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Cyrene 2020 and beyond

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I wanted to chime in to thank everyone that has posted so far and let everyone know that:

A) We'll be taking time here to consider all the posts here and will make sure to give comments that we can to each one. We've already kind of been regrouping them into categories so the answers that we do provide are more clear.
That being said I think the reply to this post will happen in about 1 week from today.

B) We are already taking into consideration / we already implementing some of the points listed here for the next PP VU. Namely mining improvements, graduation armor & events to name a few.

C) Please keep providing feedback to us, it helps us to better shape Planet Cyrene for all players.



Active Member
Hey guys,

I wanted to chime in to thank everyone that has posted so far and let everyone know that:

A) We'll be taking time here to consider all the posts here and will make sure to give comments that we can to each one. We've already kind of been regrouping them into categories so the answers that we do provide are more clear.
That being said I think the reply to this post will happen in about 1 week from today.

B) We are already taking into consideration / we already implementing some of the points listed here for the next PP VU. Namely mining improvements, graduation armor & events to name a few.

C) Please keep providing feedback to us, it helps us to better shape Planet Cyrene for all players.

Thanks ahead of time! You guys are actually the most responsive Planet Partners I've ever seen in this virtual universe!


I know its probably been said, but most needed thing for improving economy on Cyrene is that we need player owned estates - shops, booths, apartments etc.
Also possibility to loot Pyrite in the pvp, and other materials needed for most common crafts.

Thank you!
Soko out :p


Active Member
. However, doing a daily missions for 2 peds of universal ammo is something we will need to look into.
make it 3 peds... or at least 2.5. That will bring those doing ark moon daily here instead. :)

Also add in a second daily for vlan wing that uses ammo instead of hammer only... then you create a double whammy that will draw folks in and give them an instant way to use these peds in the u.a.... or alternatively create some other 5-10 hp mob that way you won't be crowding out those narrow hallways in the maze...

Lowest hp mob ark moon has is oompa... you can kill tons of vlan wing for cost to kill one oompa.
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Active Member

On this front, would love to see a lot of expansion on missions and mission chains for each faction... Actually would love to see entire mixed up dramatic complex storyline that's really involved... start small though... focus on one or two factions at first and slowly increase it over time to make it more and more complex. Suggest watching lots of old sci fi movies and star trek to get some ideas...

Whatever you do though as far as missions... if you have to return to an npc to complete mission PLEASE put a waypoint tracker thing on the npc you have to return to or else it gets really confusing remembering which blasted npc you need to talk to and where they are.
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On this front, would love to see a lot of expansion on missions and mission chains for each faction... Actually would love to see entire mixed up dramatic complex storyline that's really involved... start small though... focus on one or two factions at first and slowly increase it over time to make it more and more complex. Suggest watching lots of old sci fi movies and star trek to get some ideas...

Whatever you do though as far as missions... if you have to return to an npc to complete mission PLEASE put a waypoint tracker thing on the npc you have to return to or else it gets really confusing remembering which blasted npc you need to talk to and where they are.

Hi all.

Thanks for the reply Kris and Lilmc. Its always great to see how you guys keep on top of the opinions of players here on the forum.

This post by mastermesh takes me to a point that I forgot to mention on my previous post. I love the idea of expanding our current mission chains and having new ones even. However im wondering how are things going to play out with the current missions when Codex comes into play? I read that the points of the missions on our current system will be deleted. I think this rule should not apply to the epic missions and especially to the Test of Faith mission. These are not normal missions therefore should have a different rule. In 2020 I would like to see confirmation that at least all point of epic and Test of Faith mission chains will be brought forward to Codex when it comes into play.

Regards :)


Active Member
More holiday gifts, etc. I like the idea behind the spawn events, etc. but there's so many holidays out there not acknowledged in Entropia these days... and typically the spawn events don't have any little hp mobs as they little guys are all squished in with the big boys, etc.


Back in 2010-2011 era Mindark even did gifts for Valentine's Day but not any longer...


Maybe Planet Partners can step up... Rocktropia did that neat little POVR thing a while ago, but pretty much silence since then except on Xmas typically... There are more holidays than Christmas and Halloween out there... heck I think even gifts were lacking on Halloween in the virtual universe this go round... Yes, this type of thing costs a bit likely, but it makes the game fun and most importantly brings players to the planet that is offering the gift, and typically when we come we come with pedcard in hand ready to do something when we stay.. :)


New Member
Are there any chances that the Daily_PvP_Mission_Token_Trader_Bot's supply of Cyrene-Side_Jackets will replenish?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

This has been a great thread and honestly there's a lot of great questions/comments/suggestions that have been posted, so a big thank you to all players who took the time to comment.

I've taken the thread and tried to categorize it to group up questions/comments to make it read a bit easier instead of just scrolling through.

Without further ado:

As i mostly mine i would love to see an area dedicated to only unverswide resources (non cyrene ore/ enmatter) cause there is limited (to no) demand of cyrene only resource which can increase mining activity on cyrene.

In the next PP VU, one of the things that we are trying to promote is players being able to craft Armatrix weapons on Cyrene without having to go off planet. The terrain and map has been updated to accommodate this, and other new stuff coming in 2020.

Also possibility to loot Pyrite in the pvp, and other materials needed for most common crafts.

As I understand it, Pyrite is lootable in the PvP 4 areas on Cyrene.

Weapons + Items
Second, would love to see new seriesof crafted weapon similar to armatrix series .. which uses partly cyrene only mineral + other resources

This is something that we have to work out with MA, similarly with what I mentioned above, we are making sure that players can craft Armatrix weapons without leaving Planet Cyrene in the mean time. We want to make sure that players can use their Cyrene materials.

What about those restoration chips L that got added on calypso, would be great if you could get those to drop on cyrene too

This is something that we are talking to MA about for several loot drops, trying to ensure that Planet Cyrene stays competitive with other planets in the Entropia Universe.

Address the situation with L vouchers requiring Imperium Cubes. No point on getting those L weapons for the cost they have now. Maybe revert L vouchers to shrapnel or (even better imo) other Cyrene material that does not carry such high MU.

We're always looking to improve the faction vendors, so this is something we can look at in the future, the vendors have been, to say the least, a learning experience in how these kind of drops / combines work within EU.

new UL stuff

Unlimited Items are some of the most fun items in game, and of course, also some of the most rare. It's a balancing act that we have to do for the items to get to players. That being said there are some UL items that are in the pipeline that are coming in the near future, however, they will NOT have a combat focus.

Graduation Armor. After at least 6 years of hearing about this, still nothing. Even Toulan desert has beat Cyrene to a graduation armor. Cyrene having great armor sets the expectation is high on this one.

Did I not show the graduation armor already?

We are pushing to allow the Graduation armor and associated items be added into the next PP VU. It's been done and are at the mercy of MA for its implementation.

Upgradeable Refurb Fap. I was under the impression Kris mentioned in forum that MA had blocked the attempt to have an upgrade version to the Refurb Fap. But also heard rumors that it is actually going to happen. Is it happening in 2020? Can you share some knowledge with us please?

There's always rumors, I think the best way to get any information about Planet Cyrene is to come to the source: the forums!

Both the Refurbished Fap next set of upgrade missions + Zorra HK + Neff's Stim Pack are all items that players need to work for and spend a lot of time on Cyrene to unlock / earn, and our plan is to continue to allow players to improve these items through missions/achievements/turn ins. At this time, we are still in the balancing phase so no other news to share besides that it's something we are working towards with MA.

Upgradeable Zorra HK. Happening in 2020?

Similar to the Refurbished Fap, it's something that we're working towards with MA but nothing new to share at this time.

Shops and Apartments

supply of goods so number 1 ) Shops -- for smaller planet they are must have it ,like terminals ingame, amps,dmg ench, guns ,armors those stuff that miners and hunters need are most time unceasable for players on cyrene ,paying 6 ped auction fee from calypso for ithem to arrive is expensive .so we need fix that this year ,no excuse for no shops all those years

shops and houses.

Just noticed that there aren't any shops, might be a nice addition too.

Shops and/or appartments for 2020 !!

Shops and booths implemented in 2020. We have been hearing about those for years now, we even read a post in forum about it, but nothing concrete has happened. You can tell from feedback on here and ingame that Cyrene players are craving for this.

Would like to see apartments added,

I know its probably been said, but most needed thing for improving economy on Cyrene is that we need player owned estates - shops, booths, apartments etc.

Wow, it sure seems like you guys want shops and booths!

I'm VERY happy to announce that in this thread that these are coming in 2020!

We have planned:
Apartments of different sizes with a Turrelion/Duster theme
Shops / shopping district similar to Janus
Booths in different areas

There will be posts up soon in early march with more details and a pledge thread as well so every player that is interested in estates on Cyrene can make sure they are the 1st ones these new estates are available to.

Crafting it been so long since we got something worth to be crafted cyrene, almost noting is crafted on planet, instead on pushing for alot of bp , focus few bp mid-high end armor ingame ,preamped mining finders,amps

better do 3-5 good bp then 20 useless let do

Quality over Quantity

Crafting is at the forefront of what we want to push for 2020 on Cyrene. Right now, hunting is the main activity (along with missions) but crafting (and by association mining) are behind.

I do believe that the main reason that there aren't as many crafters here is that there needs to be more worthwhile things to craft. Lilmc has been guiding this endeavor.
The main take away is: we want to support crafters and miners on Cyrene and will be working with MindArk to do so.

Zyndos Bps. I remember an NPC (near the NPC with Zyndos Campfire and stuff) with some Bps. Are the Bps becoming a reality in 2020?

The campfires were not part of any blueprint. They are some weapon attachment blueprints for sale that should still be able to be acquired from Cyrene Mission Token Vendor Pirano.

Are the campfire blueprints something players would be interested in?

Crafting Hunting with upcoming codex sure gone be popular hunt some mobs, but also drop rate of regular universal ithem like outp comp,esi,adptive comp,Tier comp need be looked and monitored ,esp tier comp that droped on cyrene before vu17 are nerfed big time now no drop of higher lvl , same as shopkeeper that havent droped since loot 2.0 on cyrene. Can say Cyrene done some nice work lately into esi drop rate , Rhino bettle drop esi now confirmed by several players , whoud not be bad to look into other mobs drop rate if they are all good.

One of the things that we always try to keep an eye on is loot drops.
For the next PP VU there should be better drop rates for all tier components.
We're also deliberating with MA about adding more universe items to our creatures.

LVL500 panaleon Shared loot mob , must be Lilmc know why

I'm going to talk to Lilmc and see what's happening with this =P

5-10 Mazes to weave our way around in daily might be nice. Making some of them solo instances instead of like the one that exists may stop some exploiters that we've seen in the past there.
Create a maze with multiple colored walls. I do realize it's all the same color now so as to confuse first time maze runners, etc. but it also gets very boring staring at the same colored walls daily.

I'd like to see several mazes, but since they do take up so much room I think instances may be the way to go to conserve room server wise.... at one time I thought multiple stories added on top or below the maze that currently exists, which each floor being a progressively hard level would be interesting, but with the way Mindark keeps screwing up estates making floors invisible and stuff, I think that may be a nightmare to implement...
With instances you could do a lot of different type of stuff maybe?... different themed mazes, etc. lots of potential... suggest you look around at different ideas or continue to get ideas from community... imagining a maze that looks like a chess set, a maze that is similar to the beacons on Calypso, the sewers on Rocktropia, etc. Something like the castle with inner ring design in Lord of the Rings Trilogy... tons of ideas if you look at architecture history books... A gothic cathedral ... look around at other games... something like the crazy castle designs in Price of persia games where you have to take some action that causes other parts of the set to change, etc... a literal cornfield maze... a maze with all the lights off and weird neon tron inspired stuff here and there...

To be frank, it didn't seem like the maze content was that popular, so I'm very glad to see these questions/comments.

This is the logical next step for Mazes, where you can join into a random maze with different objectives. It's something that we want to move forward with but the reward schema needs to be created and approved.

There's a lot of great ideas here mastermesh, and a ton of different directions we can go.

However, I would suggest making it all mainly one level etc. as this jump around stuff like the Mario VR are something else... maybe more instances like that stuff would impress some but that sort of stuff just makes it too difficult for me personally to do with current way system controls are...

If you do stick with minimal art decor style perhaps start looking at some Mondrian paintings or Jackson Pollock paintings for ideas on some of the types of colors to throw on the wallpaper...

Maybe even have some participants do a contest to design mazes for you on grid paper, etc.

Yes, I don't think it would be a good idea to combine the maze style with the jumping style from the platforming dungeons, but we do want to keep the style quite minimalist.

A maze design contest could be really fun! Maybe the winners will get to name their maze or get the reward named after them or an NPC. Could be a really fun thing to do this year.

PART 2 NEXT POST - I couldn't fit it in with all the quotes/reply so continued below.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Taming missions. Monria has something like that so why not?

This was something that we tried when we had initially released the arret spawn and pet, but the mission never could be completed in the test server as the tames didn't count. Since now it seems like the system for it is functioning it's something that we want to revisit in 2020.

It would be great if we automatically get the next stage in a mission upon completing one.

I hate interrupting a hunt to find the mission broker on wiki, run halfway across the planet and find the correct orange dot @ the tp.

Lilmc has been constantly on us about this. I think that we have a compromise in the works but it won't be coming with the next PP VU.

Fix all bugged items/missions. For example, what good is to collect 500k lime tokens to have a coat that does not open a broken mission?! We have items/missions broken for years and no progress in fixing them.

At the time of this writing, all the missions associated with the Proving Grounds Coat either in or out of the Hub mission chains both work. However, the culmination of these missions (read: the final reward missions / end of the story chain) have not yet been released.

A real started mission for newcommers. Like that, they will not quit the planet/game if they know what to do

The entire Planet Cyrene new player missions / area are being reworked to be brought up to date with not only the start room but also the game in 2020.

on missions, etc. I'd suggest making map waypoint for the npcs on EVERY mission or as many as possible. Gets confusing remembering which blasted npc you got to go back to talk to.

For the next PP VU, ALL mission waypoints have been updated.

make it 3 peds... or at least 2.5. That will bring those doing ark moon daily here instead.

Also add in a second daily for vlan wing that uses ammo instead of hammer only... then you create a double whammy that will draw folks in and give them an instant way to use these peds in the u.a.... or alternatively create some other 5-10 hp mob that way you won't be crowding out those narrow hallways in the maze...

Lowest hp mob ark moon has is oompa... you can kill tons of vlan wing for cost to kill one oompa.

I'm not familiar with this Ark Mission, but it's something that we can look at internally and see if it's something that is feasible for us to try and emulate on Cyrene. There are some ideas that we have for the redone new player area that all players might be interested in.

On this front, would love to see a lot of expansion on missions and mission chains for each faction... Actually would love to see entire mixed up dramatic complex storyline that's really involved... start small though... focus on one or two factions at first and slowly increase it over time to make it more and more complex. Suggest watching lots of old sci fi movies and star trek to get some ideas...
Developments in Factions Concept. Are we going to see something new regarding the three different Factions in 2020? We are still waiting on developments about that.

We have quite a bit of story for Cyrene, the Zekkonians, the Zyn, the Imperium, the A.R.C. and my favorite the Turrelions, some stories are already out in the world, a bit on our forums (via MS9), some hidden in the world via item information and the rest left untold.

For this coming VU, there a new, albeit short, mission that kicks off something like this, and is something that we've already been wanting to experiment with in the future.

However, I would like to pose: as a player, how important is a monetary reward for a story mission? Are achievements enough? Or does it need to be more substantial?

However im wondering how are things going to play out with the current missions when Codex comes into play? I read that the points of the missions on our current system will be deleted. I think this rule should not apply to the epic missions and especially to the Test of Faith mission. These are not normal missions therefore should have a different rule. In 2020 I would like to see confirmation that at least all point of epic and Test of Faith mission chains will be brought forward to Codex when it comes into play.

We're still waiting to know when Planet Partners will have access to the CODEX. Once we do have access, not all missions will be shifted over to the CODEX, and not right away either as we want to allow players a grace period ourselves. There are several missions that you mention, plus others that we feel, that do not fit into the CODEX system. It would be strange to just shift every mission into the CODEX if it involves killing mobs so we never considered several of the mission chains on Cyrene.

Speaking of the CODEX, I think this is a good place to mention that we won't put out any new creatures until we have access to the CODEX.

Fewer platformers like the Mario Instance... the new graphics system did away with the thing that lets you double click to aim avatar which made the platformers somewhat doable. Now it's just too annoying to even try.

This is very interesting, I (like I assume most players) did have to kind of "relearn" the new camera system, but after I got the hang of it I didn't have any issues with the platformers. But with DX11 I think it's worth revisiting.

The Hub
Wish Hub didn't remove clothing. I do understand that some clothes have buffs, etc., but it's annoying to incur a decay cost every single time you enter the hub if you regularly wear any clothes... (armor decay costs was removed a while back, so maybe you can talk Mindark in to removing clothing decay costs too? - just suggesting this since they seem to listen to you folks more than some other Planet Partners that similar suggestions have been made to in the past, etc. They cut costs by removing planet entry fee, so may be on board with removing clothing costs?)

I don't think it's outside the realm of possibly to talk to them about this, weather it actually does something on a universal scale or even at a hub scale is unknown.

Mechs. Would be great to have some progress on the whole Mech thing. Again, after years of waiting still nothing. Was it binned? Whats the status? Can you give us some feedback?

Mechs, I'm sort of getting nostalgic for the time and work that went into them from our side. The very long story short is that due to not only the limitations of the Hub, UCMs, and what would truly be required to make mechs work in a capacity in EU just didn't line up with what the plan, which was re-iterated for each hurdle we came to. Mechs should feel and play different than other combat in EU and there hasn't been a means to achieve it.

That's not to say that we won't ever have them, as more systems change / upgrade it's something that we look at and re-examine to see if we can execute that vision.

HUB. So many ideas but nothing happened. Are we going to see some improvements in 2020?

Around the 3rd quarter of 2019, the Hub Arenas + Proving Grounds ended up getting broken (the actual break time is unknown to us) at a code level so there is no entrance fee or reward for players playing in these areas. We have already informed MindArk of this issue and are waiting for them to repair this issue with the Hub before any additional work goes into it. There have been a ton of ideas (from players as well as from our side) along with events that we want to do in the Hub specifically that we are waiting to do once these fixes are live.

HUB Secret Island. Dont know if you can still do it but from the Proving Grounds you could get to a secret island with a massive floating statue. Word of mouth was that it was going to be the hunting grounds for the dedicated HUB mobs (mobs many time mentioned on forum). A reality in 2020?

I don't ever want to rule anything out. I also think that the players are clever and can see clearly when we do experiments in game, especially in the Hub with our PvE content.

That being said, when the Hub was first released, part of the technical limitations is that it is located on another server, which does have some of the other parts of the hub located here: the A.R,C. Vendors, the Pit, some jumping puzzle and technical model tests, but it was *never designed* for players to go down into it, at least in the beginning.

We will continue to keep expanding on our Hub content in the future (post fix) and who knows, it might include some Hub style hunting.

Are there any chances that the Daily_PvP_Mission_Token_Trader_Bot's supply of Cyrene-Side_Jackets will replenish?

This is an oversight from MA, I'll reach out to them ASAP and see what the issue is, as far as I was informed these should never be out of stock.

More things to buy with the mazeweaver certs may be nice. Maybe even make a way to transfer them in to tokens to use in hub or something?.. or vice versa unless you really do want to just expand it in two different directions...

Seems reasonable. I think maybe for 5x the number of tokens maybe some kind of rare wolpertinger or maybe entrance to the sealed cave where it lives. We'll try to add more things to buy with them.

Arkadia Moon's Hazmat missions have created a way to daily obtain 2 peds a day with just running around clicking 10 terminals in an area that takes roughly 30 minutes a day if you have speed buff maxed (unless you cut time with a vtol). Making the mazes, etc. do something like that would be nice... or alternatively allowing the mazeweaver certificates allow you something like that with roughly equal amount of daily time spent in game for roughly same ped value type reward would be nice. Little WolperTinger is ok, but just can't justify doing the maze daily forever to get hundreds of wolperingers when Ark Moon is going to start paying 2 peds a day after I finish getting this last piece of the hazmat suit.

I don't really play on other planets, so I do not know the extent of any missions directly outside of Cyrene. To me, what you're saying is that part of what you want here is a mission where you can do activates and get rewarded without any sort of combat, is that right?

If it's done on other planets it's technically something viable, but I'll need to get more information about this mission chain as a whole and see how it's achieved and what is possible from our side.

Cyrene armor weapon upgrage mission, if we cant have current one maybe future ithems in loot

This is something that I'm working with Lilmc about, he's wanting to bring back the days of the Stolen Imperium Armor, but it has to be right this time.

Cyrene daily tokens. As many times addressed it is far too easy to obtain and abuse the current Cyrene daily token system. There was a thread made on here with, imo, some great ideas to revamp it. Are we getting rid of the hords of leeches (as some of you know are a personal favorite of mine
) and see some changes made in 2020 to the Cyrene daily token system?

Another point of interest that Lilmc is guiding us towards is more uses / vendor items / future crafting with Cyrene Mission Tokens. This isn't something that will happen immediately, it will take time to make sure it's right and all the parts are working but its already in development.

More holiday gifts, etc. I like the idea behind the spawn events, etc. but there's so many holidays out there not acknowledged in Entropia these days... and typically the spawn events don't have any little hp mobs as they little guys are all squished in with the big boys, etc.

Maybe Planet Partners can step up... Rocktropia did that neat little POVR thing a while ago, but pretty much silence since then except on Xmas typically... There are more holidays than Christmas and Halloween out there... heck I think even gifts were lacking on Halloween in the virtual universe this go round... Yes, this type of thing costs a bit likely, but it makes the game fun and most importantly brings players to the planet that is offering the gift, and typically when we come we come with pedcard in hand ready to do something when we stay..

This is sort of a double edged sword I think.

On the one hand, acknowledging all the different holidays across the world in game (and maybe some in game holidays) is really cool, helps fill out the world and adds to the overall player experience.

The flipside is expectation vs time, what exactly that holiday entails and what sort of content we can give to players from that holiday that feels good and not just themed.

I think that we can try it in the future, I don't know which holiday but I think if we can match the holiday content we can gage from player feedback and interaction during that time.

Terrain + Planet + Lore
New island with bigger density of week panaleon must be added .
Special hunting zones something like cave for people that done certain number of mob kills

I'll see what we can do about additional weak paneleon spawns, I know they are very popular.

I talked to players in game some time ago about putting in a solo hunting instance, it's kind of cool / kind of strange. There's a lot of fun we could do with it, maybe link it to codex achievements somehow. I can already think a few ideas to make players want to use it.

Bring back Dynamic Map. Used to be one of the coolest features of Cyrene. One where players would work together to unlock certain rewards. All of the sudden just stopped. Coming back in 2020?

The short answer is that content that was available/allowed to be put out into the world didn't fall in line with the Dynamic Upgrade Map. All the reports have/are still being aggregated into it though, but not shared with the players as we couldn't implement the updates.

This will make a return in 2020.

Evry 3 months events for players on Cyrene ,no need for big rewards something like (Ithem naming rights , Cyrene strongbox , shops, apartments,
EVENTS IN 2020. Although the effort being put in is appreciated, the Big Bird and other summoned mobs events just are not enough. The Holiday spawns are ok but I personally feel that events like Tide Claw Mania and Mining Mania were a lot more fun. Calypso has Mayhem, Arkadia has Gold Rush, Monria has the monthly event (that is brilliant), it would be great to see some sort of big event in Cyrene too. Anything on the cards for 2020?

We have plans for at least 2 events in the 2nd quarter of 2020, which are centered around the Turrelion Outerwear and Turrelion Settler clothing sets. We've also been approached by a group of players who want to help us to do weekend events on Cyrene (coordinated with MA of course) so more events on the horizon.

BTW, the idea for naming rights or other rewards like that bring a lot of prestige, so I'm fully on board with that type of stuff.

The main reason many of my friends don't grind hardcore on Cyrene is the fact that their globals don't get caught on the Entropia Life Tracker. These are serious players with massive turnovers every day who are in or close to the top 100 All Time Hunters. After many years in game, their Tracker status is a key metric for them.

So just get 4 simple PC's running the game with the EL tracker client, park the avatars on Cyrene 24/7 and make sure every global gets recorded. The costs of the power used will be earned back easily, I'm sure of that.

It's a fine line, in my opinion, to have some kind of bot tracker. I don't know about the details of it but maybe it would be better to incentives players who are already playing on Cyrene to use the tracker.

We can see about reaching out to Entropia Tracker and working something out that can benefit players before turning to bots.

Wow, this was a lot of text, I hope that everyone feels heard and knows their feedback is taken seriously on Planet Cyrene. On behalf of the team I'd like to thank everyone for posting in this thread, actively trying to help us make Cyrene better and of course, playing on Planet Cyrene.



Active Member
I don't really play on other planets, so I do not know the extent of any missions directly outside of Cyrene. To me, what you're saying is that part of what you want here is a mission where you can do activates and get rewarded without any sort of combat, is that right?

I'm not sure I'd say without any sort of combat, but yes, something that's daily that would allow low level players or those just wanting to do something out of the ordinary daily to get rewarded for just playing basically... technically, yes, the hazmat suit mission does not require any sort of actual combat, but you do have to do a lot of running around... taking about 15-30 minutes or so daily... with rewards being either parts to the hazmat suit or alternatively 2 ped in universal ammo... each part of the suit takes x amount of days of repeating the same thing over and over daily to get it... there's a bit of info on it over at https://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/...41-Link-List&p=3741145&viewfull=1#post3741145 and in a few other places online in forums, wiki and youtube, etc.

If you did something like a better vendor for the maze tickets and wolpertinger upgrade it'd probably by somewhat similar idea, but as you said, maze is kind of not something a lot of folks are heavily in to, etc...

Something that this all reminds me of a bit, but not exactly similar on Calypso is the Karona Suit mission chain, and beer run mission, where you run around talking to npcs all over the place on map for various reasons, etc. ... I guess in some ways you already have that with the parts scattered all around the planet, but just seems like rewards for that are a lot smaller than rewards for this newer type of stuff like the hazmat mission, which is a daily thing instead of a once and done...

As for other planets and freebies, etc... yes, oil rigs are nice, but some planets have their own thing too... Rocktropia has kegs... etc.

here we do have the hub, but it requires so many lime green to buy anything, etc. that it's not really something that feels like a daily reward... at least not at the level like this hazmat suit thing is... there are daily missions here, but some of them do cost quite a few ped if you want to do them... which I suspect puts off some low level folks or folks that may want to be here on this planet more often daily, but cannot afford to between deposits so they go elsewhere...
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Goo Goo G'joob!
Auction. Have an auction where the only currency is daily tokens. Post the items 3-6 months ahead of time, so folks have time to farm the tokens. We all know how crazy people get when there is a chance to get something UL. Some will look to buy the daily tokens, which is fine. This gets the auction house rolling and some ped in the pockets of the locals that ultimately gets spent on cyrene. Let the grind begin. Good items = success. Bullshit items = failure. Simple.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I'm not sure I'd say without any sort of combat, but yes, something that's daily that would allow low level players or those just wanting to do something out of the ordinary daily to get rewarded for just playing basically... technically, yes, the hazmat suit mission does not require any sort of actual combat, but you do have to do a lot of running around... taking about 15-30 minutes or so daily... with rewards being either parts to the hazmat suit or alternatively 2 ped in universal ammo... each part of the suit takes x amount of days of repeating the same thing over and over daily to get it... there's a bit of info on it over at https://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/...41-Link-List&p=3741145&viewfull=1#post3741145 and in a few other places online in forums, wiki and youtube, etc.

If you did something like a better vendor for the maze tickets and wolpertinger upgrade it'd probably by somewhat similar idea, but as you said, maze is kind of not something a lot of folks are heavily in to, etc...

Something that this all reminds me of a bit, but not exactly similar on Calypso is the Karona Suit mission chain, and beer run mission, where you run around talking to npcs all over the place on map for various reasons, etc. ... I guess in some ways you already have that with the parts scattered all around the planet, but just seems like rewards for that are a lot smaller than rewards for this newer type of stuff like the hazmat mission, which is a daily thing instead of a once and done...

As for other planets and freebies, etc... yes, oil rigs are nice, but some planets have their own thing too... Rocktropia has kegs... etc.

here we do have the hub, but it requires so many lime green to buy anything, etc. that it's not really something that feels like a daily reward... at least not at the level like this hazmat suit thing is... there are daily missions here, but some of them do cost quite a few ped if you want to do them... which I suspect puts off some low level folks or folks that may want to be here on this planet more often daily, but cannot afford to between deposits so they go elsewhere...

Thank you mastermesh, this link really helps to outline the whole process, along with your feelings about making daily missions more accessible to all players, which I think is something that we can improve.

Auction. Have an auction where the only currency is daily tokens. Post the items 3-6 months ahead of time, so folks have time to farm the tokens. We all know how crazy people get when there is a chance to get something UL. Some will look to buy the daily tokens, which is fine. This gets the auction house rolling and some ped in the pockets of the locals that ultimately gets spent on cyrene. Let the grind begin. Good items = success. Bullshit items = failure. Simple.

I don't know if the auction system can support this, but it's something that we can look into.

That being said, of course the quality of the rewards will determine the success of any reward track.

What about 20k weekly empis wasp,any chance to add it before codex

It's something that we can look into for the summer VU, but it will depend on MindArk if we're allowed to add it.

I have not tried recently, but this was not the case earlier. Only placement ore/enmat - eg oil and lysterium.

Can any miner confirm this?
Last time i checked it was lysterium and belkar but no sign of pyrite.

From our side, we'll make sure that they are able to be mined up, but the spawner has been placed for years now in the PvP 4 area.



Active Member
I don't know if the auction system can support this, but it's something that we can look into.
Auction system may not be able to but there are other options...

Land Plots were a sort of reverse auction...
Hestia Settlement: Bidding Opens Next Week...
Bidding for Land Plots on “Hestia Settlement” [66973, 76540] on Planet Calypso opens October 12, 09:00 UTC in a reverse bid auction.

The new Settlement offers 57 Land Plots located at a scenic waterfront setting near plentiful hunting grounds and the newly added Fort Lahar.

Those interested in obtaining the Plots can take part in the reverse bid auction using their existing Calypso Land Deeds (CLDs). To do this, Avatars must first interact with the Plot Terminal on the Land Plot to acquire the Estate Deed. Once acquired, an Avatar can claim the Plot using the Estate Terminal.

POVR event wasn't really an auction but was something sort of similar... you got a box, turned it in to the npc and then npc gave you back one of several items that was sort of a random choice of several posters, a flag, a special collectible coin, and a special flask... https://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/...Xmas-Item(s)&p=3580714&viewfull=1#post3580714 The xmas before the POVR event Rocktropia did something similar with Christmas stuff where you'd get a gift box, go to an npc to get a tiny mission, then turn the gift box in to the npc after mission completed to get a key that unlocked an instance you could enter to pick a present sort of... Arkadia did a recent xmas type thing where you'd go to npc do tiny missions, and then get rewarded with xmas gifts from various Christmas gifts in the past, etc.

I'd really love to see something on Cyrene done using this type of stuff like POVR did since the random stuff and not knowing exactly what end prize is is kind of fun. It's a bit like the webshop boxes, but more in game... could even involve community by doing design a prize contests, etc. (POVR posters had several variants that Neverdie got set up through some competition on Talent House that never got mentioned before hand in Entropia Community, but suspect if it was lots of Entropians would have submitted ideas and artwork)

Arkadia underground deeds originally were in an npc before they got put on the webshop...

There really is a lot the event and npc system can do if you get creative. New shares system also gives you opportunity...
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Active Member
There will be posts up soon in early march with more details and a pledge thread as well so every player that is interested in estates on Cyrene can make sure they are the 1st ones these new estates are available to.

Well we still wait Kris , soon end of month