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Cyrene Dynamic Upgrade Map Discussion


Hello, i have decide to settle to Cyrene as main planet (i move a lot across the universe), i would like to know what we need to do to unlock somes shops(not booths) (as i would like to buy one). Also for the Land Area could you make something better then other planet like : 1 LA is : 5 and sell for 25%. I mean at the place to put out one Land area, make 5 from it (so 20% x5) and sell them for 25%. And dunno the player would can put only one DNA for exemple. It would mean more people can afford to take LA (as is not exist a share system for them) so that's mean also more people investisate to promote the planet. (+ you sell the total area for 125% in the end)

I'm not sure i have explain very well, as my english is poor, i hope you will understand the idea, and tell me if it's something you could realise.

Anyway in any cas, i'm happy to help to unlock somes new contents.

Best regards.


Hey Chris, what about some iron mission for the sprouted dire weed? Curently is the best sweat source and doesn't have any mission but the puny tempo.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Hey Chris, what about some iron mission for the sprouted dire weed? Curently is the best sweat source and doesn't have any mission but the puny tempo.

It's not a bad idea, I don't think it needs to be part of the Dynamic Upgrade though.

Has anyone found the 'old' magma cavern?

This is not currently in the game, this will be the Ngu Volcano Dynamic unlock.

  • Ngu Volcano
    • Level 1 – A dedicated spawn of Old Jack.
    • Level 2 – A new magma chamber opened to explore.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hello Haruto Rat,

Could this be clarified, please?

On one hand, the original write-up does not mention crafting at all; on the other hand, it'd be the easiest to switch to the area you want to advance.

I can expand on this a bit: crafting is sort of a split between hunting and mining: we know what people craft (via the reports we receive) but we don't know where they do their crafting so we split it based off of what the crafted items consist of: where the ore/enmatter is located/mined from and where the creature that dropped the loot used in crafting is located.

Let me give you an example: If you successfully craft a Medium Power Cell, you used Medium Grade Power Supply x32. That means someone had to kill either: Zeladoths, Zyn'Dos, Stalker Bots, SkyShatter Robots, Living Vortexes, Paneleons, or Imperium Pilots. So from crafting Medium Power Cells you'd provide a small increase to all areas with these mob spawns as we can't tell exactly where each crafter got their materials from. For some materials it's more specific, of course this is just one example.

While there is a fair amount of crafting happening on Planet Cyrene, although not compared to the hunting that take place on Cyrene, it typically accounts for approximately 1/4 of area increases on average.

Does this help explain things?



Well-Known Member
Let me give you an example: If you successfully craft a Medium Power Cell, you used Medium Grade Power Supply x32. That means someone had to kill either: Zeladoths, Zyn'Dos, Stalker Bots, SkyShatter Robots, Living Vortexes, Paneleons, or Imperium Pilots. So from crafting Medium Power Cells you'd provide a small increase to all areas with these mob spawns as we can't tell exactly where each crafter got their materials from. For some materials it's more specific, of course this is just one example.

So only native crafts count?
How would you calculate explosives, welding wire or sleipnir crafting?


Well-Known Member
  • Level 1 - Paneleon Kill Point mission. - Unlocked for the next PP VU.
Super ! I am happy to see that. Reward will be skills or items ?

  • Level 1 – Zyn’Nix come out of hiding with additional story and daily missions. - Unlocked for the next PP VU.
What is this Zyn'Nix ? A mob or a PNJ ? I cant wait :D

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I can say for sure they are not focused around tokens / vendors / etc.

The Zyn'Nix missions (along with the story) will be more akin to the Tempo missions in the Zyn Forest Area, although requiring more skill than the Tempo missions.



Hey guys,

I can say for sure they are not focused around tokens / vendors / etc.

The Zyn'Nix missions (along with the story) will be more akin to the Tempo missions in the Zyn Forest Area, although requiring more skill than the Tempo missions.


So they are..... Up Tempo? Get release out fast I wanna come back!

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hello Everyone,

You can view the latest Dynamic Upgrade Map here >>LINK<<

I know that it has been sometime since the last update for the Cyrene Dynamic Upgrade Map but we're preparing for the next PP VU so the map has been updated. There was a lot of experience and accumulation that has occurred from the last time until now and many areas have received a fair increase, with not only two level 2 unlocks but the final level 1 unlock AND our 2nd META unlock. Here's the break down.

Ngu Volcano: I have to attribute this large increase to the Divine Golem, as well as more players finishing the Stage Two Epic mission chain. Old Jack now has his dedicated spawn, he also won't spawn within the normal flesh ripper spawns anymore.

Mer Beach: This location has always been popular due to Merfolkens being involved in many of the missions on Cyrene as well as swamp lurkers being the unofficial mascots here. The ocean landscape will now be changed on the back side of the island where some new Undersea Merfolken will be introduced. Who knows what sort of secrets they might have?

Turrelion Desert: The home of the duster gang and the 2nd largest land area of the 10 zones, will now add a pvp free for all zone with spawned items. This area will NOT be like the Eve's Playground at 0x101 Supply Depot. The spawned items in this area will be more traditional rather than tying into something used in the Hub.

Miner Islands: From the ocean depths. a land deposit rich with resources has been dredged up beneath the Sky Labs. This meta unlock has been made possible because of the hard work and dedication of the players on Cyrene. This island is easily accessible and has a wide variety of resources. The mission chain that comes with this island is similar to the Test of Faith Missions.

I'll show off these areas a bit more in the coming VU Preview.

We're still working on best way to get this map into the game, as well as producing more frequent updates to it.



Well-Known Member
Youhouuu finally new things for the next PP VU :D
I hope you will put a dedicated mission for Fleshripper :p
About merfolken underwater, its a rich idea, i just hope we wil see new maturity or new variety of merfolken ^^

Do you know when the next PP VU will come ? Is it in december or January ?
