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Cyrene 2020 and beyond


New Member
There will be posts up soon in early march with more details and a pledge thread as well so every player that is interested in estates on Cyrene can make sure they are the 1st ones these new estates are available to.

Well we still wait Kris , soon end of month

I saw this and felt compelled to actually look up my credentials just so I can reply to this.

Ahem, here it goes:

For those that may have forgotten, or live in a hole of sorts where they're not privy to news of any form, there's a virus pandemic sweeping across our world. Most places have non essential businesses closed down. Let me POINT out how this game and its platform is NOT ESSENTIAL. Kris is located in Thailand. I imagine his focus is on himself and his family, not the game or his work at this time. I apologize to those that feel that this shouldn't be the case. That a minor update about some virtual estate in a virtual world is far more ESSENTIAL than the real world as it stands right now. We can't all be possibly that blessed or fortunate to not have to worry about the current circumstances. So on behalf of Kris and the planet Cyrene team, please allow me to send my personal condolences to all those that feel betrayed, let down, disappointed, angered, or otherwise pissed off at the current lack of updates and poor communication during these very uncertain and troubling times. I'm sure if they survive this ordeal, they'll get around to addressing the concerns/updates in a more timely manner. Have a fucktastic day and enjoy what's out there, because not everyone will be around to do so when this is all over. At least Cyrene should still be around half finished unlike some people's level of attitude, empathy and compassion on here.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Can we have more shrapnel into loot, insted of animal oil residue , oil residue drop too much

Like was mentioned in the other thread, I'm waiting to hear back from MA about this.
The other thread: >>LINK<<

There will be posts up soon in early march with more details and a pledge thread as well so every player that is interested in estates on Cyrene can make sure they are the 1st ones these new estates are available to.

Yes, I had planned to post this information earlier this month, it's still coming, but please bear with us during this trying time. I hope that it won't be delayed long, but it's been challenging trying to get everything in place.

For those that may have forgotten, or live in a hole of sorts where they're not privy to news of any form, there's a virus pandemic sweeping across our world. Most places have non essential businesses closed down. Let me POINT out how this game and its platform is NOT ESSENTIAL. Kris is located in Thailand. I imagine his focus is on himself and his family, not the game or his work at this time. I apologize to those that feel that this shouldn't be the case. That a minor update about some virtual estate in a virtual world is far more ESSENTIAL than the real world as it stands right now. We can't all be possibly that blessed or fortunate to not have to worry about the current circumstances.

Thank you for these kind and grounding words for the stage the world is currently at.
It's all a bit surreal and I think that globally we're all sort of adjusting.

I know that it can be rough when you come to games where everything seems normal and have some news or update not come, it's rough from the developer side as well, and I hope that as the world moves on that things will get back to normal sooner rather than later.

So on behalf of Kris and the planet Cyrene team, please allow me to send my personal condolences to all those that feel betrayed, let down, disappointed, angered, or otherwise pissed off at the current lack of updates and poor communication during these very uncertain and troubling times.

I'd like to echo this as well, we (myself included) do try to do our best to communicate about what's going on with the planet, the direction were heading and addressing player feedback in a timely manner. During this time we'll continue to do the best we can, however there will probably be some delays.

I'm sure if they survive this ordeal, they'll get around to addressing the concerns/updates in a more timely manner. Have a fucktastic day and enjoy what's out there, because not everyone will be around to do so when this is all over. At least Cyrene should still be around half finished unlike some people's level of attitude, empathy and compassion on here.

I hope that everyone is staying safe, avoiding non-essential travel / risking unnecessary exposure if at all possible, of course I'm trying to do the same here.

That being said, please feel free to continue posting on these forums, our Discord server, or even sending messages in game, and they'll be answered as soon as we can.



my 2pecs
for me the current planet is good but the tokens are not interesting
put a real speed to the monster because they move really far and weird Mang chang / rhino beetle / Zeladoth / 5PID3R
put an intermediate jellyworm monster lvl50 / 70
put the weak / puny loots in the young / mature rhino we loot better armor on the little ones it's not normal
the craft is really bad
add a pet with special cyrene buff to win during a chain mission.
add larger Zyn Dos lvl
the paneleons are really ugly you should improve the aesthetics.
add 3 new Statue of the 3 best loots on cyrene which evolves according to who has the best HOF, this can be interesting as an approach on cyrene which already has statues of the colonists.
add better weapons L in loot
Last edited:
my 2pecs
for me the current planet is good but the tokens are not interesting
put a real speed to the monster because they move really far and weird Mang chang / rhino beetle / Zeladoth / 5PID3R
put an intermediate jellyworm monster lvl50 / 70
put the weak / puny loots in the young / mature rhino we loot better armor on the little ones it's not normal
the craft is really bad
add a pet with special cyrene buff to win during a chain mission.
add larger Zyn Dos lvl
the paneleons are really ugly you should improve the aesthetics.
add 3 new Statue of the 3 best loots on cyrene which evolves according to who has the best HOF, this can be interesting as an approach on cyrene which already has statues of the colonists.
add better weapons L in loot

mmm... someone with a goooooooooooood loot wants a Statue :cheer:
I think the main problem is broken or unbalanced bps so we have no crafters and thus no economy. I think the BPs need a total redesign to be usable. The daily crafts are all I craft for other than a few rare clicks when someone wants cubes, bonding liquid, or power cells. There's no good BPs for things hunters or miners regularly use. The vendors are frustrating when people spend loads of time getting badges and they are empty and the lack of any good possible loots on wave events and big baddies is a turn off. I think making usable, craftable weapons and armor should be prioritized over shops...because cool..now I can buy the armatrix guns someone filled it with but what am I going to do with the loot I hunt with it? It's all generic or junk. And make them either efficient or weird weapon types so there is a market for them..dont just copy/paste other weapon lines. A line of clubs or actual combat whips or even craftable MF chips or gauss weapons would sell I'd the ingredients weren't super rare.

No new pets...fix the ones we have. My wolpintinger is in his 40s and is just a basic pet that was time consuming to get.

Cyrene has had several ideas in the past that were solid but never came through. I'd rather focus on those
I have carefully read all the comments, and honestly, what worries me the most is the codex integration.

a)There should be a grace period in order to finish old missions.

b)all mobs must be included (in calypso there are 3 mobs that are not there, and maybe some more).

c)Epic missions should not be touched since they are not part of the "iron mission" category.

d)Many of the current missions give as a reward attribute tokens, BP's, cyrene tokens ... as the codex seems not to take this into account, there should be an NPC that gives you these rewards when reaching a certain rank.

sure there are more details ...


New Member
a)There should be a grace period in order to finish old missions.

To be fair, we've already had about a year grace period since we learned the other planet partners would be doing this. It would be helpful to have a little notice to wrap up a current mission, but I don't think we need a full year like Calypso did at this point.


Well-Known Member
glad to see the people of cyrene surviving during these times.

i started again on caly for the simple reason that there is a functioning econ (and its where i last logged out).

people buy loot drops even if at low % there are lots of traders around to sell small stacks.

after a few days i found out about the daily mission on ark moon that gives 2ped in ammo for going to 10 checkpoints about 10-15 min using a spear and maze hammer and some clicking. they also have some puny mobs with 120-140% mu hides to swunt on the moon and its a short hop to sell the hides oils and exts on ark.

my main concern with with moving back to cyrene is the ability to sell my loot there with some mu rather than the tt or bothering with space since i dont have the ped to make that worthwhile and every % matters.

i mean i know/knew some ways to make mu on cyrene but that play style was... it got boring to be honest. not that swunting punies on the ark moon is totally engaging but getting 2ped in ammo a day on top of it is a nice short term incentive atm.

so work on getting crafters on cyrene to use up cyrene and universal mats on things that people on planet and off planet want to buy and use please.

this is coming from someone that hasnt been on cyrene in awhile so take with a grain of salt please if i have missed something in the Vu notes that i have not caught up on yet or anything else there is only so much i can read check a day tryin to catch up :)


Active Member
on the hub and clothes issue... Mindark DID make armor not decay on unequiping, and did make shops/apartments not require a monthly rental fee... maybe they can do something similar with clothes before long if a planet partner that owns the hub asks frequently enough? ;)

Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
Ребята кто подскажет подруливающе копья точка новая где под деревом нет

Hello Алексей!

If google is correct your language of choice is Russian. This is not a language I can support. However, it seems you're referring about the thruster for the spear mission. We have more details below.


This was, unfortunately, supposed to be fixed with the Mini Patch back in June, however there was an issue with it and it was not able to be deployed to live servers, so the fix did not get out.

Should be ready to go for the next PP VU.

TLDR; Still broke will be fixed soon.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
it is a pity that we cannot have an equivalent of the quad wing interceptor (L) with the design of the ships that we saw at sky labs tp

It's something that we're actively pursuing with MA, I hope that in the future it'll be a great vehicle to have.
