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  1. J

    What should Cyrene focus on next?

    Hello old thread.... Looking through, I see I did comment quite a lot here until the end of 2012! Has the economy grown since then? Have things become easier or more overwhelming for a new player on Cyrene? What did the devs actually concentrate on? Were we listened to? That's different in...
  2. J

    Looking for co-investors in the Cyrene stable

    So, grats harmony and co! It will take time to see what you have become part of now.....
  3. J

    Looking for co-investors in the Cyrene stable

    the subject of stables doesn't seem to have been mentioned at all anywhere in the last few days, but I recall that the auction was to run until near the end of the month. Maybe server crashes have extended the expiry time, I dunno. Anyone have any current news of what's up? And gl ofc for the...
  4. J

    Cyrene will continue working with this unfair, predictable and exploitable system?

    Yes ok. What I also meant was that valuable info can then go missing as THIS thread does not contain all the same stuff and the other thread will quickly drop down out of sight. For me the valuable extra info for the devs in the locked thread is about people making potential use of the cap to...
  5. J

    Cyrene will continue working with this unfair, predictable and exploitable system?

    Hi Kris, both Thanatos and I were commenting that this systematic problem is EU-wide because of the underlying functions. That is one of the reasons why I have not criticised this about Cyrene before, but it does tie in with the whole subject of what drops when and in what volume - and are they...
  6. J

    Cyrene will continue working with this unfair, predictable and exploitable system?

    Hello A256, when you started a year ago the loot wasn't random either, but you didn't realise. The waves of loot issue is indeed a problem all over EU, but the low number of players on Cyrene exaggerates the differences in my opinion. Also, the new loot cycle may only have just a few goodies...
  7. J

    Official Cyrene Event Turrelia Rifts: Turrelion Zeladoth

    Thanks for the answers to the questions I asked. !!!! I did write more, including a suggestion or two, but it got wiped before being accepted!!!! Oh well....
  8. J

    Official Cyrene Event Turrelia Rifts: Turrelion Zeladoth

    I could comment longer on various things here... but I guess I will simply show that I've followed the thread from elsewhere in the universe. However, I could also ask just how high they are hitting and what armour is suggested maybe. Plus, small details like whether full sets of clothing will...
  9. J

    Material requirements for blueprints and drop rates

    I actually dropped in to praise TunerS for the hard work of this thread! Personally I've rather given up hope of seeing balanced bps. I accept it is tricky, however, as each bp is like a mob type with just one loot - if it's worth doing, then everyone will want to, if not, then everyone will...
  10. J

    "Like my post!" forum game with ingame prizes!

    well, it now says yesterday at 10:07 PM for TunerS's post which nobody has liked (it did say somthing like 3pm when I looked at around midday, 11 hours ago, but decided not to 'like' it). So that's strange for starters! Anyway - it means the competition has been won if I understand correctly...
  11. J

    Proposed Cyrene TEN Event for December 20th 2013 - December 22nd 2013 POSTPONED

    oh, even more wow - unbelievable. You misspellt the word proposed as 'proposted', so I, for one, didn't realise and thought you meant something with 'posted'... then you change it in the title and don't even admit that!!!! And telling potential visitors willing to spend quite a bit that it is...
  12. J

    Proposed Cyrene TEN Event for December 20th 2013 - December 22nd 2013 POSTPONED

    OMG! Just when I was thinking you are actually finally developing and even communicating well, you go and spring this one!!! There is not even a main page warning??? Even after all I've seen during the Cyrene development, I'm at a loss for words. The way I see it, you either DO something about...
  13. J

    Planet Cyrene November VU preview

    ..not in all aspects, in my opinion. There is: a lack of 10 hp mobs, the only tp I know where it costs (sweat) to tp a short distance and seems not to be part of the general tp network (which can confuse anybody), the mob which goes invisible. But there ARE a good number of positives for noobs...
  14. J

    Planet Cyrene November VU preview

    Especially the rebalancing by a massive 90%! on the cubes is a step in the right direction..... As an MS pilot, I will watch to see if travel increases a bit more now! Statues of pioneering citizens: can we have them so their looks decay and have to be 'cleaned up' (or not) with a token...
  15. J

    The Hub Proposed Proving Ground and The Hub for the upcoming VU

    As Kris says, he didn't explain the reason very well, so he then explained more clearly. It means my assumption about the 'fewer players' was therefore not directly related - it was the hopping/teleporting. Thank you Kris. Let's hope it works better :)
  16. J

    The Hub Proposed Proving Ground and The Hub for the upcoming VU

    ahh, you mean the avatars move jerkily as other players see them, which is obviously especially undesirable in pvp? Ok. I had ppl complain of 'teleporting' with just me and the other on radar, so I'd say it is not server load as such that is the problem, but the amount of ms delay for each...
  17. J

    The Hub Proposed Proving Ground and The Hub for the upcoming VU

    >The speed boost in all areas (Proving Ground and Arenas) as been reduced (from a 55% to 35%) to try and reduce overall server load for smoother game play in the Hub. .. I can only understand this by assuming you want fewer people in the hub (or fewer people alive in the combat area) at any one...
  18. J

    Excellent planet!

    well, the ozpyn armour plating set up for mass production from daily missions is also a big hint towards cold hits :), and it's great to see the work being done by a few in the community on speccing the mobs.
  19. J

    Cyrene's Evolution : Balancing Hit Points to Damage and Armor Decay.

    The punies near PA are 3 mob types of 10 hp, and the carabok on Arkadia have a dense spawn area and a wide area spawn outside the academies. There are also the boars by the village on NI. There are more, just check entropedia.... It is probably accurate to say no other planet has fewer 10 hp...
  20. J

    Cyrene's Evolution : Balancing Hit Points to Damage and Armor Decay.

    If I agree with that but say it has quite an effect on the cost of a kill.......where does that leave us :boxer:? The only effect I have personally looked at is the overkill shot, where quite a lot of the overkill cost is returned on average (but not 90%). I do not recall higher loots or...