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Bug Report Cyrene Report Thread (14.2)

Bras was the French word for arm (and still is).

That too is true, and it is where the middle English language got the word. But as far as my point that brace is a term that has been used for vambrace I felt my post went far enough. Sorry to any French speakers out there who feel I left them out of the etymology of the word.


Well-Known Member
success rates of various BP's. Seem to get very few successes (especially on clothing)

getting kinda frustrated with having to click series 1 tt shirts 10 times to get a success for the daily... but that might just be me...


Active Member
getting kinda frustrated with having to click series 1 tt shirts 10 times to get a success for the daily... but that might just be me...
Yeah, it may not be a bug but in EU we never really know for sure as loot distribution must remain secretive for obvious reasons. So I figured I'd mention it just in case.



Well-Known Member
Edit: To go even further in to the history of the word bras meant arm in Middle English, and the spelling was later changed to brace. So not only is Brace slang for vambrace, it also literally means arm (the slot this piece of armor happens to be in).

Lol :)
Still I think it's more likely that it's a spelling mistake then that the cyrene development team is into Middle English spelling :)

Chris Spencer Schmidt

Active Member

What is missing here?:D


Well-Known Member
on the stage 2: squash the invadors mission there should be a space after the mission objective (in front of the mission counter).


Well-Known Member
on the 'a tale of legends' mission the text says:

destroying anything or anyone in there way. It should be destroying anything or anyone in their way.

on the next page of this mission it says revear, i think you mean revere here.

On the 'summon the gladiator' mission (still in the text from questgiver) it says i have to kill Mefolken instead of Merfolken.

On the final screen of the questgiver text it gives you the option:
no I'm not erady... should be: no I'm not ready...

Description on Zyn'Dos blood says it is from slain soliders instead of soldiers, a common spelling error in cyrene (unless soliders really means something and i'm missing it).


New Member
I don't want to be a pest about this but...

Is there any information available on what will be done with the Ranked Psy-Sword so that it doesn't look and function like the Ranked Psy-Blade? Again, one uses the Swordsman profession and the other uses the Brawler profession. As a result, the "Longblade" should not look like and function like a power-claw.

Its actually a big deal because it caused a mishap in trade between two people today. One person thinking they were selling a power-claw and the other, who flew in from a different planet, also thought he was buying a power-claw. They ended up reversing the trade.

Like Handgun and Rifle, its two completely different professions.

Additionally, on the Ranked Psy-Sword, the Skill Increase Bonus doesn't start until level 42 whereas with the Ranked Combat Knife it starts at level 35, the Ranked Psy-Blade (power-claw) starts at level 35, the Ranked Flame Thrower starts at level 35, the Ranked HK1750 also starts at level 35. All of those items do the same DPS and have the same eco with no amps or enhancers.

From a balance perspective, I don't see a reason why the Ranked Psy-Sword should be singled out and put at a higher skill level. At its present DPS level, relative to other Cyrene weapons, it should be a level 35 blade.

If, for whatever reason, Mindark needs it to be a level 42 blade, then it should also do a DPS level expected with that high of a skill requirement which would put it closer to a Ranked Scorpion. Also to point out, Arkadia with their MAKO FAL-5 Smuggler is at a DPS and eco rate very similar to the Ranked Psy-Sword and the skill requirement for that blade starts at only level 24.6... Level 35 is fine because I do understand how this stuff balances but level 42 is unreasonable at this DPS level.


I don't want to be a pest about this but...

Is there any information available on what will be done with the Ranked Psy-Sword so that it doesn't look and function like the Ranked Psy-Blade? Again, one uses the Swordsman profession and the other uses the Brawler profession. As a result, the "Longblade" should not look like and function like a power-claw.

Its actually a big deal because it caused a mishap in trade between two people today. One person thinking they were selling a power-claw and the other, who flew in from a different planet, also thought he was buying a power-claw. They ended up reversing the trade.

i know what u mean, and i would prefer the sword looking like a sword too. but not because someone mi-traded. then MA would have to look each FAP different also, because a Fap 90 and a mod fap look same too.

Just 150 K ped difference in Price :)


Dave Neuromancer
Can I get a harder landing area at Setter Dock when using a tp chip? Nine times out of 10 I tp either onto the sloping side of the platform which has a 1.5m vertical wall, or I end up in the water. Either way I have to run/swim to the shore or hit T to move what amounts to 2m.


Can I get a harder landing area at Setter Dock when using a tp chip? Nine times out of 10 I tp either onto the sloping side of the platform which has a 1.5m vertical wall, or I end up in the water. Either way I have to run/swim to the shore or hit T to move what amounts to 2m.

ya... annoying, even if u can jump up out of the water.


New Member
i know what u mean, and i would prefer the sword looking like a sword too. but not because someone mis-traded. then MA would have to look each FAP different also, because a Fap 90 and a mod fap look same too.

Just 150 K ped difference in Price :)

I disagree with your point.

A Fap-90 and a Mod Fap both are Faps that heal people and they both use the Paramedic profession... beyond that its the responsibility of the user to read the title of the item, just like a Katsuichi Valor vs Katsuichi Determination.

A more accurate comparison is: If a MindForce Regeneration Chip looked and functioned exactly like a Fap-90, even though they both heal the avatar, they are completely different. Imagine if they both also had a similar name. An avatar is going to have the skills for one and not the other, or is either going to want to be active in skilling Paramedic or Biotropic.

The Ranked Psy-Blade is currently the highest level and highest DPS item that uses the Brawler profession. People skill melee for the purpose of increasing strength, HP and total skill points. Unlike Rifle and Handgun, the Longblades, Shortblades, Power Fist, and Whipper skills do not give HP. Instead its the supportive skills that add HP through the melee professions, with Melee Combat being the primary one. It gives 1 HP for every 533 skill points and out of all the melee professions, the Brawler profession increases Melee Combat the fastest.

So in summary, MindForce chips both look and function completely differently than a Fap-90... so should a Longblade vs a Power-Claw

Moreover, perhaps the name of the Ranked Psy-Blade should be the Ranked Psy-Claw


Active Member
Seems like the paneleons are too close when fighting.. i find myself inside their head alot, shooting out of their ass..


New Member
Mine up Iridium Ore! mission bugged out for me. i found a IV claim (1.25 ped) of Iridium, the part of the quest to find it updated, however it didnt register me extracting it. i will go attempt to find another claim after abandoning and re-accepting it to verify issue and update post after i find one.

as of retrying the mission it worked fine, so i dont know what cause my original issue.


New Member
Mine up Iridium Ore! mission bugged out for me. i found a IV claim (1.25 ped) of Iridium, the part of the quest to find it updated, however it didnt register me extracting it. i will go attempt to find another claim after abandoning and re-accepting it to verify issue and update post after i find one.

as of retrying the mission it worked fine, so i dont know what cause my original issue.

I had exactly the same problem earlier this week, also with Iridium. But I didn't abandon the mission, I just kept mining for another claim. And while extracting that 2nd claim, the mission completed.