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Search results

  1. Lykke TheNun

    In Search of Cyrene's Historical Symbol - The Winners!

    The contest "In Search of Cyrene's Historical Symbol" has run for half a year now and I now selected the winner - actually, I selected 3 winners =) You can see the whole thread and all the amazing entries here: http://cyreneforum.com/threads/in-search-of-cyrenes-historical-symbol.118/...
  2. Lykke TheNun

    Cyrene Citizen of the Month - July 2012

    From this month and going forward we will nominate a 'Cyrene Citizen of the Month', to show our appreciation to those who are doing something extra on Cyrene. The first prize and title for July 2012 goes to: Agis Agis McKracken - who has been nominated for his dedication to Planet Cyrene -...
  3. Lykke TheNun

    FPSGENERAL.com review of Planet Cyrene

    NateRios from FPSGENERAL.com made a review of Planet Cyrene here: http://www.fpsgeneral.com/news/planet-cyrene/20813-exploring-planet-cyrene-digital-scryers-mmofps We would like to send a big thank you to NateRios for talking the time to meet up in game and create this review of Planet...
  4. Lykke TheNun

    Points of Interest: Setter Docks

    Setter Docks (128689, 77631, 108) is to be found at the island very South East on the map of Cyrene (next to the large black area at the right). When you arrive with the teleporter the area looks like a normal dock with wooden/steal construction and different types of containers. And...
  5. Lykke TheNun

    Happy Birthday Kris

    I heard a small Horned Bird singing, that it's Kris' birthday today! Happy Birthday Kris :clap: I hope you had an awesome day and was able to celebrate with family and friends - next to fixing and updating new awesome things for us on Cyrene =) :dance: a little, and :haha: and lots of :shock1:
  6. Lykke TheNun

    Known Issue: Reward Tokens in the 25 pec area

    We have noticed that the Lime Green Reward Tokens, which is suppose to go into the 25 pec area, is not working as it should since it does not seem to be spawning. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this might have coursed, but are looking into the issue now and hope it will be solved...
  7. Lykke TheNun

    Lootable PvP on Planet Cyrene

    With the last patch Planet Cyrene got it's first lootable PvP :) The PvP area is located south west from The Brim Teleporter, but be aware; you can not see the red area on the map until you discovered it yourself. Before entering the PvP area, remember to take an anti-toxic shot...
  8. Lykke TheNun

    Bug Report Patch issues and bugs

    Please, if you have issues and notice bugs after today's patch, post it in here. It's a huge help for the Cyrene team and other players. Thank you =) UPDATE ** If anyone is experiencing crashes when fighting creatures, disabling sound should help. ** - PVP Zone at the volcano is not...
  9. Lykke TheNun

    Platings in the Hub is an exploit

    We have looked into the issues regarding the use of plates in the Hub, and it gives some players unfair advantages - therefore: Using plates in the Hub is an exploit. Any players caught using this exploit from now on and until the issue is fixed will be temporarily banned. Please warn...
  10. Lykke TheNun

    Ed Robles is in game now

    Ed Robles is standing in the Hub and will take notes and suggestions from players at this very moment. So if you are in game - on your way - and have questions or suggestions, this is a good time to head to the Hub and 'let it all out' :) Cu in game :bye:
  11. Lykke TheNun

    Known Issue: Turrelion Outpost/Duster Area

    The Turrelion Outpost / Duster area has issues with a turret missing. This is one of the toughest areas on Cyrene meant for larger groups. We suggest you stay away from this area until the issue has been solved, and will be back with updates as soon as we know more. We apologize for the...
  12. Lykke TheNun

    Planet Cyrene PVP Token System

    We are excited to share with the community something that we have been working on for 4 years now. We are introducing the PVP Token System exclusively on Planet Cyrene. What this means is, that you will be able to log onto Planet Cyrene and go to our PVP Hub. From there you can purchase...
  13. Lykke TheNun

    How to Start your Journey in the Universe

    Entropia Universe contains different planets with different themes, but when you begin your journey in the Universe, you will all start out at the very same spot; Genesis. This is a short tutorial for new players, who wish to be a Cyrene citizens - and I will do my best in explaining, how you...
  14. Lykke TheNun

    Choose your favorite style

    Some might not be aware, that you can choose to have different styles on the forum. I created 4 different styles for you, each of them with a special Cyrene look :) The default style (the one everybody sees when entering the forum) is called 'Planet Cyrene' (click on the thumbnails for a...
  15. Lykke TheNun

    Planet Cyrene Launch Date Released

    Finally the moment has come where we can reveal the launch date of Planet Cyrene. The launch date for Planet Cyrene is ... As many guessed in the Guess the Launch Date of Cyrene contest on EntropiaPlanets, Ed aimed for March 13th as the original launch date. However, to make sure some...
  16. Lykke TheNun

    The Sons of Remus - the Console Game

    We are currently exploring our options with a US based studio that has released multiple triple A titles with a large publishers and have high level contacts within the industry. We will be working with them to expand the Sons of Remus story through a FPS (first person shooter) console game...
  17. Lykke TheNun

    The march of the Turrelions

    The other day we revealed a picture of a Duster. Today we will show you a picture of Turrelions marching the empty streets of the forsaken small city - now known as the Turrelion Outpost. These guys are always on guard protecting their area from the Duster Gang who tries to take over the...
  18. Lykke TheNun

    The Duster Gang

    It is harsh and crude surroundings prevailing in a forsaken small shipping center on Planet Cyrene, containing lots of deserted warehouses, a place also known as the Turrelion Outpost (Turrelion was on the cover of the Entropia Times Magazine June 2011 and can be seen in the EntropiaPlanets...
  19. Lykke TheNun

    Awesome video of the creature Zelodoth

    As some might remember, the EntropiaTimes Magazine June 2011, themed Cyrene - had a "Name the Mob" contest, where you could give the mob a name and perhaps win a Cyrene T-Shirt. You can see the actual contest here on EntropiaPlanets.com Amber Knightley won the contest with the name...
  20. Lykke TheNun

    New Awesome Cyrene Smilies

    WOOT WOOT the Cyrene Art Team did it again! They created a bunch of cool new smilies for the forum. This is a smilie made of the mob Bile Jellyworm - though I just call him Blob haha You might find your new favourite smilie here (I know I picked one or two ... or three ... already :D)...