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Cyrene Missions


A pixel guy
Are you sure? I just saw tide claws there (really small area too)
More than sure, I made a screenshot to correctly put the mob name on wiki;). Look at the mobs and the message about the mission.
Entropia 2012-05-03 15-44-15-68.jpg

It's a little island and there is nothing but these flying green things there (just visited the place again).


New Member
If that's not too much to ask would it be possible to make a note which missions are repeatable and which ones aren't? I'll be working my way through the list tonight anyway tvvm for it. :)


Well-Known Member
I think i already did for most on the wiki. As far as i remember basically all the mining ones are repeatable, the boss mobs you have to kill and the one at the point west teleporter


Hm, at least 2 options for marking/seperating repeatable missions:

1. Adding a "Repeatable" column to the existing table
2. Having 2 boxes, one for the one-time missions and one for the repeatable missions

The issue is that missions have too much data to display everything inside a forum post. Even on the wiki there's not enough space to display everything but there's a little more data available: http://www.entropiaplanets.com/wiki/Planet_Cyrene_Missions

Another related option I could imagine would be a thread for each mission or each mission chain to display everything including a complete walkthrough. That would be similar to the data in the creatures section. How about that?


New Member
Another related option I could imagine would be a thread for each mission or each mission chain to display everything including a complete walkthrough. That would be similar to the data in the creatures section. How about that?
I don't think its a good idea to have that for every mission Tass. However once we get the story/epic mission chains it would be good to have extra threads in place for those important ones. Having a thread for every tiny side mission would be a bit overkill I think.
If you click on the mission to see the detail, there is a 'repeatable' checkbox. I would say that mission that reward token are most likelly repeatable. Also, I would suggest a daily mission reset at a fixed hour, like 3 AM MA time, so every one can complete them 'daily'.


I've split the missions table simply by:
Non repeatable Missison and Repeatable Missions

Most of the non-repeatable missions didnt have the Repeatable Mission field filled in.

Non-repeatable missions should use the entry: Never
Repeatable missions should use one of: Until first completion, Every 4 hours, Every 24 hours

Additional options may be added but at the moment it seems all repeatable missions on Cyrene are Every 24 hours.

To fit within the forum tables the 'Destination' column could be removed and replaced with 'repeatable' to show what type of repeatable it is in which case the repeatable options may be shorted to fit in within the column.

(edited out misinformation due to poor eye sight, lol)


"Never" is now the default.

The "Repeatable" field is dropdown only, no chance to enter something else than the given values.

And I think as long as there's only one destination the destination column can be removed anyway.


A pixel guy
Are you sure that Psycidon and Halbird are repeatable? I killed 100+ merf at each spot twice today, got neither the missions nor messages about spawning (although they did spawn for sure, because there were other hunters who suddenly ran away, apparently to the spawn markers).



If you see any mistakes or emtpy fields by all means make adjustments as the wiki is open to all.

Ed Robles 3

Active Member
Firejuggler, those missions are currently on a 3 day timer, but they are being changed to 24 hours this patch on Tuesday since they are causing confusion.

Great work here btw, very impressed.