
Thanks for the revealing post Ed. Cleared up a few things in my mind...

Looking forward to see what it all actually means though and how it all pans out.


Well-Known Member
Ok I can probably shed some light here, and some people who have studied the storyline more in depth would agree.

Currently we are in an early age of the evolution of Cyrene, the soft launch was designed as an evolution platform where the players make the planet evolve by doing missions and setting the foundations with what is to come, the epic quests are a stepping stone into the main core storyline. - this is where we are at now, near the end of the evolution age.


The VU that marks the end of the Cyrene soft launch, will mean we the colonists that have evolved this planet, will see us enter a new age, hundreds maybe even thousands of years later of evolution we have created, where we will see the coming of age of Planet Cyrene and will notice that the races we met in the previous age , will be alot more advanced the dusters will have a new turrelion metropolis, Janus will come alive (not like the current Janus as looking like an Ancient Greek ghost town), those little drill bots (hmm think evolution haha).



This is where the core storyline starts and what is meant by "Specific Rights" think "Factions?? and which side you will be loyal too" sometime in 2014 will mark the beginning of a new "World Dominion"

"...the closing off of soft launch specific content"

well its a new age of Cyrene :)

Can't Wait for the Green Light


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George Skywalker

Active Member
Toulan seems to be launching today, with it's website updated and someone said they got email to that effect. So cyrene full launch today looks ever more likely....fingers crossed

George Skywalker

Active Member
dosnt seem to be the case

Wonder what did happen? Seemed to be gearing up for launch but we only had Toulan launch it's beta. Perhaps something broke? it got delayed or maybe I was jumping to conclusions too much...

Perhaps both will go full launch later/soon...

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Wonder what did happen? Seemed to be gearing up for launch but we only had Toulan launch it's beta. Perhaps something broke? it got delayed or maybe I was jumping to conclusions too much...

Not sure if you're referring to Cyrene or Toulan, but Ed wrote:

"Cyrenes soft launch is coming to an end in 2014, with some changes that will be coming but we need to further sort some things out with our partners at MA to get the full green light."

So regarding Cyrene; We are only in the beginning of 2014 but we can see an end on the long wait =) It wasn't this time though, but this VU made room for the release of planet Toulan and a few overall fixes =)
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