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  1. Schmed

    What do you LIKE/LOVE about Cyrene?

    i found this to be quite cool and thank you very much. the planet Cyrene team wished me a happy birthday today :)
  2. Schmed

    funny things of planet cyrene

    i read this and got a chuckle Some creatures and NPCs have the top part of the body disappear, it is being looked into. ya were all looking into it :)
  3. Schmed

    Official Release

    thank you very much
  4. Schmed

    Official Release

    Sure that on a t-shirt ..... with cyrene across the top nice....
  5. Schmed

    HOF - 484 ped lysterium

    grats good to see we have hofs and globals happening ..seen someone get a global ... :)
  6. Schmed

    Official Release

    hey im curious. I wonder if it is in the plan to have promotional giveaways kinda like arkadia did with adding Mice etc to the loot pool at some point or other stuff t-shirts etc. and that being said will there be some sort of place we could purchase Cyrene merchandise .. Coffee mugs...
  7. Schmed

    Thank You

    just teasing ...you drive well :)
  8. Schmed

    Thank You

    i did tell ED so guess they have to discuss it and make some plan alter night or maybe some other solution .... oh he also gave us a sneak peak at the spear which he says will be available with the patch and also another vehicle which we did not see .... oh there cool its a must have ..... yer...
  9. Schmed

    Thank You

    that would be cool they could make it a 2 part attachment maybe it requires batteries that need to be replenished ... just a thought
  10. Schmed

    Thank You

    one thing i do like is that planet cyrene team have been watching the forums and taking peoples ideas into concideration as there has been a great deal of good ideas for helping develop the planet. while some have been disgarded due to plans already set in place and in development im sure some...
  11. Schmed

    Thank You

    yes night is very dark and very long on this i agree. there is another option to this maybe they could give us some night vision on a suit of armor just a thought be cool to have and unique to the game guess we can wait to see what they have planned. so many options hard to know or...
  12. Schmed

    Thank You

    just like to say thanks to all the people involved in making Cyrene possible. I think the "soft Launch" is going well. Other than a few people who complained in game about content not all being there or perfect. I do wish they would read a bit more and understand that you don't wish anyone to...
  13. Schmed

    New Player Registration is open!

    you explode ...j/k means yer registered
  14. Schmed

    Beta tester looking for job .

    mistakes and flub ups as well as forgotten stuff is really a part of every game out there even beta testers miss it... and from what i heard the person that spawned the Mob got cost of spawning reimbursed the rest of the people got to see it as well as i'm sure a lot of skills off of killing it...
  15. Schmed

    Wings and Base Jumping

    If the wings allowed you to actually fly then i am opposed as i like vehicles space ground air etc but to glide down the side of a mountain or glide safely to the ground after leapeing from tall buildings hey sure why not
  16. Schmed

    Estates on release date?

    when they do launch in all the time i have played the game yes apartments are nice and even though i do own one there well not as useful or used as they could be. apartments should have the same exact rules as shops. you should not need a shopkeeper in one to sell items they already...
  17. Schmed

    Anything intresting for solo players?

    i am of 2 thoughts on hunting alone .... 1 it can be nice very peaceful and you can change what you hunt how long you hunt without discussing it with a group. 2 with a group you have a better chance to bring down the bigger mobs with less ammo quicker and chance at hofs goes up which is...
  18. Schmed

    i can help

    hey i do a radio show for www.iworldradio.org and have a show on monday evening. I will mention entropia and planet cyrene. most of the people that are listeners of IWR never have heard of entropia so i hope it will get a few interested to join ... i will mention planet cyrene website so they...
  19. Schmed

    Cyrene Download...

    all ya have to do to figgure that out is take an average of the existing planet download sizes be somewhere in that range since it will be a soft launch it will increase as time goes on but least it will give you a good idea ...
  20. Schmed

    oh why oh why has the website not changed

    you made my day for saying the soft launch is still on time.... with now 2 days away i have no fingernails to speak of anymore. chewed them off waiting. ty :) happy b-day to me happy b-day to me ok my b-day isnt till may 12 but i love an early gift :)