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Wish List Ecotron camping - The problem/improvements


Active Member
Fair enough about the camping
the boting was not relevant. That was from the misunderstanding.

Of course if you have proof of boting send it to PP and MA support and Don't reply (with it) to this thread.


Fair enough about the camping
the boting was not relevant. That was from the misunderstanding.

Of course if you have proof of boting send it to PP and MA support and Don't reply (with it) to this thread.

Although they are almost the same thing Boting is far more relevant then Camping as it is against ToU. Camping can always be argued as not doing anything against the agreed ToU. Many that camp are most likely boting so yeah very relevant when discussing camping.

And please if anyone has prove of people boting the npcs do share on this thread and report to MA. :thumbup:
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Well-Known Member
Although they are almost the same thing Boting is far more relevant then Camping as it is against ToU. Camping can always be argued as not doing anything against the agreed ToU. Many that camp are most likely boting so yeah very relevant when discussing camping.

And please if anyone has prove of people boting the npcs do share on this thread and report to MA. :thumbup:
How can this possibly happen?
Mouse recording?


How can this possibly happen?
Mouse recording?

Yeah there are so called macros that you can use to create bots, its pretty simple as well. So its a potential problem, super hard to prove if someone is using that in the HUB but I guess its much easier for the PP/Ma to see it.


How can this possibly happen?
Mouse recording?

Very valid point. Its easier to spot a bot when ,lets say, hunting than when camping. If it wasnt hard to prove some of the alts in Proving Grounds that "live" there 24/7 would have been gone by now...hopefuly.
How can this possibly happen?
Mouse recording?

Doing it in a known problem area is about as smart as getting drunk in front of a police department. (Of course, there are some people who'd still do it :D) There aren't great many clicks being done in the area, so it shouldn't be hard for MA to check everyone at once.

IMHO, baseless "botting" accusations and swamping the supports with reports on everyone someone happens to dislike are a much bigger problem than actual botting.

A "we're watching" statement from MA could probably be useful though.
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Active Member
Is this suddenly the most active thread that Cyrene has seen in a long while? It would be ironic if it was bots doing all the talking ;)!
Anyway, my take on this is that it is negative for the game to have an area where spending lots of time there passively will provide a potential reward and make it less likely that usually active players who stop by will get one.

Not a serious idea - but if raffle tickets (or ticket fragments) were added to loots and as "out of the ordinaries" in mining finds, people could stop by every now and again to check if their tickets had won, but otherwise get on with other activities. You might say the item could just be put in the loot in the first place, but I think getting ticket fragments you could refine into a whole ticket would make it easier to spread a 'loot chance' of an item across activities more evenly - and you may even be able to choose which prize you would like to try for (which you cannot do when getting normal loots). ... ok, maybe I do mean it as a serious idea Kris :)


Active Member
Is this suddenly the most active thread that Cyrene has seen in a long while? It would be ironic if it was bots doing all the talking ;)!
Anyway, my take on this is that it is negative for the game to have an area where spending lots of time there passively will provide a potential reward and make it less likely that usually active players who stop by will get one.

Not a serious idea - but if raffle tickets (or ticket fragments) were added to loots and as "out of the ordinaries" in mining finds, people could stop by every now and again to check if their tickets had won, but otherwise get on with other activities. You might say the item could just be put in the loot in the first place, but I think getting ticket fragments you could refine into a whole ticket would make it easier to spread a 'loot chance' of an item across activities more evenly - and you may even be able to choose which prize you would like to try for (which you cannot do when getting normal loots). ... ok, maybe I do mean it as a serious idea Kris :)

Okay if there are ticket fragments looted I would like it if all cyrene mob of all maturities have some very very slim chance and that might create interests in hunting everything?
Of course ticket fragments must be tradeable/sellable.
What if instead of choosing at vendor maybe there could be multiple types of tickets one for v.15 and another v.26, etc.
And perhaps some separate ticket fragments types are for UL ecotron, but have the majority for the (L) ecotron?

Many ideas have been brought up in this topic.
But that doesn't mean Kris / Team Cyrene have to use any of them on ecotrons... could use those ideas for other things too. :)


Been away for a while and also sold almost everything and made myself a nice "self made HOF" of 12K PED of which i've withdrawal and which i got just in time for summer :beerchug:

Stopped with the badge collecting since my last post here(a few monthe ago).
There's no need for me to collect something i can't use anyway :HellNo: lol
So to read it's all still the same with these weapons.


New Member
So I am new to Cyrene, but what the hell did I just farm 200 badges for? There is a whole bunch of ecotrons on the vendor, cause vouchers don't actually drop lol. Besides, I already farmed for badges, why do I now need to farm for something completely new, that has one in a million chance of dropping? That's a lot of fun.

I can cycle my PED on a planet where I don't end up TT'ing most of the loot, cause its mark up is too low to bother moving to Caly in small quantities, and nobody will buy it locally.

MA doesn't like changing items? Fine, leave the existing ecotrons alone, remove them from vendor, put in new guns, call em noobatrons. They have the exact same stats, but are untradable. Now people who have worked on the badges can get noobatrons, and all those who already own ecotrons can keep reselling theirs.

That hub reward vendor was one thing that attracted me to Cyrene, and I am pretty sure is a great way to attract players in general. And right now its its a slap in the face.


Sandal San Tolk
So I am new to Cyrene, but what the hell did I just farm 200 badges for? There is a whole bunch of ecotrons on the vendor, cause vouchers don't actually drop lol. Besides, I already farmed for badges, why do I now need to farm for something completely new, that has one in a million chance of dropping? That's a lot of fun.
Sure looks a bit convoluted but it's the result of a compromise. At least this is better than the eternal frustration of people who were made to believe they're actually entitled to something for coming with their badges. Now you can consider it the other way around -- if you ever have the luck of looting such a voucher, you have the additional but straightforward task of collecting the required number of badges to convert it. If there was no other purpose for getting the badges that is, but this is a seperate question.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you about Vouchers. But it seems they work on this problem. We have to wait, we just need to know how many time we have to wait :)


New Member
Sure looks a bit convoluted but it's the result of a compromise. At least this is better than the eternal frustration of people who were made to believe they're actually entitled to something for coming with their badges. Now you can consider it the other way around -- if you ever have the luck of looting such a voucher, you have the additional but straightforward task of collecting the required number of badges to convert it. If there was no other purpose for getting the badges that is, but this is a seperate question.

How is that a compromise? I understand the frustration of competing with the botters down there, but you could at least grab a limited version of the weapon. Now even those require the vouchers.... like why? Why not leave L versions as just shrapnel?

As far as entitlement... If I have an option of going to Caly/Ark, and actually be rewarded for some daily grind activity, why would I want to hang around Cyrene where all I get is to run around in my underwear in what looks like doom 1 dungeon and look at vendors I can't buy stuff from.


Sandal San Tolk
How is that a compromise? I understand the frustration of competing with the botters down there, but you could at least grab a limited version of the weapon. Now even those require the vouchers.... like why? Why not leave L versions as just shrapnel?

As far as entitlement... If I have an option of going to Caly/Ark, and actually be rewarded for some daily grind activity, why would I want to hang around Cyrene where all I get is to run around in my underwear in what looks like doom 1 dungeon and look at vendors I can't buy stuff from.
I'm not entirely disagreeing, just thought it was helpful to fill in that bit of history since you said you're new on Cyrene. It seems that MA's balance manager had a problem with the originally intended design, including the availability of a limited weapon for literally no markup. The daily tokens on Caly you have to keep grinding since they are consumed when you exchange them for stuff, on Arkadia the special items only loot inside of instances you can access after you qualified for it, while the ARC Badges need to be acquired only once to give a permanent entitlement to something which afterwards requires no more effort or luck. If it was never meant this way, then at least it got lost in translation and people came to expect it. So the current state is what was found permissible for the time being.