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  1. J

    Bug Report March 28th 2017 VU Issues | Forum Issues

    >MINDARK IS WORKING ON ROLLING OUT ANOTHER PATCH IN THE NEAR FUTURE. + >If that issue was on MA's beloved Calypso should get fixed in hours. ...which is why I do not reward them by going back to Caly. They go into the sin bin whenever they screw up another PP or do something else stupid in my...
  2. J

    Bug Report March 28th 2017 VU Issues | Forum Issues

    Jets:At the same time (this vu), another place has introduced several cheap sets of geographical attire. I'm already looking forward to going to have a look, although my butt does happen to be on Cyrene right now. Kris:I'm very interested to see how those work out, let me know what you guys...
  3. J

    make ecotron UL series avatar bound

    What is it with people being right about something and then running off the rails just a few sentences later? People have not "always been free to decide"; before anybody got as far as 200 badges, nobody knew (expect devs potentially). Negative expectations come from experience, but it is not...
  4. J

    Bug Report March 28th 2017 VU Issues | Forum Issues

    Thanks for the reply. I don't really want to abandon the dire weed either, but the choice of a) wait for mini patch, b) leave the planet to escape or c) abandon dire weeds .... well, yeah! My experience of the clicking of bps is that each one clicked has at least one advantage over most other...
  5. J

    Bug Report March 28th 2017 VU Issues | Forum Issues

    Well, you've been trying to use the dire weed chain as the test for solving the old counter issue, haven't you? I'd assume it has something to do with whatever changes you have made. The new crafting components are just a start, you write, but frankly, I don't see much point in the first end...
  6. J

    make ecotron UL series avatar bound

    Sigh! How about if the last two posters are both right AND wrong? As far as we know, the system is only being USED as permitted, but this is exactly what makes it important to consider the overall framework in the background. Some people may be able to have EU running next to whatever else they...
  7. J

    make ecotron UL series avatar bound

    I am against an expansion of bound stuff in game, so I don't support this suggestion as a solution. As for camping, it actually links in to the subject of alts, location, travel etc. for me. It may or may not make much sense for an otherwise active player to camp an NPC in a semi-afk state at...
  8. J

    The Hub Extra Hub areas

    >The HUB is really held up by this statue like the OP said lol Oh, ok. Sorry from me for saying otherwise then, but in the old days we fell into the ocean quite a long run from the statue and could see the whole hub area above the water if I remember correctly. Back then there were quite a few...
  9. J

    Wish List Ecotron camping - The problem/improvements

    Is this suddenly the most active thread that Cyrene has seen in a long while? It would be ironic if it was bots doing all the talking ;)! Anyway, my take on this is that it is negative for the game to have an area where spending lots of time there passively will provide a potential reward and...
  10. J

    useless materials??!

    I may be confusing two types of scrap, yes. One NPC is on that little island near the tp (tans-taho or whatever), the other is in the middle of the zyn base. ___ Yes, I kept quite a few bones and sold them on auction, but mathematically if 5% of my inventory goes up to 400% mu or whatever for a...
  11. J

    A Player’s Notes, Vol. 2 - Cyrene Edition: Bringing the Planet to Life - Thoughts, Concerns & Ideas

    Yes, ok. I guess what I mean is the "gaining access" type of stuff behind "closed doors" type of secrets. This is different from exploring and finding clues, like tablets of wisdom, or so, where there is no big barrier completely shielding all information about what is on the other side unless a...
  12. J

    A Player’s Notes, Vol. 2 - Cyrene Edition: Bringing the Planet to Life - Thoughts, Concerns & Ideas

    Kris: >2017 will have Cyrene be focused on crafting, and this is something that the team and I will talk about and consider the best way to approach this with MindArk. Thanks for your recent long answer which included the above. Crafting is an area which seems to have massive problems right...
  13. J

    The Hub Extra Hub areas

    Grats. >Seems a large part of the Hub is built on the tip of his sword. well, lol, I think you chose your camera angles cleverly there. If I remember correctly there was quite an offset between the water you land in when travelling to the islands and where you took the screenies, but the...
  14. J

    Is Cyrene becoming dead? or alive?

    Hello John and welcome, I like your introduction post and yes, "fresh blood" is what needs to be attracted and held onto. I also like your style in so far as you have discovered some negatives already, but appreciate that this may be because you have not found certain answers. You write: Can...
  15. J

    Event Turn out

    I was there for the dukes, which was probably the best bit of action for most ppl, but was quite laggy for me due so so many ppl around. Apparently Kris had problems of what he could spawn and there was nothing really suitable for the overwhelming turnout. In terms of most settings and spread...
  16. J

    Bug Report No spawning at new area

    ...only the one (not yet working) area with oil is planned. The others are testing to try and find the cause of the problem, according to Kris. I imagine splinters will stay in inventory. We have loads of cyrene-specific loot which is either has no use right now or no useful use. If I manage to...
  17. J

    dire weed kill point mission

    Philosophical question - what stage are you at when you really cannot decide if the answer is: a) Ah, it's a mistake. It will be fixed in a future vu, b) It is as intended by the balancing team. On an easier note, where does the question mark go in the above question? As Kris has been...
  18. J

    Bug Report No spawning at new area

    Thank you Kris for the more detailed explanation. However, it's THEIR oil rig style spawner. What can it possibly be that they don't understand about it? Looking at it anaytically, if the only spawn now working is absolutely new, with a new item, is there some 'spawn copy prevention code' in...
  19. J

    New Kill Point Terminals

    Completing a mission and moving up to the next one will then show the counter, yes. This has been the case for a couple of years. I tried to get the tide claws to complete, but it didn't. Maybe my guesstimate was wrong or it was a bug, but I then simply refused to hunt another tide claw - or...
  20. J

    New Kill Point Terminals

    Hiya, vu notes state: - Dire Weed Chain Mission -- All stages of this mission are now available from the new Kill Point Terminals available across 15 locations on Planet Cyrene. -- If a player is already on these missions and cannot see their kills or kill points interacting with one these...