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Search results

  1. Lykke TheNun

    Selling Skill on chips

    Selling the following (Is a little under todays MU and minus an Auction fee ;)): Computer Skills on Chips TTMU% (08.01.2012)Price15.141023.18%155 PED14.401020.57%147 PED14.181021.91%145 PED13.741018.87%140 PED13.341018.84%136 PED13.451018.24%137 PED11.991017.03%122 PED5.361024.98%55 PED...
  2. Lykke TheNun

    Selling Vampire (F) armour - set

    I'm selling my Vampire (F) set - only gloves are missing Here are pictures: And the stats: PM me an offer please, if you're interested :) I'm on Calypso - thanks. /Lykke
  3. Lykke TheNun

    Crafting The ideal Blueprint Book ?

    The different planets in Entropia today have different sets of Blueprint books. Each planet has one type of Blueprint book for each category of item to craft - for example Clothes, Components, Armour, Weapons etc. - and all books look differently with different colours. Not only a new colour...
  4. Lykke TheNun

    In Search of Cyrene's Historical Symbol

    Previously, it was assumed that Planet Cyrene had only been spotted a few years prior after the discovery of the Entropia Universe. But we were wrong ... Cyrenean archaeologists recently made a startling discovery. Previously, it was assumed that Planet Cyrene had only been spotted a few...
  5. Lykke TheNun

    Cyrene Forum on Twitter

    You can now follow our tweets with the newest forum updates on twitter. https://twitter.com/CyreneForum Follow us and we follow you back =) Still a little empty, but will be busier as we really 'kick in' Thank you :goodbee:
  6. Lykke TheNun

    Quotes with avatar pictures

    Today I added an extra feature to the quotes. You will now see the avatar picture of the person you quote to the left of the quote box. Be aware though, that if you do not have an avatar picture - the box will be grey only. Have fun =)
  7. Lykke TheNun

    Add your society in your profile

    It is now possible to add your society in your profile settings. You find the field in your Personal Details :) Lykke
  8. Lykke TheNun

    Cyrene Officials section

    Admin made it possible for us to collect all the posts created by any of the Cyrene Team in a specific section. It is called Cyrene Officials. You find it either in the drop down menu next to Forums in the navigation bar or if you click on the Forums tab, you see the link in the new navigation...
  9. Lykke TheNun

    We wish you a Happy New Year

    We wish you the very best in the year to come - and we look forward to have a lot of great times with you all. Thank you for the awesome support you have been / are showing Planet Cyrene. We hope we can give you a lot of enjoyable moments in return :clap: Love, peace and respect :beerchug...
  10. Lykke TheNun

    Planet Cyrene Fanpage on Facebook

    The fanpage of Planet Cyrene is now up running on Facebook too :cool: Please 'like' us and you can follow all updates from the planet on Facebook: You find us here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Planet-Cyrene/139795652736031?sk=wall :D
  11. Lykke TheNun

    Welcome, future citizens of Planet Cyrene!

    We are pleased to welcome you to the official Planet Cyrene forum :goodbee: For those signing up between now and the first of May 2012, you will receive a 'Cyrene Pioneer' badge showing on your posting profile. The badge is meant to honour those who joined us as the first 'pioneers' to take...
  12. Lykke TheNun

    If I was an anime, who would I be ...

    While waiting for the release of Planet Cyrene, let's play with the thought we would dress up as our favourite Anime :mur: Actually, let's not stop at Japanese Anime/Manga figures - but if you could dress up like your favourite game / cartoon character - who would you be? If I was blonde...
  13. Lykke TheNun

    Do you like questions like "do you like polls?"?

    heh .. just asking :eek:
  14. Lykke TheNun

    Do you like Polls?

    Do you like polls in threads?
  15. Lykke TheNun

    Cyrene Forum Rules & Guidelines

    Rules & Guidelines for Cyrene Forum Planet Cyrene will continue to strive to create a forum environment that presents both informative content, as well as a pleasant experience for everyone in our Entropia Universe community. Therefore, there are a few guidelines to ensure that everyone's...
  16. Lykke TheNun

    Why Cyrene women rule!

    Cyrene women RULE and the Cyrene female armor certainly rules too... so think twice next time you approach one of these dangerous beauties... This pretty girl in hard steel Imperium Trooper armor might not be the one you can invite out for a soft movie and a hand-in-hand walk on the beach...
  17. Lykke TheNun

    Selling Well maintained Nun for sale

    Almost never used ... Comes with skills, clothes and a handfull of useful firepower. Lootius blessings is a package deal. One billion PED as a starter ... +1 PED BO!
  18. Lykke TheNun

    Taming We need pet Terranixes

    NO kidding!! I will call mine 'Brutus'...
  19. Lykke TheNun

    Hunting Testing Hunting prefix

    oh I am hunter! BIG MOBS! Me good gun fighter. Give LOOT!
  20. Lykke TheNun

    Why 'Veterinarian' is not a profession!

    Almost everyone has had a pet as a child or maybe asked their mother for permission to keep the sweet doggie that followed them home from school! And even more had a dream about becoming a vet when they where kids because animals are SO cute ... Well, think over ... 'Veterinarian' is...