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I'm not sure whether by old progress bars on the Zyn'viathan missions are bugged or not. I know I got to the first slither (pixel) of progress for most of them initially, and then tried some out to see how slow the next pixel of progress was.
If I understand correctly, if we want to see the new...
I noticed two droplets drop at almost the same time quite a few hours ago. Was the first I knew of the event restart, in terms of that it was actually restarting. Not yet decided on visiting or not; it's a maybe ...
Edit: I see this announcement was from Thursday, but I was kinda busy in both...
Good and clear notes, thank you.
I still think additional details should be available about new mission locations from the pp directly, though, and not via third-party pages. It could be enough to mention only what exists but not exactly where if the devs want some adventure spirit amongst the...
For the record please, when was it turned off?
Whenever you change a running system, stuff CAN go wrong. Who wrote the MA rule that things MUST go wrong?
Sing along?: When I was just a little dev, they let me loose on a game for you.
Will it have loot of the sort you enjoy? What will get...
Thanks again!
Yes, I'd noticed and it does help to mitigate some of the pain points. However, if it only reduces a very clear 'no' to 'still no I'm afraid', then you may not have won over any people at all, depending on their opinions about 'balance'.
I realise that I personally may never be...
I don't understand you Xen. Surely somebody borrowing is up to the person who got it, so there may be a borrowing fee, or not, applied by the owner.
I do see a possible problem with groups sharing the costs and the bp, with others not part of the group being left out.
It depends on the...
Thanks for the detailed response. I can explain more, yes.
In many many introductions across the pps, some critical or even non-critical material has been not only almost impossible to gather oneself, but also virtually zero on the AH, including historically. After a time, something is changed...
Oh, ah, thanks. It has taken me until today to see this thread is now opened up. :)
As balancing and communication have been two of my larger topic areas over the years, I'd like to address these here as well.
Communication has recently been some of the best I've seen in all the years, but often...
Thanks for those two info posts. I think I understand those answers and the extra info they provide. :)
I look forward to the stats info that you aren't allowed to post yet, as it is still pretty important info in the scheme of things. It does now seem fairly standard to have the rewards icons...
Thanks for the answers. I'm going backwards a bit on badges right now, so I'll have to weigh up the pros and cons.
If selling badges is now possible per 2.5k, that may also be something to consider (but keeping whatever stage number you want access to... i.e. 200 I think for stage2)
Thanks for the detailed answers Shawna - much appreciated.
I haven't understood the bit about badges - "As for the badges, technically if you are doing all the missions yourself it is 5k total badges. Though they are broken into two separate missions which can be done at different times."...
I'll also frame this as a bug question as this is a bug thread. Maybe we can have a comment thread generically too per vu?
Anyway, the balancing of the 10 missions required even to enter an instance of unknown pet outcome seems way off balance. Some of the ten don't even say how many mobs need...
Hi Shawna, thanks for your quick responses here, which make an incredible positive difference I would say.
I know there's much you cannot comment on, but there are discussions on 'the other forum' right now about 'waves', something the juices had an issue with right at the start of the event...
Sure Kris,
more exact start/finish times, or state 7 full days maybe. Provide approximate framework of difficulty range (mob lvls), whether shared mob or not, that sort of thing. You have clarified above that this event is to be repeated multiple times, but this info could be included in a...
Nice!!! Tradeable skill pills (juice) sounds juicy. Hopefully no lag (cough) that week. Will more info be available shortly before it begins (to advertise it better)?
Thanks for the replies.
As I recall, the splinters were originally only a tester anyway for the failure of the originally planned rig/station drops to spawn. However, now that we have them longer term, I think we need a much better refinement rate than 1 to 1k, even if with mu, a mission token...
How do we pick any token splinters that are in mid air from a vehicle? Landing on roofs is now possible for some splinters, yes, but all I seem to be able to do from a vehicle is see info about the tokens, not actually 'pick' them.
Also, what is the refining requirement or is that bugged too?
It was crafted by Alouis successfully, including at least one nice one of 600ish peds. Dunno the issue, but once turned off my crafts of power containers didn't count, so my mission is on hold.