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Bug Report Cyrene Report Thread (14.2)

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
the mission completed text in mission log for '"improve" you "skills" says:

George is letting you something is up at the other a.r.c. base instead of:

George is letting you know something is up at the other a.r.c. base

Also swamp lurkers can still become invisable, but i guess that one is already known?

New title grammar Nazi :) kidding haha!


Well-Known Member
But something not related to spelling then: A bit later during the epic mission chain i had a 200 ped global!
Filled with 1 gun that had a max tt of 385 peds. Off course i was really happy because most guns i loot on cyrene don't do enough damage to my liking.

To my surprise the max damage of the Imperium HK grunt (L) is 9.0. That makes no sense for several reasons.

-the mobs it looted from won't even get a dent from the gun
-high level players won't use the gun because of the low damage
-low level players will tt the gun and spend the money on hunting low level mobs for days.

Solution would be to either increase the damage (to max 90?) or to lower the tt and make it drom from low level mobs.
Paradigm Pants Series 1 and 2, Paradigm Shoes Series 1 and 2 blueprints are Limited and should be unlimited, this will be corrected in the next VU.

Does this also apply to the Imperium Common and Noble BPs? I have looted some of those (not all yet) but it seems so far that the shirts are UL while the pants and shoes are L.

Chris Spencer Schmidt

Active Member
Should the font be wrong about?


Well-Known Member
I think i just got the text from craft a pattern shirt mission after finishing the craft ozpyn cold armor plate mission. Will check again after i loot some more cracked shells.

Ok i figured this one out, on the crafting missions when you finish one mission (but don't close the text popup) and move on to the next mission, the pop-up you would get for the new mission is actually the old text that you didn't close.


Well-Known Member
when handig the skilled messenger mission and progressing towards the next mission (i didn't find any spelling errors :)) Zorra tells story ends halfway and you have to talk to her again to continue the conversation.
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New Member
I don't think this has been discussed anywhere, I did use the search feature :)

The Ranked Psy-Sword (not to be confused with the Ranked Psy-Blade) for whatever reason has the look and usage effect of a Power Claw or something that uses the Brawler profession. I think this is an oversight because the Omegaton Power Claw Mentor Edition, and all powerfists, do not have a sound effect on my PC. All other melee types work fine on my PC but not Power Claw/Fist. Dunno if this same bug exists for everyone, however the important part is that the Ranked Psy-Sword also does not have a usage sound effect. This leads me to believe that the devs accidentally used the Ranked Psy-Blade graphics/sound for the Ranked Psy-Sword. I own 4 Ranked Psy-Swords right now and I also still get them confused with the Ranked Psy-Blade. I think this may have been a simple oversight.

For those of us that use melee, the look and effect of the blade is very important....

The Power Claw look and usage effect is undesirable on a long blade. This is a sword and as a result, it should have the look of a sword.... It should not look the same as a Ranked Psy-Blade, the Power Claw.

If there is not currently a design on the table for the Ranked Psy-Sword, perhaps I can lend some ideas...

Since the name is not Ranked Combat Sword, maybe it shouldn't simply be the big brother (in looks) to the Ranked Combat Knife. Perhaps instead, it could be the big brother in design to the Ranked Psy-Blade, using the blade graphics effect that it currently has, but expanded on and made into a proper long blade. However either way is fine... just as long its an actual sword.

Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
The discription on the A.R.C. Guardian Helmet (f) says improvments instead of improvements

I noticed the same spelling mistake on the
A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (M)
A.R.C. Guardian Arm Guards (M)
A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (F)

So i'm guessing the mistake is the same on all parts of both the male and the female set.
Also there is another mistake in the discription. It says inital instead of initial :)


Well-Known Member
On the blue crystals for Wilco mission, on the last page before accepting it, it says:

Bring me back 3 blue crystals. and i will reward....

It could be without the '.' or start the word and with an 'A' instead of an 'a'.
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Well-Known Member
Talking about the Blue crystals for wilco mission.

The mission is to find 3 blue crystal. The goal that gets displayed big in the screen however says i have to collect 5.
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Well-Known Member
Not sure if it's really a bug, but i noticed that the limited Imperium armor has a durability of 1952. On other planets the durability of limited armor is usually over 10k. When the durability is over 10k the lessened decay will cover some of the markup people have to pay for the armor.
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Imperium Braces (l) look funny and actually don't fit in the right armor slot.

these are braces:
View attachment 1947

Or maybe the bug is that there is a spelling error and it actually are bracers? :)

That pic is a hilarious addition to this bug report.

But I would not call that a bug. Bracer is a slang form of the word vambrace. Brace is a lesser known slang form of the same word.

Edit: To go even further in to the history of the word bras meant arm in Middle English, and the spelling was later changed to brace. So not only is Brace slang for vambrace, it also literally means arm (the slot this piece of armor happens to be in).


Active Member
But report:

Thoth is BUGGING me with all his useless knowledge!

There! Fix that Dev team! :p

On a more serious note... I have to do more testing but there may be an issue with some of the success rates of various BP's. Seem to get very few successes (especially on clothing) and a lot of "near success". This MAY be because you want to give back a lot of Basic Targeting Chips to keep MU high on them (great idea). But if eventually you burn them up and end up with no clothing from a 10 click maxed BP... it's no good.
Might want to consider maybe doubling the drop rate of the targeting chips, which would cut the MU in half but the kick back per hunt from looting them would be the same. Then give less "near success" so that the system will give out more "successes".
Now I could have just had several "dynamic" runs. Just seemed as though alot of near success means little/no successes.
Now it could be that Cyrene just wants to keep some clothing fairly rare.... in which case.... they've found a brilliant method to do it. When you do 10 clicks... get 0 successes but still end up with 60% of your basic targeting chips.... it's not a real bad scenario by any means.
So depending on the desires of the Cyrene team... it's possibly bugged, or working brilliantly as intended!

I question a lot of things loot wise on new planets because I know darn well MindArk doesnt' explain the loot in enough detail to PP's.
