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  1. J

    Cyrene's Evolution : Balancing Hit Points to Damage and Armor Decay.

    Hi, I'm looking forward to part 3. I may have missed it above, but I don't see regen mentioned. I have been assuming that the tt of loot is primarily based on the full hp value of the mob, so quick regen and high damage mean higher general costs per kill, with a compensation maybe in the mu of...
  2. J

    Creature/Humanoid Damage Test - Cyrene Edition

    Ah right, in combination with the main armour - I see :) I thought maybe more info could be teased out of each part, but if the combination covers all damage types with different total damage for each then that is pretty good for analysis I guess. TY :)
  3. J

    Creature/Humanoid Damage Test - Cyrene Edition

    VERY NICE initiative Agis! I still don't understand the fine workings of protection, but isn't the 5D simply taking its minimum decay most of the time in the examples (showing cut or stab if affected, but not which or how much)? Wouldn't a different plate be more useful that doesn't have both...
  4. J

    Bug Report Cyrene Report Thread (14.2)

    Hi Spencer, it was explained in the post why 20 hours; there is no need for 18 hours. Your English is good enough to understand what was written. Yes, the next person 'could' ask for 18 hours, but not for the same reason that the writer wrote 20 hours! You also seem to miss the point about the...
  5. J

    State of Planet Cyrene - July 2013 Community Address

    Grats on the recent daily mission additions and the new crafting lines! :) I haven't checked the new stuff in detail, but things are indeed looking up!
  6. J

    Happy VU - Discussion Thread 14.2

    Thanks for the list you linked above Kris! :) It's the right way to go for sure...
  7. J

    Happy VU - Discussion Thread 14.2

    I like the fact that you are reminding people of this again! Can you also maybe keep a list of what has been switched on somewhere easy to find please? (maybe cancelling out in a list the things which are still off?)
  8. J

    Happy VU - Discussion Thread 14.2

    "In the coliseum in Janus you can spend 1 Imperium Key Cube to summon a special random creature that can drop many different types of items: blueprints, weapons, armor, attachments, and mining tools." Also - is the "coliseum" made into a temporary restricted entry event area while the mob is...
  9. J

    FIXED Merefolken Initative - Rank 2 Broken

    it is unlikely that 'nothing' will change, but there is a high chance that too little will change. If you want new things, Thanatos, then there'd be that the player's [sic] wise words are changing about as often as the seasons and that they've given up on having a player of the month already...
  10. J

    FIXED Merefolken Initative - Rank 2 Broken

    you seen the above yet Kris? By the way, I bought some yellow crystals from auction a year ago in the hope I'd use them crafting. But not having used them they stayed in my auction retrieval. Now they have beamed across the universe into my inventory automatically after one year. On the one hand...
  11. J

    FIXED Merefolken Initative - Rank 2 Broken

    Hey Kris, A: this is one of the best exchanges I've seen on this forum, but it is likely to become 'lost' from sight quickly as it started as a bug post. I suggest saving good threads or parts of them in a 'best of' section. B: the three supportive posts above this one seem to support the...
  12. J

    FIXED Merefolken Initative - Rank 2 Broken

    Hi Kris - seriously one of the best little bits of information I've read about your plans, BUT it does lead me to question the theory behind it. It seems to me to be more of a slow strangling than an opening up, if people who wish to do further missions cannot due to low completions of the lower...
  13. J

    Questions from a Cyrenean

    yes, at very low MU for lyst it is at least something to think about doing. The MU on the bp did increase quite a bit during the massive dip in lyst mu, so I guess it was being done, but it's still not a resource that you 'want' to mine at super-low mu, and if the mu is higher then the clicking...
  14. J

    Questions from a Cyrenean

    ty for the activity of both the questions and the answers. I've read them, but I'll not comment for now. Edit: without re-reading, one thing stuck in my mind is that you are pleased with the lysterium power containers. They doesn't have a use yet, as far as I can tell. When lyst was briefly...
  15. J

    Hunting Small mob return test

    I wondered why the wiki feed had gone.... ok good! To be plus in a run you need some multiplier loots. The "3.5x" multiplier is the most common, but they aren't enough on their own on a normal run. Where you made a profit of 4.39, it looks as if you already got one of the rarer high multipliers...
  16. J

    i dont like this VU at all ><

    Not quite sure of your logic there, as I'm not, as one person, saying I'd be unhappy with both outcomes. I doubt that the topic of liking or not liking a past vu has much current updatability and this is thus indeed likely to become an archive thread, but that is something different from...
  17. J

    i dont like this VU at all ><

    My estimation of you is now diminished by a chunk! You may have changed your mind about what YOU wrote, but OTHERS have taken the time to post here. Suggesting a thread deletion is, in my opinion, unbelievably §$%&*! As far as the opinion goes, there are things I like about the vu and the...
  18. J

    FIXED old alpha zeladoths bug abuse

    Yeah, there was a sweat exploit on Caly once where mobs got stuck at server borders. It was fixed after public exposure. As I have seen various 'bugs' and 'opportunities' go unnoticed by most for quite a while even on highly populated Caly, I would say the problem is more about whether something...