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Cyrene Dynamic Upgrade Map Discussion

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Just posted an update to the Dynamic Upgrade Map here: LINK

I wanted to post some details and developer notes about it as well here. So in no particular order:

The time between updates hasn't been... ideal for sure, and I'll take responsibility for that. Lilmc was always pushing me to put them out in a more timely manner, however, with the 2018 reports and the data that was extrapolated I think wouldn't have been impressive or impactful.

Which brings me to my next point: I know there are some players here who will be thinking, "Hey Kris, what gives? it's been over a whole year since the last update and the needle only moved X!" (December 2017 until January 2019)* And if anyone understands your plight, well brother, it's me. That being said, there simply was less activity in the majority of areas in 2018 (save for 2 regions which I'll touch on next). The breakdown is as follows:

· Ngu Volcano: Level 1 / 63% to Level 1 / 90% - Looking after this VU more incentive to come here.
· Imperium Fortifications: Level 1 / 97% to Level 2 / 39% - Decent movement.
· Robo Base Z.R.Q.: Level 2 / 01% to Level 2 / 72% - This one surprised me the most until I remembered Vouchers.
· Mer Beach: Level 2 / 46% to Level 3 / 15% - Jeez those Swamp Lurkers are popular
· Great Plains: Level 2 / 44% to Level 2 / 76% - Decent movement.
· Panton Jungle: Level 1 / 91% to Level 2 / 34% - Decent movement.
· Turrelion Desert: Level 2 / 46% to Level 2 / 87% - Decent movement.
· Zyn Forest: Level 2 / 18% to Level 2 / 63% - Decent movement.
· Ice Plateau: Level 1 / 61% to Level 1 / 92% - Looking after this VU for more interesting things to do here.
· Isle de Zel: Level 1 / 85% to Level 2 / 22% - Decent movement.

All the numbers for each zone got a flat % bonus to combat the 2017 numbers.
Black = A fair amount of improvement - on track
Red = The zone needs more things that players want to do there / get there.
Green = Flavor of the year, will see how to emulate that in other zones.

I think that it wasn't bad for some zones to really stand out, it's happened before, but these ones seemed borderline extreme. I can account for Robo Base Z.R.Q. but Mer Beach was quite surprising, I suppose that Swamp Lurkers are sort of the unofficial mascot of Planet Cyrene.

As for how the unlocks will work:

The Imperium Trials at Robo Base Z.R.Q. wave event will be an endless wave, and it will end up being the main source of Limited Weapon Vouchers (however if players don't want to participate then they will still have the current alternatives).

The Zeladoth wave event will take place on the Isle of Zel itself, and will have 8 waves. There will be a weekly mission associated with this wave for killing the final boss.

The Panton Jungle update will bring something new to kill, hurray! It should be a pretty standard affair, but probably better to have some kind of teaser so, here ya go:

Whos that planet cyrene.jpg

Lastly, the rank 3 unlocks will be updated on the main post, and I'll notify everyone here, when they are approved. I don't have a time frame for that yet but I thought it would be good to put it here. Again, I want to thank everyone for bearing with me while waiting for the updates to this map come out. I'll do my best to answer any and all questions about this map in this thread as I can.

A big thank you to all players who happily spend time on Planet Cyrene, you guys are the life blood that keeps everything chugging along. We're still working on the best way to get the map actually into the game and be able to update it, but for the next PP VU we'll put this map at a few places and update it along with the new content.


* NOTE: This was set to be released by the end of January 2019 but many of the Rank 3 unlocks are under review/pending, so it was late (Feb 8th 2019)


New Member
dumb question... can you see how much of that ice plateau progress was the jolly critters? also where does Alpha Tideclaw island count in the map upgrade?


Well-Known Member
If you look the areas on the map, i suppose the Alpha Tide claw Island in counted on Isle de Zele area.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

dumb question... can you see how much of that ice plateau progress was the jolly critters? also where does Alpha Tideclaw island count in the map upgrade?

I think it would be unfair to the other areas if all the event spawns counted towards Ice Plateau, it just ended up being the easiest area to do events in .

Alpha Tide Claw Island is part of the Isle de Zel area (tried to theme the areas by color in the map and in game so it's clear, I'll get the guys to work on it a bit to make it more clear for the future).

I have a question, do areas degenerate if not active enough?

Yes, that's the plan anyways, both Ice Plateau and Ngu Volcano have come close many times, but iirc we've only had one instance of stagnation which was put into the map and players did rally.
