Whatever needs to happen it needs to happen quickly!!!!
As it was mentioned before by other people the current system is faulty as hell and need improvement. We were all gathering badges from day 1 for the rewards, the armor reward that was provised was later dropped due to a "mistake" been made. Now the way the guns are being released ingame is not fair. No doubt it favours campers and people that have no life other then play EU from dusk till dawn. IMO one gun per player seems to be the better option no doubt, but how to regulate this?How to make sure people will not just create Alts and get their hands on loads of guns and ressel?
As we discuss this and Cyrene team takes their time ironing things out, we normal people with a life, jobs, family that are not able to play EU for 24/7 have little or no hope to get the reward we were promissed, whilst others (although not doing nothing wrong apart from camping their ass off) get their hands on the guns. Two guns for the same person is like 10k in the pedcard easily, for doing what? Like others have said camping is now being rewarded not the loyal players of Cyrene, although Florian has been around Cyrene for time now its not right that only a certain few get the gun.
Even more because its the normal people that depo to play the game as they have limited time to play and most rather do more exciting things rather then staring at an NPC all day and night. Being a player that deposits I do not feel its right for someone i.e. that does not depo at all but just turned in sweat to get the badges and gathers lime tokens to sell in order to buy shrapnel and then camps to get a UL gun that can then sell for 4k ped. To be honest its unfair situations like this that lead players to leave Cyrene and never come back.
Well said

And i have done some more research on these hub stuff and i see that the armor is not the one it used to be

Yes, i've read that it was a mistake that is why it has been removed which doesn't make any sense to me, mistake is that it has been removed.
It was one just like the Viceroy(char bound) so why is it removed

I do like Cyrene for the fact that the Bots and Mobs drops are pretty nice, not talking return wise(which is pretty good too) but it's not just ammo and shrapnel.
And if there's something that really bugs me out is ammo/s-crap-nell loot only

So in my case, i'm thinking about forgetting about the whole badges thing and just hunt what i feel like when i'm in game
And of course i'll keep an eye on this one to see how it develops in regards to the UL stuff(bound or not) in the hub