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Bug Report bug report March 24th mini-update


Active Member
Might want to abandon that mission before you restart it so it is not bugged and you burn another totem and it does not count because the mission didn't fully reset or something goofy like that.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Thanks for all the information and updates on this, we'll be working hard to get these issues resolved A.S.A.P.



Active Member
Very good idea my favie E-9. That way if the critter gets the better of you the first time you are not running back 300 yards trying to get back to it, and risking someone else kill stealing it since it appears some of the summonsing tokens are L



New Member
Not sure if those have been mentioned in earlier bug report threads, but The Ambassador Needs You! mission opens the wrong tab (Mined Resources instead of Materials) and Scout Bot Collector XTs still don't give out globals for 10+ ped loot. Not saying they should give them for smaller amounts, but when 100hp scout bots give them for 10 ped and these don't, something seems off.
Not sure if those have been mentioned in earlier bug report threads, but The Ambassador Needs You! mission opens the wrong tab (Mined Resources instead of Materials)
As far as I can recall, "stuff submission dialog" always opens mined resources tab, on all planets for all missions. That might well be a "platform issue".

(not 100% sure, I'll pay attention tomorrow when I turn in sweat :))

edit: confirmed - Getting Sweaty! opens mined resources tab
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Active Member
Sapphire, on the loot thing. I have seen some mobs give out globals for 10 ped and a bit above range, and I have seen them NOT give out the global. I can't be sure on this but think some of it might be tied to what is in the loot, if it counts towards the ped / global or not. I think shrapnel does not count. Crafting is a bit odd as well in this aspect as far as 'residues' counting for globals an stuff.



New Member
For weak scout bots at least, shrapnel does count, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are some actual bugs as well in the system somewhere, but that would likely be up to Mindark to solve. Collector XTs just don't seem to have (small) globals enabled so that should be an easy fix.
Sapphire, on the loot thing. I have seen some mobs give out globals for 10 ped and a bit above range, and I have seen them NOT give out the global. I can't be sure on this but think some of it might be tied to what is in the loot, if it counts towards the ped / global or not.

I don't think it has anything to do with shrapnel, more likely it's just some mobs having wildly different global thresholds for different maturities. For example, young and mature paneleon global at 10 PED, while old takes 50 PED.

IMHO, it's not worth it tweaking the current parody of a system, I'd rather head over to PCF and poke MA for some universal HP-based formula, e.g. "sqrt(HP) rounded up to the nearest multiple of 5"; then, mobs up to 25 HP would global at 5 PED, 30...100 HP would global at 10 PED, 105...225 HP would global at 15 etc.
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I looked into the global threshold for Scout Bot Collector XTs, it appears to be a bit too high compared to other scout bots, we'll adjust it down for the next PP VU.


Gisela Dawes

Active Member
Kris; since you are looking into the global threshold, i believe there are quite a few mobs that need adjustment on this area. Here is a list of the ones that come to mind at the moment: Pleaks, Puny crystal pedes, Arrets, Duster scapegoats, sprouted, weak, soldier and watcher dire weeds, puny tree dragons, young tide claws.


Active Member
Have pleaks ever given out a 10 pedder? Besides the one time when they delivered our christmas presents to us (sarcasm)? As long as we are adding pleaks, lets throw scrap bots in the mix as well :)


Gisela Dawes

Active Member
I got 2 pleaks over 10 peds with no global. It doesnt really matter to me to get swirlies out of this mobs, but those are the things our new players will hunt, and we all know how nice is to get your first global. Even if its a 5 ped one.

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
The hub:
-Storage terminals located in 1 ped arena and 10 ped arena are disconnected and bug out when using them, also ped arena 25 pec 50 pec 2 ped 5 ped don't have storage terminals.
-A.R.C. inaugurates Thigh Guards (F,L) Still not spawning in vendor
-Vampiric Slicer (L) still not spawning in vendor
-Fenris Sniper Rifle Skills to use weapon is offset last vu was working fine this vu its off I'm doing less dmg then what it says the min dmg is.
-Psy blades are still skill off set (a way to fix this is to increase the skills you get when entering the arena from 2000 skills each to 3000 each)
-Stalker Blade is having same issues as psy blade
-Turrelion Spec Xent Tech Plasma Rifle (Ammo: 0.0113 Decay: 0.002, Total cost per use: 0.0133)
(This weapon stats are higher then the other Xent Tech rifles, I believe it to be bugged stats)
(Xent Tech Freeze Ray x1-x5 are Ammo: 0.0026 Decay: 0.0028, Total cost per use: 0.0054)

Suggestions for Hub:
-Decrease total token stack spawn
-Increase token spawn area instead of it being isolated in just 3 areas
-Increase Kill bounty -> Possibly increase Arena entrance fee
-Remove the Televator panel inside arenas and repalce it with a instant warp jump like the one in front of the Pit
-Normalize the Turrelion Spec First Aid, 50 Pec per use outside Arena is to costly for 40 heal and cooldown of 12 per min

-Allow the use of Scopes and Lasers inside hub

-The Chief


Sandal San Tolk
The description text of the Fenris Sniper Rifle does not actually make it clear that it cannot be used on other planets, this "to work on Turellia" is at best cryptic to the uninitiated. The weapon pops up in auctions everywhere and people are buying it because both the stats and the price are very attractive, only to get disappointed and dump it again. Suggest to correct this very soon as it could cause some backlash.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

We're looking at all of these issues to get them resolved for the next VU!

Thanks for all the feedback!


George Skywalker

Active Member
I have a forum bug. Can't seem to make a new thread when i click on ,"Post New Thread".

I get this messge, "
The connection was reset

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