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  1. Gisela Dawes

    Christmas Totem

    Be carefull if trying this. Players are camping the spawn and stealing the mobs. And since its not shared loot, you loose all your ammo if you dont do the most dmg.
  2. Gisela Dawes

    Christmas Totem

    I asume this will drop from any mob, just like the summoning totems, but they probably wont be in the loot pool until the mini patch.
  3. Gisela Dawes

    New Zeladoth mission

    Talk with the tanhok ambassador at A.R.C. Inmigration Tanhok. That mission is the first stage of the epic 2.
  4. Gisela Dawes

    New Zeladoth mission

    No, the male zeladoths dont count for the zeladoth pandemic mission.
  5. Gisela Dawes

    Christmas Totem

    says the npc wont be active until mini patch
  6. Gisela Dawes


    the only missions for hackfin are "scary hackfin" and the arc faction one. Never heard of overboard before either.
  7. Gisela Dawes

    NPC armor question

    The Ozpyn Chang is a good guess. No comment on this, Kris?
  8. Gisela Dawes

    New achievements question

    It does say "mazeweaver missions" tough, and finding the missing object had no mission related to it.
  9. Gisela Dawes


    We gave this a try sometime ago and you will need a rather large group to sweat young paneleons or a lot of healing. Anf for a sweat circle that big, puny mang changs could be a better choice. Now about solo sweating mobs, puny crystal pedes or recently hatched empi can be a good choice and both...
  10. Gisela Dawes

    Cyrene Maze Map

    do you get the mission from the npc everytime?
  11. Gisela Dawes

    New achievements question

    Kris, the vu preview you posted mentioned new achievements related with discovery, hunting missions and mazeweaver missions. So the first is the turrelins docks object, the second is for the new skyshatter iron but which is the one for the mazeweavers?
  12. Gisela Dawes


    i got mine after maintenance, so it seems it will be one a week for now.
  13. Gisela Dawes


    it turns out that not everyone can get it, since the flying squirrel wont spawn.
  14. Gisela Dawes


    Kris, I got the 200 certificates and tried spawning the wolpentinker about 12 hours after Rusty got his. I got the message saying "incoming wolpentinker" but nothing happened. he never spawned. so now i have no pet and 0 certificates.
  15. Gisela Dawes

    NPC armor question

    Kris; there are 2 npcs in A.R.C. staging wearing parts of an armor that i ve never seen before. Is that a model you are planning to introduce or is it just a npc armor? Coz it looks really cool
  16. Gisela Dawes

    Atlas Hunting Ground Dire Weeds dont count for ARC dire weed mission anymore

    Purslanes indeed don`t count. Not even in the kill point mission. Are you sure you didn`t complete those stages doing your arc dailies, Rusty?
  17. Gisela Dawes

    AFK sweat tourists!

    Thank you, Kris. Maybe we can get an account bound A.R.C. Fighter from faction stage 4? Meanwhile i ll go to the proving grounds and drool watching it from the other side of the fence lol
  18. Gisela Dawes

    Crafting Ripper Hide Armor Plate (L) Blueprint (L)

    Would be a lot better to change the rewards on the 5k stages first. It sure isnt enticing to kill 5k mobs to get Cyrene mission tokens.
  19. Gisela Dawes

    Harvesting Trees

    We do have other professions excluded on Cyrene already. None of the beauty professions can be performed on cyrene because of the lack of housing.
  20. Gisela Dawes

    AFK sweat tourists!

    This means that none of the space ships you had planned can be implemented either? Was hopping to have some news about that now that Arkadia has introduced the Dropship (not confirmed to be space capable tough).