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  1. Gisela Dawes

    A.R.C. Faction Badges

    Shrapnel is indeed what you need to purchase items in the ARC vendor for stage 1 and 2. The amount you need depends on what you are buying. You can go inside and check, the badges dont get consumed entering the vendor area,
  2. Gisela Dawes

    One of us, one of us!

    I finally completed the test of faith mission chain and got my Coat!! First female one ingame.
  3. Gisela Dawes

    Mission Galactica

    Bio ID drops from empis wasps. I can`t confirm that the other 2 drop from any mob on Cyrene tough.
  4. Gisela Dawes


    The magma chamber is an unlock for the dynamic upgrade map and it hasnt been reached yet, Fatal. If you are interested in it, work on the ngu volcano area to make the percentage for that area increase.
  5. Gisela Dawes

    Discovery HoF Goggles of Turrelia (F)

    They are just clothes. Same model as the Turrelion settler goggles but diferent color.
  6. Gisela Dawes

    Discovery HoF Goggles of Turrelia (F)

    Finally got my goggles!! Discovery and all. Now 60k more for the coat.
  7. Gisela Dawes

    Cyrene Mission Token daily missions list

    You missed the mission "the purple den". Its to kill zeladoth alpha/beta. Also rewards 1 cyrene mission token. As a side note for this mission, it will send you to the zeladoth island but it got updated for me while hunting zeladoths near high desert tp.
  8. Gisela Dawes

    Noob checking in!

    Welcome to Cyrene, Ricky!
  9. Gisela Dawes

    new today

    Ahoy, Belen! Welcome to Cyrene!
  10. Gisela Dawes

    Bug Report bug report March 24th mini-update

    I got 2 pleaks over 10 peds with no global. It doesnt really matter to me to get swirlies out of this mobs, but those are the things our new players will hunt, and we all know how nice is to get your first global. Even if its a 5 ped one.
  11. Gisela Dawes

    Bug Report bug report March 24th mini-update

    Kris; since you are looking into the global threshold, i believe there are quite a few mobs that need adjustment on this area. Here is a list of the ones that come to mind at the moment: Pleaks, Puny crystal pedes, Arrets, Duster scapegoats, sprouted, weak, soldier and watcher dire weeds, puny...
  12. Gisela Dawes

    Information: A.R.C. Rank 3

    Yes please!! i want Zorra`s outfit!! And i also hope Turrelion is the next faction. Lot of potencial for an interesting mission with those guys.
  13. Gisela Dawes

    Bug Report Bug report: march 2015 VU

    Crafting mission for A.R.C. Faction stage 2 are not working.
  14. Gisela Dawes

    Mang Chang 628 PED

    Gratz, Sub-Zero!!
  15. Gisela Dawes

    Token trader dont have weapons available.

    The difference is that the token market is local, while selling the weapons will require to travel, making it less profitable. Specially for new players. I do agree that something should be done to prevent one player to empty the trader stock tough. Perhaps using a cooldown period to all token...
  16. Gisela Dawes

    Token trader dont have weapons available.

    Sub-Zero, making the cyrene mission tokens untradeable wont be fair to those of us who work hard grinding them each day to sell them.
  17. Gisela Dawes

    Record your glob & Hof

    As far as i understand, Arkadia solved this issue by having 3 or 4 bots running the tracker 24/7, so any player that uses the tracker will have the globals recorded. Then again, they don`t have Thanatos disabling trackers there.
  18. Gisela Dawes

    Kenji's achievements

    Gz, Kenji!!
  19. Gisela Dawes

    Too Dark at A.R.C. Starter Area

    This darkness issue is particulalrly complicated for the players using EU on window mode, since they can`t adjust the gamma slider on those ocations when it gets too dark for them.
  20. Gisela Dawes

    Bug Report December 16th, 2014 Bug Report

    A soc. mate finished the skreel stage of the Zora mission and when he tried to turn it in it gave an error.