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Cyrene Missions


Cedric Jam
other question ! sorry :(

I talk with the "Drill Instructor", i kill the scout Bot .... But the mission isn't completed ? :(


Cedric Jam
ok thx, i go in the HUB :)

PS: thx for the answere very fast and sorry, i speak english like a spanish cow :)


Another 2 tokens in 1.

The bot kills for They're Taking out minerals! will count toward Destroy the Robot Menace provided you have activated the waypoint for Destroy the Robot Menace beforehand.

Both missions are repeatable in a 24hr period.


New Member
Guy's Mission (Gardener Guy) bugged: it shows wrong coordinates on radar (mission beginning not triggered), but that thread contain correct ones. But even after mission begin, killed "direweeds" not counted - 0/10.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Guy's Mission (Gardener Guy) bugged: it shows wrong coordinates on radar (mission beginning not triggered), but that thread contain correct ones. But even after mission begin, killed "direweeds" not counted - 0/10.

Hi Nikto :) The Guy's Mission is indeed on the list of fixed missions, but obviously something went wrong.

It should be fixed in the next upcoming view though.

Thanks for the heads up :thumbup:


New Member
I spendt some time figuring out this on my own so I will post this here:

First mission in chain is "Rude Awakenings"
..after you follow the chain you will stop at the first mission of "Drill Instructor"
..to continue you need to relog. (it is bugged)

...also I have done all missions now expept "Scary Hackfin" Long John Silvers dont want to talk with me :(

(yay my first post on this forum)


New Member
Live from the field: [P***r] lvl 47 robot?! F**K YOU!

He appeared upset. We all appreciate your efforts to balance the missions, the mobs and the storyline, but every VU some dramatic shift prevents a decent enjoyment of the gaming process. This time everything got bigger. This happened also when the planet opened, everything had huge HP and little damage, it felt like punching meatbags for minutes. Now everything has a strong bite too, but the AI is bugged and they try to roll over you, run around you and sometimes fail to damage you with close range attacks. The Den Mother is lvl 29 and the Zeladots in there are 14-17 also. Merfolken are now sprinkled with "Elite" versions with only lvl 8. Levels mean NOTHING AT ALL, because the lvl 8 Merfolken Elite is as hard to kill as a lvl 29 Den Mother. Lvl 6 robot? Two-shots. Lvl 6 tree dragon? 40 shots. There is absolutely no logic behind the maturities, levels, damages and distribution of difficulty throughout the mob species. And every VU everything changes all over the place, lack of consistency is anti-fun. Some missions are now very expensive to do, others are a piece of cake.

I don't really want to complain but it has been now almost a month and I'm not sure if you guys are still experimenting and require feedback or you lack a clearly defined plan based on what I assume existing MindArk documentation with proper design guidelines. We appreciate the fact that you opened the beta testing to everyone but becuase of the lack of balance, players are forced to exploit the advantageous half of the content and ignore the other half.


Travelling through time...
Don't look at those mob levels. You can't compare them to mob dmg or even HP. Look for example at Calypso Puny Caudatergus - 10HP - L1 - will hit you maybe every 10th or whatever time only. Now look at Arkadia's Carabok - 10HP - L10 - will hit you almost every 2nd or 3rd time. Doesn't matter how much HP or damage they do. It's just like an indicator of how much Evade you need to avoid them (just a theory).

And what is wrong with testing o_O We still get the same loot as we would killing other mobs. Also for the first time in my EU life I killed L74 mob solo - how cool is that? :headbang:


New Member
Don't look at those mob levels. You can't compare them to mob dmg or even HP. Look for example at Calypso Puny Caudatergus - 10HP - L1 - will hit you maybe every 10th or whatever time only. Now look at Arkadia's Carabok - 10HP - L10 - will hit you almost every 2nd or 3rd time. Doesn't matter how much HP or damage they do. It's just like an indicator of how much Evade you need to avoid them (just a theory).

And what is wrong with testing o_O We still get the same loot as we would killing other mobs.
Yes, but besides Carabok which has an inflated level, most of the other mobs on both planets have a good indication of difficulty based on level. And yes, you should be hunting level 6 mobs if you are lvl 6 laser sniper. How do you kill a merfolken elite at lvl 7 with an opalo... .. slowly?

Oh, and the lvl 6 merfolken dies in less than 5 shots.


Travelling through time...
And yes, you should be hunting level 6 mobs if you are lvl 6 laser sniper.
This doesn't make any sense at all. But anyway...I think it is good that they are testing everything slowly. I wouldn't want to be in a situation where I hunt 100HP mob which hits me with 40+ dmg and gives tt loot where at the same time someone else hunts 3kHP mob which does only 15 dmg and loots UL armors and items.