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  1. Gisela Dawes

    Swamp Lurkers Spawn Fix

    its coz all of the natural red bull springs on cyrene :-P Joke aside, Oleg is right, the idle speed of mobs on cyrene is terrible.
  2. Gisela Dawes

    Cyrene Special Mission Locations of Armor Parts

    Shin location is indeed next to venataurs [Planet Cyrene , 132006, 77762, 168, Waypoint]
  3. Gisela Dawes

    The case of the missing Santa Lurker Plush

    Since you are checking on this, some trees have this same issue on cyrene. Huge trees you can see from really far but completely disappear once you are next to them.
  4. Gisela Dawes

    Wish List Space Training Grounds

    I believe this is on mindark`s field, since Cyrene team doesn`t create content for space.
  5. Gisela Dawes

    how we treat people

    Kris, since acting as police is not something cyrene official can do, putting more spawns for weak paneleons would be good. Even in times when strongboxes dont drop it would be good to have several spwans since this is the go-to mob for sweat gatherers and its not comfortable to grind close to...
  6. Gisela Dawes

    how we treat people

    I had this happen to me on both weak paneleon spawns. Same player using plasma weapons and one shot killing all mobs. You can easily have 5 hunters on a spawn with no problems and this guy shows up and takes all mobs and doesnt care at all. I m really sad to hear you made a support and nothing...
  7. Gisela Dawes

    Imps on Cyrene :p

    Of course we do. And we get the reputation we deserve for the way we choose to play.
  8. Gisela Dawes

    Imps on Cyrene :p

    Well, since he will be staying on cyrene for a few months, everyone be extra careful when flying out of cyrene since he enjoys piracy.
  9. Gisela Dawes

    Merry Christmas :D

    Gz, Justine!!
  10. Gisela Dawes

    Holiday Creatures

    the spawn is east of the teleporter. Its clealry marked with a circle so you ll spot it from the air.
  11. Gisela Dawes

    Vlad the untraveler

    Kris, Vlad cant be looted at all. The loot event just doesnt happen at all. it just vanishes ater you kill him. This has been posted here before and its been like this since the vu were you introduced the tp at the end of the maze. I ve killed dozens of times since then and never got a loot...
  12. Gisela Dawes

    Another newbie question - Map?

    that is the old cyrene map. i you need the waypoint for those missions, pm me ingame and i ll send you a message with all the locations.
  13. Gisela Dawes

    FIXED duster station tp

    Those are the clothes of turrelia, San. The turrelion settler is the red set and its from the turrelia rifts event if i m correct. And has no mission asociated to it, to answer to vauld
  14. Gisela Dawes

    Zyn'Kimbro Fireplaces

    Can confirm that both Grippa, and Pirano (Both Zyn traders) are still inactive and you cant get the campfires. It has been like this since the vu that was suposed to change the required amount of tokens to get them.
  15. Gisela Dawes

    Bug Report add mazeweaver certificate's to vlad's loot...

    Since the vu i couldnt loot Vlad both times i killed him. Anyone else having this issue?
  16. Gisela Dawes

    FIXED duster station tp

    Might be all of the particles used for the sand in the wind effect there. Particles tend to be heavy on graphic cards. Like the polen from the dire weeds.
  17. Gisela Dawes

    Pleak mission feedback

    Thanks for the reply, Kris. To add to the list, the first stage on the mission description in the log has the place holder name and value for the reward.
  18. Gisela Dawes

    Pleak mission feedback

    San i dont mean the mission should be shorter, just that the first stages should be like the bigger missions. 100 kills, then 500 then 1k... This will be the first iron style mission a new player will work on cyrene and 2k is a lot to grind for to get your first reward. And i dont think there...
  19. Gisela Dawes

    Pleak mission feedback

    Some feedback on this new mission. First of all, why do you guys make all the puny missions start with so many kills? this si ment for low level players, dont make first stage 2k kills! Second, i know its described as rare, but i think you forgot to put the pleak wings in lol And last, the...